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This is call to all who are ready for the end, not for one, or a group, but to our race. Death not

of disease, or mass murder, or suffering in general, but a quick death to all. Call on this death,

pray for, will it, meditate on it. This world is not of peace, it is pain, and suffering. Let us all

receive the void, every person. No tears will have to be shed, no one will be missed, no one left behind.



Woo-hoo let's all die then. There are no consequences, collective suicide is the way, infringing the free will of others is synonym of enlightenment. Hail Satan!



Don't need to feel bad about people who are not alive.



last night I dreamt I kissed both life and death in the form of two godess's


Dude it worked we are all dead


Death is but the other side of life. T. Atkinson Frogs



Who know, but this is a faith based movement, whatever is after this might be better, I hope.



Both are good gifts, but death is the gift that keeps on giving.



well so does life

For certain is death for the born

And certain is birth for the dead;

Therefore over the inevitable

Thou shouldst not grieve.




What want to end the cycle, to be erased entirely/


Or we can continue our journey. Don't be a pussy. We've come this far and billions have died to get to where we are. Lets work towards a better tomorrow instead. That's what im meditating for.


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le ebin maymay lord 8 ball

should we summon death?


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You can't have death without life just as you cannot have life without death. It is my hope that at some point you will understand that this life is precisely what it is like to be dead, that there have been billions who have died before and yet here this world is, as bizarre and normal, as robust and withered, as positive and negative as it has ever been. Just as the end of your consciousness is not the end of consciousness itself, the end of this world will not be the end of all worlds, and the end of all worlds is but the beginning of another.

The cosmic self, the ultimate suchness which is inherent to everything (including the void of nothing, which is precisely the same as everything), is beyond the context of death and life. Death and life are contextual, provisional, forms of illusion and artifice. When you forget the bubble-thin skin of your ego, death will cease to be any threat at all, and life will similarly no longer threaten you with aches and pains. Remember that optimism and pessimism are both half-truths that are dependent upon contrast with the other. Neither one on its own will get you where you wish to go.






If only kikes were your only problem.



Who knows true reality, or if it conforms to dualism like that, I don't.



This thread is not a maymay, it is real, summon death on this world.


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Many people mistake understanding the root of reality (suchness) with "grasping" the whole sum of knowledge about the endless manifestations of suchness. This is impossible, a fool's goal designed to be unattainable so that the person seeking it can constantly be seeking and feel some sense of accomplishment when the barest scrap of technical understanding is achieved. There's some nobility in actually learning the underpinnings of the material world, and studying things so out of the realm of everyday experience does, as Marcus Aurelius said, "purge away the filth of the terrene life." However, to mistake this for understanding of and especially oneness with the suchness of the universe is a grave mistake indeed.

When I say that someone might understand the suchness (tao, but 'tathata' and 'brahman' also work just as well) of reality, I am not talking about knowing as an omniscient god would, but about understanding that the universe is so, that we see by contrast, and that what is so often presented as dualism (often falsely painted as being absolute) is in fact simply the harmony of things, a means of illustrating that one cannot have black without white.

Specifically in this case, 'death' is a state which is necessarily in contrast to the state of life, and life similarly is in contrast to death. Before there was life, there was no death, no concept of dying, no thought of what it would be like to experience no experience, or to not be. These are contrasts which arose only out of the state of being alive, but before that, no planet, star, galaxy, cluster, universe ever lamented to itself that it was not alive. Eventually on your journey you may come to a point where life and death cease to have meaning to you, where the state of the body you now inhabit seems to be no more than part of a dynamic system, a continuation of the world around it. In that moment, the threat of death becomes a funny joke (I mean it really honestly does, I'm not exaggerating, you'll laugh).


Why not receive and take in the void and go on living because you are just a machine anyway?



That's all quite relative, though. A person is a dynamic system, a very complex biochemical machine (as a biochemist I can personally attest to the tremendous amount of work that goes into understanding the nature of the body, and the utterly mind-bogglingly large amount of work left to do, easily dwarfing what we know so far), but depending on your definition, a machine (at least as made by man) is simply a biochemical process removed from its reproductive roots.

However, biochemistry aside, your advice, to take in the void and yet continue on, is in its own way perhaps the most excellent advice that could be given here. To lend immediacy to one's loss of ego is to attain a particularly profound understanding of the universality and timeless nature of suchness.



Because we are not machines? If you truly took in void your eyes wouldn't be so narrow HURR DURR YUR PROLLY ASIAN. But in all seriousness, void is a great tool but everyone misinterprets it. Void is more of unrealized potential while Aether is fully realized potential. There are inbetween states as well obv.

If we were just machines though you wouldn't have the free will you get to discuss about with other people on an internet forum that was created for the purpose of discussion. If we were nothing but machines, we'd strive for nothing but efficiency. In our case, we strive for finding the self within this localized physical chaos realm we dive into from the upper planes. Being in spirit is easy, but doing is different when you just PING…….. So we learn to burn. 420blazeitfaggot


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I suppose I see what you're saying, machines are part of our extended phenotype. Saying we are machines was an allusion, these things are difficult to express and I have not mastered the discourse.


I don't honestly believe in individual free will or self, it's a language from which I've become estranged, for me there is one self and one Will. It animates me and I intend now to live in harmony with and by it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to the lizard.



How do you know? this why I think it is better the we take leap of faith into death, everything else might be a leap of faith for all we know, but maybe this one will end it all, who knows. But as long as we are awake, we need to make choices, I think it should be to die.



>void and go on living

" Life is suffering ", to quote the Buddha. Why do people meditate? because they want to not be of this world, this world at its core seems to be foreign to our comfort, it best leave.



The stories of creation are more like the story of your own god.

God is more of a force that exists through out the universe, probably not conscious. We are "god's children". The One Will you speak of is creation, plain and simple. And we are given the gift of being able to define our own godself in the process. You could live forever if you want, do anything you want, or return to the void, it doesn't matter.

Step away from the machine aspect and try to define yourself, and then refine that.

Imagine beings dipping aspects of themselves into the waters of chaos. To survive down there you must find what for has a better survival rate. Then once you exit those conditions you are stronger and more durable. Chaos is a tool for refinement, enjoy it while you're here.



How do I know? Because it is self-evident. Contrast, the yin and yang, is one of the few truly self-evident things in this world. Can you have a mountain without a valley? Can you have a crest without a trough, or half a breath? If I painted a white figure on a white background, would you see it?

Beyond that, death is many things more than the permanent cessation of bodily processes. It is a conception, a linguistic/cultural idea which is by its nature placed in contrast to the state of being alive.

Statistically speaking, it is basically impossible that we are the only planet with life, and if you look into physics, the concept of this universe being the only universe or reality seems extremely far-fetched. Physically speaking, it's not only possible but probable that this is one of essentially infinite universes, and there's always the chance that this universe's death will result in the birth of another (the big bounce) if gravity overcomes the other forces in the end. Even if it didn't, we now know that universes come into existence. There's nothing stopping another universe from coming into being. With this as a context, death is really a very petty thing, the cessation of one instance of a running pattern which comprises a species.

Death is not even the end of your body. Your atoms will be recycled by other forms of life and by natural processes (assuming you are buried and rot) until eventually, with time, your atoms will be again scattered throughout the universe, as they were when they were created from fusion in the hearts of stars themselves. Death as a concept is absolutely dependent upon the ego which faces it. In reality, there is no atom in your body which can be said to be alive or dead, no protein which is living or has thoughts. It is as an aggregate that these things arise, so life and death are manifestations and not roots. All these processes are contextual; get rid of the context and you get rid of the problem. Simply scrapping this life and starting over is no solution.


>Why do people meditate? because they want to not be of this world

I believe you may be new to meditation, or else your meditation is quite different from mine. It is not to escape this world, quite the opposite; it is to let go of that which separates our experience from the experience of the core of reality. It is, in fact, to remember that even this separation is illusory, a wild and bizarre playing out of things that masquerades as suffering and pain. If you should wish to take the leap into death, know that there is no cosmic punishment for suicide, nor is it some grand failure, but neither is it a victory, triumph, or relief. As with all things, it is a change.



Yea, I just love reading word walls, anyway. It goes without saying that I am not talking about life in general, but the ego.

>I believe you may be new to meditation, or else your meditation is quite different from mine. It is not to escape this world, quite the opposite; it is to let go of that which separates our experience from the experience of the core of reality. It is, in fact, to remember that even this separation is illusory, a wild and bizarre playing out of things that masquerades as suffering and pain. If you should wish to take the leap into death, know that there is no cosmic punishment for suicide, nor is it some grand failure, but neither is it a victory, triumph, or relief. As with all things, it is a change.

Which would be death, in that there is existence with suppressed ego, as there is in death " maybe ". I am well aware of change, but change can happen in many ways, hopefully not by making my atoms back into an ego, or of those of who die in this ritual as well.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You choose death just as well as you chose life.



So maybe the puppeteer will cut his cords.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are very funny.



Apparently " I " am not.



In absence of Sleazy and Balance, Tibet is god.


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It's better that everyone suffer as much as possible for as long as possible.

There is a reason we are here, in constant agony. It is a noble thing to accept and administer as much suffering and torment as possible in your short time here.


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Egos say the darnedest things.


I didn't make this thread to a bunch of pseudo-enlightened Lovecraft fans, or anybody who claims knowledge of reality. This is only a faith based movement, it has nothing to with real knowledge. Also are the mods going to take down these guro porn posts? some of us are trying not to watch guro, or porn.


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> are the mods going to take down these guro porn posts?



>implying there are mods

>implying the mods aren't the ones responsible for the shitposting



>Also are the mods going to take down these guro porn posts? some of us are trying not to watch guro, or porn.

Just checked the thread for porn, don't see any porn, and if I did see any I would have only spoilered it.


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