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When will you be joining the war to purge reptilians and greys from our star system /fringe/?

See also: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_19a.htm


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>will you be joining the war to purge reptilians and greys from our star system /fringe/?



Aren't the reptilians & greys just a symptom of a larger problem?



What problem might that be? Negative resonance soul matrixes that need a cleansing?



> Negative resonance soul matrixes that need a cleansing

possibly. though I was thinking more along the lines of greys and reptilians being the tool of yet a greater 'villain' (demiurge type of shit)

> p-pls be gentle, I'm still pretty new to all this



just externalization of people's issues when it comes to keeping their reptilian brain tamed.




Yeah they are 4th density (quasi-physical) and subject to 5th density (non-physical) demonic entities. Montalk on the negative STS hierarchy (http://montalk.net/about/143/e-mail-qa):

I have a question which is kind of unrelated: Regarding the “Negative Aliens” and the “Illuminati”; who’s ultimately in charge? I’m assuming there’s a hierarchy. If I recall correctly, the Reptilian Aliens report to the Nordic Aliens, which means the “Nordics” must be atop the Pyramid, with the Illuminati being “third in command” under the Reptilians and Nordics.

That’s one version, yes, and it makes the most sense to me. I think it works something like this:


Demonic overlords (5D negative)

Nordic occult overlords (lower 5D negative)

Nordic crusaders and Mantis beings (upper 4D)

Lower demonic minions (astral)

Reptilian Minions and other negative aliens (lower 4D)

Grays, which are genetically engineered robots (semi 4D/3D)

Upper Illuminati (occult, possessed, secret society people) (3D, a little 4D)

Shadow Government (underground bases, ultra-black ops military)

Lower Illuminati (political elite, Bilderbergers, etc.)

Open secret societies (freemasons and so on)

State/local government, corporations, university systems, etc.


So that’s top to bottom, except each thing can influence each thing below it. So for instance one could have demonic entities influencing people at the local level.


I must have been abducted then:

>Whether your particular vulnerability is

> over-eating

> substance abuse (especially crank or crystal meth which is the drug of choice of the dark gods)

> promiscuity

> love obsessions et al.,

I really don't get the anger for the aliens species. It's not like all of them are working to enslave us and some are pretty chill to talk to. As I stated in another thread: They are much more intelligent than your average human. Them interacting with us is like us interacting with dolphins.

If you are a weak person, lack intelligence and afraid of spiders, of course the aliens will have a joy toying with you. The first thing man needs to do is conquer fear, until then he is not living.

>inb4 reptilian shill.



These basically all apply to my private life and I'm bretty okay with it so long as I'm not sliding backward, get in touch with your animalistic side occasionally. I like to balance the Reptilian influence with a healthy amount of Mantid energy.


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>Thinks that reptilians are metaphors for human behavior.

They exist. They live on this planet. They are spiritually adept. Here's a picture that resembles one with correct color hue.

>Being this new.


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Next image will be the same but it will be upside down.


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This statement is an absurdity, for there are no illegal feelings. In a reading, this card may indicate that you are experiencing a negative emotion which will disappear when you realize negativity is not necessary. Focus attention on your feelings and experiences-get in touch with yourself.




Shut up you shitposting sandnigger.



I never said they were metaphors for human behavior.


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Fuck off kike



some people say bp is bullshit some say it's legit - so far they have a lot of gnostic content written as if it where fact… : /



Reptilians are more scared of you than you are of them.

I remember a story about a trained magician accidentally running into one on the street who was using some psychic disguise to appear as a human. When the reptilian realized he could see through the disguise, he looked like he was about to shit himself and ran away.

I think it was a post on sacred-magick.org or possibly a similar forum if anyone's interested in the whole story. Don't have a link though.


i fucking hate those fucking kikes





i've seen disinfo multiple times i dont trust them

also i dont trust anything that says its only the jews


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Fuck off back to POL with the jew stuff, its mundane political crap. This is a board for metaphysics not politics.



>jew stuff, its mundane political crap.

Beneficent goy.



he is actually right though. It is political, and it is mundane because of that.




it's mixed subject, I think it shouldnt be talked here but recognized. Even if politics is mundane it should still be understood


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/pol/, for the most part, rejects hyperdimensional politics/warfare so that leaves it rather firmly in our realm as it is both conspiracy and metaphysics.

Also never forget this place was founded by those willing to go into the beyond in search of truth.

The universe does not end at matter, why should evil?



>implying politics don't integrate metaphysical and the occult in our current age

>go crawl back under the rock you came from

Also, youre using that image wrong. Energy goes where attention flows, but theres people in this world who are already giving attention to specific ideas. Not like ignoring someone else's thoughtform keeps it from finding other sources of energy aside from its primary source.

>cut the head off the snake

>ignoring a snake doesn't make it go away


Gotta be like Thoth and find the word to utter to send these lower entities back to their depths.

They are not above us, could likely be lower in dimensionality.

Another trick is that they were here first. No, they are parasites.

They need to be squashed. Their human hybrids, too.

Some abo once told me that this planet is our dimension. We can alter this dimension any time because those laws are in our hands. They are invading our dimension, remember that.


Want to realize how retarded reptilians are?


Caution, this site will also make you hate women most likely. (I believe women were altered with some type of reptilian sympathetic resonance.)

Lol try imagining these beings being 'above' you. Our genetics are superior, as well as our emotions.

And allow me to reiterate: They like to say they were here first. Not to be trusted, as they are masters of dissimulation.

Thoth says they were brought from below in The Emerald Tablets.

What a twisted web. At the same time we cannot ignore our own reptilian tendencies.


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And we should not hate anything, as that is weakening.

Yet, they want to exploit what we have. Be it our supreme genetics, or the metagene, or Kundalini.

That is what needs to be understood and striven towards.



Thoth was talking about the naga serpent people, the dogons speak of em too - africans say if you got spotted by a reptoid you had to haul ass to your loved one and make actual pure love, if it was fake they would kill you both on the spot.

>i believe women were altered with…

That's very stupid.

this whole human species present today was altered down from an androgynous primeval template.

>personally i believe 90% of info on reptoids is madeup shit or david ike's bullshit.

look into the naga serpent people

also check out world of warcraft's history and lore, that and diablo is made by blizz - a masonic company owned by ACTIVISION. all their shit is mostly based on lovecraft+tolkien which they themselves where occultist and lovecraft's shit is pretty much 95% of everything horror scifi or paranormal futuristic etc, they all used his stuff.

at oxford tolkien said his shit was history 6500 years ago.

minotaurs, centaurs, chimeras, genetic experiments.

(see how nefarian genetically engineered dragonkins and the such )

>lets drop all the truthbombs in guise of entertainment so as to render them silly.

Look into the Ethiopian bible.



>africans say if you got spotted by a reptoid you had to haul ass to your loved one and make actual pure love, if it was fake they would kill you both on the spot.

for what pvprose? are these beings on the same level spiritually/technologically to us, i.e. 3rd density?


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Lol didi why do women display such base tendencies, then? Hmmmm? Did you read the link and how that woman loves to get fucked by overbearing reptilians? They refer to her as "eggs" and she loves it! LOL!

The bible says women are from a different seed, after all. Or, before all.

I can't take nigger stories seriously, didi. Credo ate a grey alien and almost died for fun, come on. Wtf is actual pure love anyway? Sounds like some story simply told for good tribal morals.

LOL at surpent wave nagas. That is an allegoy or an actual ancient race and NOT interdimensional reptilians.

Nagas remind me of kundalini allegories, actually. They seem friendly. No hate there… and I loved Diablo immensely. Mad props.



well it aint her fault really, it's not like any human man can give her kundalini orgasms with their mind




It's the ultimate form of race-traitorship.

It is so reprehensible, I can't get my mind around it.

It is an unflinching look at female nature.

It's not kundalini orgasms, gtfo with your bbc fallacy. More like it is the appeal of authority and maternal instinct.

Kill the bitch.




I'd actually say it's the male's fault for all this "why are females so unpure" shit. It's up to the male half to create a world the female wants to live in. Our currently reality is a fucking shithole and we know it. This is why most people resort to hedonism. This male controlled society has become s imbalanced that everyone is just trying to escape. Im sure you wouldnt be bashing a guy if he was being given orgasm and orgasm by female reptilians and described by them as their "fuckstick". In fact, the mundane you would want that.

>stop judging people

>like you're any better

>fix the damn problem already instead of complaining

>we got a planet to save nyuggah




Am i on fringe or r9k here.. wtf?

Take that betamale mentality elsewhere - lol how the fuck can you even have the audacity to imply some form of masculine-maturity and sense of superiority with shit like that.

That mindset implies all females are YOUR fucktoys and just NPCs and that reptoids ( which i don't even buy into ) are steelin muh wimenz

>the mexicans and the blacks are smoking this wild new devils herb making them crazy and insane and having them go around raping white women, we must ban this drug!

sound familiar?

>acts like if a few females going for other dick means the whole lot now closing their legs to him.

you seriously can't not pick up these undertones in your comments…

even some of the shit I say i go back and think.. hmm, maybe that was kind of harsh or stupid or ego-monkey based.

Good fuck, It's like we have these waves of betamales every week with the same questions the same bullshit ideas and monkey-ego fear mentality.

>muh JoyS

>muh NAP


Do some fucking Shadow work.




>That mindset implies all females are YOUR fucktoys and just NPCs

One could argue that females exist to please males, as the female orgasm is not necessary for reproduction.

>reptoids (which i don't even buy into)

There's enough independent abucteee/contactee accounts to safely conclude that humanoid reptillians from the Alpha Draconis constellation and their flesh robots (grays) are heavily involved in our planet's affairs, and have been for some time.


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May all your progeny be daughters.



Males are not necessary for reproduction. Males are just degenerate females.


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Lol nigger… These niggers are trying to…

I believe you are the one projecting. After all, you mistook interdimensional draconians for nagas from Blizzard Entertainment. News flash: Blizzard is not head of a conspiracy or all out war on Humanity, they just make great games.

I am making assessments of the female species. It is quite neutral and born of years of research. Misogynistic research, sure. From what I've read in da books, they originated from the template (rib) of Man. Not some 'androgynous template', where did you get that sjw idea from?


Wow, what a bunch of sjw faggotry. Trying to flip the script… Lol… Human males fucking reptilian visitors wouldn't be akin to genetic warfare and all-out invasion. We live in a society ran by female memes, it's a cuntocracy and it's quite easy to see which gender is pulling the strings in feminist countries.

We could argue that the natural state of Man is patriarchy, as it was smoothly for thousands of years. That's all females truly understand: subservience and domination. It is quite a reptilian mindset, heh… Sure, some actual Human qualities may shine through in them from time to time. In the case of Eve Draconis, her maternal instinct is used to have her sabotage the entire Human race by becoming an egg donor to the Draconian Agenda. It's amazing how well she jives with the lizzies, they are like best buds. Of course, they are like brutish psychopaths who totally objectify her in every way, but that's OK (she even calls it cute). There is also amazing correlation in their base, infantile, shallow, and outright stupid behavior. Also the dissimulation they both display, the reptilians outright lying to her or manipulating her, and her using her own rationalizing to explain away shit is amazing to read. It's an important case study in abusive relationships, to say the least. The parallels are all there.

Native American’s have a saying that “man evolved on the Earth to compliment and harvest it while women are born of under the Earth and crawled out…”


I found this on a forum. I can't tell if the writer was serious or not… Allow contemplation.

Women Created To Serve The Reptilians

(1) Abrahamic/Semitic religions were works of reptilians; Jehovah was a reptilian overlord who manipulated human genes

(2) Bible claims that 'God' - read reptilian creator gods - created woman out of Adam-man's rib (or blood … meaning DNA) of man

(3) A snake - reptile - influenced Eve to tempt Adam, after creating Eve from his rib - quick use of newly created woman

(4) Mankind fell into the current state out of the garden

(5) Women enslave men through sex, marriage, children, and their overwhelming need for security above all

(6) Reptilian overlord Gnaraa decreed the emancipation of women, so as to empower its servants to better enslave men

7) womens' extreme fearfulness and cowardice makes them ideal targets for manipulation by reptilians

8) women's suggestiveness and right brain domination makes them more susceptible to possession by reptilian entities

9) women often act indirectly as agents for reptilians, by acting as bosses and guides to their husbands - e.g US presidents need not be possessed themselves, they seek advice from their reptilian possessed/influenced wives


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Your misunderstanding and propensity to lean towards shillism fills me with laughter


>implying women weren't the original gender

>implying male wasn't introduced and tried to dominate the planet

>implying world religions are just a representation of the male's desire to deny he comes from his mother

>implying men arent just fucksticks with legs



That sounds pretty feminist of you. Did you come from magic yam island? Or do you belong to the matriarchal kike cult?

I've met a couple women who self righteously proclaim themselves as "shamans"… LOL!

“THE METAGENE FACTOR: The Metagene is a biological variant lying dormant in select members of the human race [especially on planet earth], until an instant of extraordinary physical and emotional over-stress activates it. (Apparently a latent self-preservation 'gene' capable of producing seemingly 'superhuman' abilities in earth humans during times of extreme stress or crisis.).

That's an energochemical, in response to adverse stimuli. A chromosomal combustion takes place, as the Metagene takes the source of biostress, be it chemical, radioactivity, or what ever and turns the potential energoresponse into a catalyst for genetic change. The main focus of the catalyst power is a gland in the middle of the human brain called the PINEAL gland, and the nutrient for increasing the Pineal's action is the adrenaline. The Metagene factor gives the ability of Psionic Power [for better or worse].

The main interest of the Aliens, especially the Grays, is to understand and control the Metagene for their own race. They try to do this using Biological Experiments to make Hybrids from both humans and aliens. They believe perhaps the MEN FROM PLANET EARTH ARE THE DEADLIEST CREATURES IN THE UNIVERSE. Because ONLY on Earth people are apparently capable of generating the Metagene Factor, which means Natural Psionics ability, "Real Power" (Note: Power for good OR evil, you might say. One of the reasons that humans on earth are being controlled/harnessed as is the case with the Nazi-NSA-Military-Industrial space forces, or DENIED advanced interplanetary technology as in the case of those who have NOT been brought under their control, is simply because the aliens – especially the malevolents – are terrified that if a FREE non-collectivist human society from earth gets a foothold in space, then they/we would pose a deadly threat to their alien agendas of conquest and manipulation throughout the galaxy. This is why they are INTENT on taming or harnessing the Metagene factor as they have done with the fascist forces based in Antarctica via massive mind control, so that these forces can be channeled as 'human shields' or 'warriors' to fight their battles in space against interstellar cultures who would otherwise resist the activities of the draconian collective. We must DEMAND from the Military-Industrial complex which has been built with OUR tax dollars – and which is being deeply influenced by alien/fascist forces – that they CEASE from selling-us-out, and share their interplanetary technology with the rest of us, so that we as a whole can access the stars rather than just a core of super-wealthy and alien-controlled 'elite'



Matrilineal kike cult*

Female reptilian gene theory confirmed.



Its not feminist, its simply the way it is. Humans were originally a female oriented species. If you understand the male vs female energies, logic vs creativity as basic, thats part of it.

We were introduced to the male side to counterbalance our imbalanced nature. Then alien beings came and induced their control schemes, split us into 2 separate genders, and observed both halves.

The one who creates, and the one who nurtures that creation.

The male aspect needs the female aspect to access this metagene without the stress.



Lol it's like you are trying to say Humans are salamanders. Really, you aren't saying much at all. Check your sources.



>humans are like salamanders

I dont know what the fuck youre smoking but i want some!


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A nonjudgmental judgment on the energy of the events presently occurring.

Alternatively, perhaps the card is indicating that the situation need not be taken so seriously.


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>the jew stuff

thank you shabos goy. i will end my investigation and only go down officially sanctioned avenues approved by none other than you! i'll be extra careful not to TRIGGER you in the future. you truely are my greatest ally on this board.


Get rekt, human scum.


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Do you think /pol/ gives power to the happy merchant gestalt thoughtform of the Jew race?



Is there some technique to be able to see through these "psychic disguises"




were do they live?


ITT: autistic and salty spiritualists grappling with Free Mason and CIA/NSA disinformation memes.


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The heck is this?


Reptilians are pretty hot. I don't think I could go to war against them.



Why I would like to believe that, Just because someone said it was true means nothing. How is BLIZZARD a masonic company? How were humans once androgynous? If you're going to make such broad claims please cite your sources.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CIA Manchurian candidate mind control program escapees / rejects murdered by the FBI at WACO

Are there Reptilian?



>Thoth was talking about the naga serpent people, the dogons speak of em too - africans say if you got spotted by a reptoid you had to haul ass to your loved one and make actual pure love, if it was fake they would kill you both on the spot.


I'll put it to you this way. More people screwing = higher chance of pregnancy = more human containers. If it doesn't get done properly, you get picked off from the Peking order. Sound like a good way to encourage human beings to procreate too much?

Why are you talking about Thoth in the first place? Aren't all deities in a sense supposed to be representations of these entities, more or less?

>this whole human species present today was altered down from an androgynous primeval template.

You need to substantiate that, though it is stated in a few mythologies, not just the biblical kind, that certain deities were involved in creating the distinction of 'male and female.' Zeus in Greek mythology is one such example.

I will be looking for more than just certain myths for proof of this. I am getting the impression you rely too much on 'spirit science.'

>also check out world of warcraft's history and lore, that and diablo is made by blizz - a masonic company owned by ACTIVISION.

Explain the Free Mason bit as well, please.

>all their shit is mostly based on lovecraft+tolkien which they themselves where occultist and lovecraft's shit is pretty much 95% of everything horror scifi or paranormal futuristic etc, they all used his stuff.

I can at least accept this, Lovecraft was very clued up on symbols and the esoteric; the Old Ones being his equivalent to Watchers. Cthulhu is meant to be part sea monster, and part dragon, with a humanoid appearance.

As for Tolkien; yes, he did state to close associates that his books were not metaphorical and were based on what he thought was a hidden history, but the Orcs are a poor physical representation of the Archons, more likely representing another ethnic group in this world; only Sauron's Eye makes this point tangible.


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>no qt reptilian gf to rule the world with

Why live?



>crystal meth is the drug of choice of the dark gods

How? Isn't it a relatively new invention? This seems like an elaborate joke.

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