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Miguel and Tulio,Allah and Jehovah

This could be counted as shitpost but it is just something "clicked" with me, though Allah and Jehovah might be the same deity I will give my reason why I separated them from each other.

As you can see the video in thumbnail/ or below



you can clearly how Miguel and Tulio are firslty showing off then they start talking how about the "local" might know they are not gods.It shows that they are over-loosh'd.In the second video you will see how they start declining request/petitions and doing it half-hearted(since they get energy weather you give it to them or not, there are more million of devotee than you).In the middle of the second video you will see how Miguel and Tulio are saying "Guys you're broke, you got nothing to bet with" implying to the other deities that they don't have a lot of devotee/follower.

In the same frame YHVH/jehvoah started as a nomadic thoughtform which start to grow to represent Chesed/ tetragrammaton(YHVH is Tetragrammaton but in the nomadic jewish tribes it was still considered a general-purpose egregore/semi-godform until more people started worshiping it.).

I distinguished allah from YHVH,because Islam's symbol is clearly a lunar god symbol, implying that Allah might have been lunar than exalted to the level of "King of Gods"/Monotheism because of mohammad's methods of swaying people to his side.Yet I would like to add here that my idea/opinion here might be wrong due to YHVH/allah/Jehovah might be a memetic/astral entity which influenced mohammed during the time mohammed went to a retreat/praying to allah.Because YHVH/Jehovah knows that idols are a great way to contact deities he went after the only god in islamic pagan which didn't have an idol, Allah.That is the reason monotheism didn't work in egyptian pantheon even though Amon was catapulted into the name of Amon-Ra and have he/it almost reached a state where the other gods were just different part of him.Again

This is probably just a really long shitpost, sorry for taking this space/time.

Allah is Big.


go google alim bey islam and alim bey bible


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But I was just joking.



>Allah and Jehovah might be the same deity

My knowledge of the topic is scarce but, etymologically, Allah = Elohim ≠ Jehovah.


But etymology may not reflect reality.


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this might be true since there was a tale of 10 jew begin Mohammed teacher, and YHVH might needed a suitable channel through mohammed(which was Allah), and don't forget the "psychological" problem he had, and there are probably a lot of different things in Quran(since it is a cocktail of texts).Allah started singular, and in Quran sometime referred to allah as "We", so your idea might be correct.Real thing here Islam is schizo 100%, currently I am reading on Mohammed's biography and something in islam that wasn't talked about and I gotta tell you shit ain't pretty.


I thought Yaweh and Allah were just another name given to the demiurge.



Duh, but as I said this was just a "fun post", I was just entertaining myself.

The Gnostics claimed that the god of the Old Testament was only a half-god created to make the material world, while the real god, who was pure spirit, could not create the material world. The Gnostics mixed pagan magick with Angelic magic. They believed that souls had to earn their salvation with magick, then they would go beyond the false god of the materila world. Simon Zealot started his own gnostic sect after the crucifixion. He worshipped himself as Zeus and his wife as Hera. they were known as the Simonians.

The Blind Idiot God would go on making the material world in the same fashion it always had until some adept reprogrammed it with ritual which would turn the world into paradise. The Ritual Process was to imagine yourself to be the creator god and then look down at your mortal self and shower yourself with blessings and gifts. You could also imagine the god destroying your enemies and parasites. So now you can go out and make your own Demiorgeous!

Aren't you glad that god doesn't have to be a blind idiot anymore?

Jehova was a formula

Yes, it's true! Jehova, who most people thought was a stern disciplinarian, was actually a magical formula. However, this was regarded as a powerful secret, known only to gnostic priests and rabbis. In fact, if one understood the formula of Jehovah, it gave that person complete mastery of reality, and the ability to gain every desire. If one reads the scriptures and understands that Jehova's children means the lucky people who knew the esoteric secrets that gave them true liberty, the meaning comes out quite differently.

The four letters of YHVH stood for hand-window-nail-hand. The first hand stood for a real desire. The window stood for the step of taking a desire and visualizing it as clearly and completely as possible in focus and in all five senses. The Nail stood for the charging of the visualization with a strong feeling of joy and fulfillment. One nails the picture to the wall of reality with a strong feeling of confidence. Then the visualization is forgotten as completely as possible to avoid the kind of anxiety referred to as lust of result. This can be done many ways. An easy way is to put it in a bubble and watch it float away. Although the formula is not for manipulating certain Individuals, it can be used for types of Individuals. The last hand represents your desire becoming reality



May not be pretty but I think Islam does a pretty good job taming the current human animal, so you can't deny it lack of divine inspiration. At least until a better human species enters the stage (beginning with Messiah, the new Adam) and replaces the faulty species. That angelic strain of humanity will not need shariah because it will be shariah upon itself. Let's make it happen.



Interesting. I think the Gnostics are basically insane.

Christ has made it clear:

>Not by bread alone man lives.

He hasn't said:

>Not by bread man lives.

The hidden (if rather unambiguous) message is that not by word alone man lives; he needs both word and bread, the spiritual and the material. The Gnostics are trying to live by word alone. I think that's both unhealthy and unnecessary.

I could be wrong though.

>Simon Zealot started his own gnostic sect after the crucifixion. He worshipped himself as Zeus and his wife as Hera. they were known as the Simonians.

I've never heard of it.

I feel Christ wouldn't be pleased.



>the spiritual and the material

the spiritual food and the material food





>Jehova was a formula

This is interesting, but I've never heard it before. Do you have any search terms you can recommend to find further reading on this?


>thread full of misinfo and retardation



The star and crest are not a symbol of islam, they are the ottoman flag that has in modern times been associated with it.

The closest thing to a symbol islam has is the declaration of faith written in caligraphy.


Not knowing what the royal we is doesnt make you retarded, but it makes me feel like calling you retarded.



As for the gnostics, their entire basis is faulty. But hey, you can't even attempt to search for alternative explanations for things you dont understand so why am I suprised.


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>This is probably just a really long shitpost

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