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File: 1441576303498.jpg (2.12 KB, 59x72, 59:72, image.jpg)


When i meditate if feels like there is something in my right ear I can also hear a quite ringing in my ear when its quite what is it astral implants tinnitus? Can somone pls tell my why this happens btw my ear started ringing as soon as i typed can somone pls tell me why this happens


Sorry for typo i meant to say it feels like there is something in my ear when i meditate


I know what you mean because the same happens to me. In fact, I can't perceive true silence because I hear ringing whenever there's no outside noise. If I plug my ears the ringing can actually get ridiculously loud. But it's not like an actual loud noise that can bother me, it can be ignored.

Unfortunately I don't know if it's a physical impairment or has something to do with astral sense.

polite sage



I heard it was something to do with the sounds of the angels or something. It also tends to manifest when I am doing some form of ritual.


I have this too, someone is tryna tele-talk to you.



I get it too. It's the Illuminati. You got to masturbate to get them out of your head, it builds a subconscious privacy barrier.

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