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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>more meteor impact references (September 23)

>climate change references (get ready for Sep 23 btw)

>jews reference (obvious)

>earth is teleported (CERN?)

>new religion (new age)

>worship the godhead (lucifer = LOGOS = the mind of the trinity)

>ascension reference (fucking new agers)

>human transformation (Lucy,Luci(fer)

>exile to a remote area of the cosmos (Enki? [also lucifer])

>ice floating through space "like a comet" (more meteor references)

>rick doesn't care about anything or any one other than himself therefore has the power to save or destroy entire worlds (End of Evangelion, Shinji)

>they decide to nuke the heads / "meteor" (armageddon)

>earth was a reality show and is now coming to an end (simulation/matrix/the truman show)

Got some serious red-pilling in this video.


File: 1441711517204.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.93 KB, 640x578, 320:289, mlfw496_medium.jpg)

The hype train is coming.



Seriously, i can't believe those ppl haven't heard of the dream.

lol btw yeah..


then name god

then no

then watch turns ppl to SNAKES

then emphasis on THE DREAM dream dream said 3 times

he turns 2 people into snakes.

>eartquake in cali

all famous people in one spot die, new wave of fame pre-programmed bots with new-agey ideas

ICE T survived, ICE

preacher says god deals you 11, you double down aka 11:11, gates

then some jew says JEWS rule in the church

principle vagina = from the womb = creation matrix = female energy

>skandinavian says old gods are dead fuck all existing religions, one true head.

>weather control submission

>repair the organ aka brain aka your functions / chemistry / pineal.

>cause effect from rational female

>astronauts in orbit are DEAD. from radiation.

>new age ascension bullshit worshipping fake gods





no more postponing



You don't even understand what New Age means, you fucking idiot.



take it to >>>/b/ with your infighting.



>didi=disinfo dindu



What is a dindu?


File: 1441725047229.jpg (108.51 KB, 637x522, 637:522, 1441436830410.jpg)


he dindu nuffin


File: 1441744768195.jpg (12.58 KB, 246x205, 6:5, скачанные dindu nuffins.jpg)


This is more accurate



Well here we are creating the next "top kek" physical manifestation, just because "didi dindu nuffin"



>trying to spread disinfo about didi

take your shilling elsewhere



lol, are dindu nuffins durishis?



Link is dead S00E00?



literally just watch "Rick and Morty - Get Schwifty"


File: 1455386426259.webm (2.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, celibate.webm)


File: 1456869643317.jpg (287.43 KB, 2048x1015, 2048:1015, botcountry.jpg)

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