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Goodevening my fellow wizards, we need to do some more meme magic. This time with Israel as our target for its recent anti-affican migrant politices. We need to teach them a lesson, you can't jew everything. I propose a new ebola chan, a memetic spell used to bring the A.I.D.S. To israhel. We can do this by summoning the A.I.D.S using a new anime girl (chan) as the spiritual embodiment of bloodborne diseases, specifically A.I.D.S.

We can use this new chan- A.I.D.S. Chan, as a spirtial emobiment of the A.I.D.S. We can attack them by charging the meme and using its power to direct A.I.D.S. To israel by the power of a spell we wizards cast, and is continually charged by the collective energies by memetic magic.

Bane had apread far and wide and crashed a plane, ebola chan went to New York. Now, We need to spread out and get A.I.D.S. To israel.

>I will post my notes for the ritual and my concept design for A.I.D.S. Chan.



You're the worst kind of faggot my guy.


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Just pray to ebolachan to infect Israel silly



Don't commit the same error of not making an airborne.


You're such a faggot it's not even funny.

AIDS does not even exist, you dumbfuck who doesn't even know about the low level greenpills.


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You're not thinking big enough. The holocaust is a huge meme already, and now that Israel has 6 million residing jews we only need to make the lie real.




That is just mean.

Plus some Jews use victimisation and bad tidings to emotionally blackmail the world to do whatever they want.

What we really need is an entity to help the Jew Bernie Sanders get nominated and elected US President and Jeremy Corbyn the socialist pro-palestine Labour leader hopeful to win the leadership then the UK Government.

Two leftist pro-Palestine leaders as leaders of the major Anglo-sphere countries, the greatest supporters of Israel, will cause the most monumental butthurt and totally change the world-game on the Middle-East and Jewish Hegemony.


Isn't AIDS a lot less deadly now?

I propose testicular cancer chan.



What makes you think they'll keep their promises when in office?



Even a tokenesque pro-Palestine position from leaders of those countries will be game changing.

There is a cloak of silence and serious repercussions for those in the upper eshcalons of political and economic society telling it how it is in that part of the World.

It is not only action that matters but the mental paradgim broadcast to the masses.

Even if they suddenly become silent, their past explicit statements will turn the media ablaze.



>Based Jeremy Corbyn





The extreme butthurt has already started and this is just the warm up.



>for its recent anti-affican migrant politices

That's actually one of the few things I agree with the jews on.


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Aids chan

Tagline meme: Blood must be Bled

Spell: The excruciating ETERNAL bloody pain of A.I.D.S. will come to your enemies if you post 'blood must be bled' in this thread!

Characteristics-like a lovely little girly dracula.

Bloody bandages, bloody bandage over right eye, red bracelet, red dress or victorian outfit, fangs, red eyes, red hair/blonde hair/ sometimes black hair, gothic or victorian outfit, no wings but defiantly fangs.

Purpose: spell will be triggered on the fouth and final blood moon by /fringe/wizards, it will be a blood spell sacrificing to cause the pain and suffering of jews and revenge for the damage they have done to the aryan race, especially to egypt and greece/rome.

The image: it will serve to feed the spell by the concious effort repeating its mantra and channeling the spirit of theposters to bring AIDS to the jews in israhell.

Persona: revengeful, bloody, violent, but very sweet and cuddly. Kind of like happy tree friends in anime vampire girl form

Blood moon ritual: at the hight of the blood moon itself, wizards from /fringe/ will sacrifice their blood to buy the pain and suffering of the kikes as our revenge against them for the pain they caused againT our race.

Ritual structure: the ritual mantra revolves around praying to the godess of blood, revenge, and nursing, asking her for her aid in giving jews aids. The mantra chanted seventeen times is "Blood must be Bled" before the wizard cuts his finger and pours some into a bowl of water. The candle will be lit between the moon and the bowl, with the wizard at the end.

Bowl filled with bloody water after the mantra chant, should be poured into a water source, river, lake, stream, creek, but not ocean.

Purifiy space,

Circle to be made with either chalk, salt, or blood water. Unsure.


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Then place bowl of water (prefrebly from the same source youll pour it into) between you and the blood moon. The candle should be above the bowl nearest to the blood moon, so the moon is in front of a line and you are at the end.

Be kneeling on he ground or sitting with your tailbone into the ground or pointing to it, but you cannot be standing.

Be in a rageful, furious, or vengeful mood. If you cant do emotional alchemy, this blood spell isnt for you.

After the chanting is done, merely cut the finger and bleed it jnto the bowl for a moment and then take the bowl and pour the blood water into the river/stream/lake.

Aids chan is essencially a bloodborne disease chan symbolizing as AIDS is the virus which causes the immune system to not retaliate- she is the godess of revenge (retaliation) and would be perfect for the spell.

We can also summon rabies, but that isnt as easy to spread as AIDS.



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>What we really need is an entity to help the Jew Bernie Sanders get nominated and elected US President and Jeremy Corbyn the socialist pro-palestine Labour leader hopeful to win the leadership then the UK Government.

JEREMY CORBYN WINS the UK Labour Leadership- the pieces are falling into place.





Zionists are trembling under their yarmulkes.


>The Times of Israel speaking of “very deep concerns” on the part of the Jewish community about “Corbyn’s reported links to a Holocaust denier and other individuals with anti-Semitic track records and about his hostile views on Israel.”

>“The community has also been very troubled by his seeming friendship towards Hamas and Hezbollah, which are both proscribed terrorist organizations. Any British politician in a senior capacity will not be taken seriously if he has any partiality towards terrorist bodies,”

>But while some Jewish leaders are wringing their hands at the prospect of a Corbyn-led Labour Party, there were indications that Corbyn himself is less than enamoured of the prospect of dealing with the Jewish community. His campaign has attracted a deluge of criticism from those appalled at some of his links and supporters.

>“Jewish party members [have told me] that they had been accused of dual loyalty. I have very serious concerns about Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters. This began six weeks ago when I challenged the membership system. I said it was crazy. It seems I was right. I have been described as a servant of the Israeli Prime Minister, a Nazi Zionist, a Zionist scumbag,” Mann told the Jewish Chronicle.



>What we really need is an entity to help the Jew Bernie Sanders get nominated

>will cause the most monumental butthurt


>Bernie Sanders: Open borders? No, that's a Koch brothers proposal.

>Ezra Klein: Really?

>Bernie Sanders: Of course. That's a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States. …


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hate to break it to you, but the 4th pic is of a woman who works at this pub and has nothing to do with blood at all. She may be sexy but shes not a yandere. I'd hate to see her turned into an egregore, not because of "muh waifu" but because of how i see that particular character.




this thread is stupid but aids-chan is pretty hot tbh



As cute as this worship may seem, you need to find another entity for this. I already summoned her and she's signed up for a thing with me for the near future.

Find someone else - she's busy.



Also, while you got the overall style right, her name is Bloody Revenge, nothing else, and she's an ancient demon, not an egregore someone here created. Get your concepts straight.

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