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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

File: 1441925348596-0.jpg (137.07 KB, 595x800, 119:160, Court of Yama.jpg)

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if you say it can't be done then you are a loser and don't belong here

if you are the devil/satan, describe your most prominent forms

the devil is subservient to इन्द्र indra >>>/dharma/88

नृचक्षस् demon

if you say demons/devils don't exist then say what does exist; don't reply with "it is real in my mind'' because you are a fantasist.

hesiod is a character; all characters are mine.

theogony is subservient to theosophy; all religions are belief; all gods are mine.

यमराज् । यम । https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama_(East_Asia)


यमदूता ऊचुः ''the order carriers of yamarāja यमराज् said:

>That which is prescribed in the Vedas constitutes dharma, the religious principles, and the opposite of that is irreligion. The Vedas are directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa, and are self-born. This we have heard from Yamarāja.

>veda-praṇihito dharmo hy adharmas tad-viparyayaḥ । vedo nārāyaṇaḥ sākṣāt svayambhūr iti śuśruma


ITT: OP misunderstands the concepts of demons, satan and summoning



I was going to write a lenghtly reply about his misunderstanding of Yama, Brahman, Devas, Asura, Hell and jivas to his 16yo scizophrenic rambles hes been spamming on multiple boards but realised it would all be for naught.



fuck off loser


fuck off loser; you know nothing


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stop shitposting



stop shitposting





shitposters shitting up this thread and this chan





don't reply with shit; don't tell me I misunderstand; don't claim you know something when you know nothing and I always know more than you'


File: 1442085469773.png (510.94 KB, 472x640, 59:80, 7fc.png)



I shouldn't have expected anything other than shitposts by losers on a loserboard posting shit and shitty memes whilst pretending to have knowledge


this is a peewee flophouse for losers who have as much psychic energy as a beetle and as much knowledge as a 4 year old


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apart from you who spends effort posting shitty memes thus proving you have no magickal skill at all


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Jesus can't save timewasters like you


File: 1442086469239-0.jpg (96.28 KB, 632x567, 632:567, Indra (1).jpg)

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File: 1442112777583-2.jpg (473.39 KB, 1600x1001, 1600:1001, flandre scarlet Devil bat ….jpg)

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