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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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>pony shit

>flat earth faggotry

>tulpa threads

>reptilian shit

where were you when /fringe/ became totally fuckin' gay?

and don't give me that "be the change you want to see in the world" shit. i always post threads that get lost under faggots bumping that fucking gay flat earth thread


Im caught between it being newfigs or disinfo shills. But i think it was Smiley getting butthurt and posting on 4chon asking if he should ban people here. Along with fringe gettjng higher on the popularity chart, were bound for an endless summer until we straighten our shit up and actually work together on something for once. Or at least take this issue seriously, and post threads that are actually relevant and approach topics with welcome enthusiasm and skepticism instead of juat straight up "MY DOGMA WORKS BETTER THAN YOUR DOGMA". I mean sure I troll on this board a bit but thats only because of the stuck up nature of some of the posters here. We're better than this



Yeah, /fringe/ is a joke now. Are there more pony shitposters here or did Omran manage to shit the place up by himself?

Honestly, I've been thinking about leaving /fringe/ for some time now, in the state things are now it has ceased being useful to me.


>actually work together on something for once

That is a good idea, but with people here I doubt it will work.




Any other sites like this? When people post threads about theurgy and alchemy and tantra and shit like that /fringe/ is the coolest fucking board and I've genuinely improved my life from the material that I've found on here.

Case in point: I haven't read ALL of it, but that ego thread is based. Good, smart discussion about a very important occult topic. Not tulpa and muh joos faggot shit.


That's what you get for the retarded "Don't make a new thread" rule.

If you want to discuss anything you'll be directed to a dead thread from 6 months ago. That shit is only useful for forums, not imageboards. Reposting over and over is vital for internet cultures, it is what injects life to the community.



The rule is not to make a new thread just to ask a question. If someone redirects to an older thread it means you should read it, because answers are there and there is no point in spoonfeeding anyone.


I don't know, but I wish I'd known, if only to visit it from time to time and read about other people's ideas. The decline in quality of /fringe/ forced me to do my own research and not to sit on an imageboard waiting for someone to post anything of value. That proved most beneficial to me.



I've been reading a lot of the material on theurgical order websites and other pdfs. I just wish there was a go-to place for this kind of stuff. Even /x/ occasionally spits out a really interesting thread but 99% of it is garbage and edgy black magic shit



Never really looked myself. Self-teaching and skype discussion groups have kept me entertained enough. And i never feel like giving up on something i see value in is beneficial. Fringe has potential but its just being wasted right. If I get my computer working again Ill start posting threads on shit Ive been working on. All i can do is reply from my phone right now though.


Might as well try though right? People that are interested will join in.

The other problem is all the "loosh farmers" too. Its really not as effective as they think it is. Really just downgrades your spiritual potential when your trying to use other peoples energies. Sure it adds more energy to your work, but most of those people will eventually end up turning into loosh addicts, then leeches, then vampires. I have a friend on the first end of the spectrum who's really addicted to it. He understands Im much stronger and respects that boundary, and he kind of worships me so i reward him with energy blasts for analyzing me while I do work. He'll sense your energy in public and go crazy about it but has his boundaries for his moral reasons. Earlier spectrum and still maintains a sense of morality instead of self interest. But he cant progress past his limitations placed on himself through becoming an energy addict, caused by events in a past life he remembers.

The comments just end of being annoying mostly.


It seems my spells are working.



>pony shit

Not really necessary on this board, but as long as they don't shitpost with it I don't mind.

>tulpa threads

They're just thoughtforms, yeah?

>flat earth faggotry

>reptillian shit

Not even close to totally fuckin' gay m80. There's a hell of a lot worse things that have thankfully sunk to the bottom of the catalog. I think both topics are kind of interesting too.


>instead of juat straight up "MY DOGMA WORKS BETTER THAN YOUR DOGMA

It gets tiring after awhile seeing

>Wow, that is so fucking wrong. Don't listen to this disinfo shill/kike.

on a majority of the threads here. I get that someone might completely believe the above quote towards another poster, but at least try to prove them wrong or offer any other alternative perspective on the topic.


>I've genuinely improved my life from the material that I've found on here.

Same here. Improved my diet, working on renouncing lust thanks to the thread of the same name, past fitness threads were full of all kinds of info, and the library has tons of books on many esoteric subjects with mostly good info that I've enjoyed reading and putting into practice.

I don't want to see /fringe/ become useless when it's helped me so much already.



>Not really necessary on this board, but as long as they don't shitpost with it I don't mind.

As long as the guy religiously posting reaction gifs from a little girl show doesn't purport to be some authority on magic and ancient mystical traditions I don't care. But it's cringey as fuck either way

>They're just thoughtforms, yeah?

it reeks of "i want imaginary friends because im lonely". im lonely too nigga, I wouldn't be on a fucking esoteric chinese board if I wasn't, but this shit is everywhere. Sick of seeing it.

Tbh I might be blowing up the tulpa stuff because I spend more time on /x/ than here.

>Same here. Improved my diet, working on renouncing lust thanks to the thread of the same name, past fitness threads were full of all kinds of info, and the library has tons of books on many esoteric subjects with mostly good info that I've enjoyed reading and putting into practice.

I've learned about egyptian tantra, spiritual alchemy, downloaded great resources on theurgy and qabbalah, been exposed to very interesting and nuanced discussions on energy work, transmutation, diet, meditation, just seen a whole different dimension to living I would have never even dreamed of 1, 2, 3 years ago. I love this board for that. But the babby-tier occult shit has got to go, or at least consolidated into one thread.

I'm not posting this thread to bitch. Well, I am. But I'm bitching because this forum has already helped me so much.



>But [pony shit] is cringey as fuck either way

I only see it as visual shit posting, no better or worse than your pepe image in the OP. It's probably just another kid who doesn't understand the concept of loosh, thinking he can gain it from your displeasure.

>[tulpas] reek of "i want imaginary friends because im lonely".

If you're a faggot. Are you honestly letting someone else's use of a tool influence your perception of the tool itself? The practice does often get applied that way, because there's so many lonely neckbeards on the internet reading about it, and that's the appeal they see in it. When used properly, tulpas are fucking useful for both spiritual and mundane affairs. The subject is appropriate to this board, but it would definitely be nice if it wasn't only brought up by people only seeking mundane fulfillment, but the fact that you think it "reeks" of that mentality only reflects poorly on yourself.

I agree with you in a very very general sense, but what do you expect? Subjects of an actual "profound" nature aren't going to appeal to neophytes who don't even know what they're looking at, and many people who do reach deeply enough into the occult to have interesting things to share have a mentality of completion, that they have 'gone to the mountain' and don't need to go further (or simply don't feel a need to look for their answers here). Perhaps you're too attached to this place.



I don't disagree. I guess there's a limit to what I can expect from a board about what's traditionally been a very solitary and secret path. I just like reading smart posts about crazy shit like Qabbalah and Hermetics and how it can be practically applied to everyday life.

It is what it is. I'll probably post a Hermetics thread to get some decent discussion going tommorow.


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Well I guess I should stop shitposting pony and actually write up good content, it was just summer I was just enjoying my time and wasting it (is had nothing to do).I will probably write up some content in the upcoming days and going to cut out the pony stuff.It was really joyful time and time consuming tbh.Oh also I did try

>"be the change you want to see in the world"

I have written up some threads lately like the runes one, magic guide v1 and v1.1,IGM, but you know I am probably just shitposting because if I write a large wall of text and put a pony image it is automatically a shitpost.


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Greentext, check.

Frog image, check.

Guy Fawkes mask, check.

Bandwagon pony hate, check.

Whiny bullshit, doublecheck.

I don't know OP, maybe your threads keep dying because you're boring as fuck?


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Yeah, I just come in here every once in a while to check the questions thread in case some neophytes have some legitimate questions.

Aside from that, I'm a lone practitioner anyway, I'm happy with never discussing my work as I have the akashic records and my higher self to learn from.

Honestly, if I found someone interested in the esoteric I'd link them the /fringe/ mega and nothing else because this is getting embarrassing.



It's flat you dipshit



>Yeah, /fringe/ is a joke now.


Fringechan was better than this board ever was.



As a pope I have come to the conclusion that the earth is both a sphere, a disc, a torus, and a cube.

I've also concluded that circle and squares are the same thing.


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>getting loosh farmed this easily


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What ever happened to that freeedomboard site and is there an archive of anything that was on there?




lacks /astral/



you can browse freedomboard using wayback machine or w/e







Weeks later, you still REMEMBER that and are STILLBUTTHurT lol


Reactivate freedomboard, it was so much better than this.

So many threads and knowledge lost too after the shut down, fuck.



Nah, just a general disappointment in the direction this board took right after that. Got a solid memory.

>also, shitty loosh farming attempt


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/fringe/ exists for the .pdf sticky. Everything else is just filler.


That's what you get when you're a board about a niche interest on a large imageboard. If freedomboard was still around I'd say to go back there, or just leave /fringe/ and concentrate on solo practice for a few months until the shitposters lose interest and move to another board.


What's wrong with tulpa threads?



Same thing that's wrong with all others, shitposting and roleplaying instead of actual discussion.

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