>Not really necessary on this board, but as long as they don't shitpost with it I don't mind.
As long as the guy religiously posting reaction gifs from a little girl show doesn't purport to be some authority on magic and ancient mystical traditions I don't care. But it's cringey as fuck either way
>They're just thoughtforms, yeah?
it reeks of "i want imaginary friends because im lonely". im lonely too nigga, I wouldn't be on a fucking esoteric chinese board if I wasn't, but this shit is everywhere. Sick of seeing it.
Tbh I might be blowing up the tulpa stuff because I spend more time on /x/ than here.
>Same here. Improved my diet, working on renouncing lust thanks to the thread of the same name, past fitness threads were full of all kinds of info, and the library has tons of books on many esoteric subjects with mostly good info that I've enjoyed reading and putting into practice.
I've learned about egyptian tantra, spiritual alchemy, downloaded great resources on theurgy and qabbalah, been exposed to very interesting and nuanced discussions on energy work, transmutation, diet, meditation, just seen a whole different dimension to living I would have never even dreamed of 1, 2, 3 years ago. I love this board for that. But the babby-tier occult shit has got to go, or at least consolidated into one thread.
I'm not posting this thread to bitch. Well, I am. But I'm bitching because this forum has already helped me so much.