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Hey, /fringe/.

I'm pretty firmly in the "sceptic but I wish it was true" camp.

Where should I start out? How does a complete noob become master wizard?


What exactly is holding you back and what will prove it to you? For me I required a rational philosophical proof to make the leap + experience.

What is lacking in your own understanding that you don't realize magick is real?

Try learning the Hermetic axioms and realizing how much sense they make and also read Dynamic Thought and that will shatter your materialist assumptions about reality, then magick (aka mental universe) will be the only sensible explanation.


There is a lot more to your Mind and Body than you think.

When you penetrate the depths of your subconscious mind you will meet archetypal energies that live in the collective hivemind of every human being. You will meet collective archetypal energies of your race, your ancestors, relatives. You will eventually meet archetypal energies of non-human beings. All these energies manifest in your mind as thoughtforms in a way your human mind can comprehend.

Your mind is a holographic reflection of ALL, which means your mind contains everything in the cosmos and beyond. As a human you only have limited access to the infinite. But one seemingly infinite resource you do have is your imagination.

Your imagination can influence the world around you. How? Through the quantum fabric of reality. Your consciousness arises from neurons which operate in a quantum reality, which means they don't have a physical cause. Everyone on the face of the planet is performing "magick" but they dn't realize it. When you walk into a room full of people, you can feel the "vibe" of the room. Some are more sensitive to this than others. That "vibe" is emanating from everyone's state of mind. If everyone is on a certain frequency with a conversation, one person, just through body language can shift that frequency, and thus change the 'vibe'. If he/she starts talking, they can shift the frequency further. I start writing a story about my life, or the life of walt disney and you will automatically start to shift your perceptions into another world through your imagination, because of something I did. Think about how much you live in your thoughtt… how visualizing an apple, and using your five senses to experience that apple in your mind from touching it, to eating it, etc…

There are several scientific studies proving psychokinesis, ESP, remote viewing, etc. I have met actual psychics that can read your mind. No bullshit they will tell you EXACTLY what you just THOUGHT, even what you just pictured in your head.

Your Mind is ALL.

Now your body.

You probably know all about how complicated biology is, and how amazing the human body functions. But did you know there are things you can do with your own body that can open up parts of your brain? Like if you apply extra pressure or stimulate certain parts of your nervous system (through yoga, meditation, workouts, bioenergetics, breathing exercises), and repeat these exercises for awhile everyday, eventually you will start to notice improvements in your brain like better memory recall or even lucid dreaming/ astral projection, etc. Or just different more pleasant state of mind or an expanded consciousness/perception/intuition.

So all this stuff is more or less known by the general public but it's all fragmented and compartmentalized in a way most people don't put it all together and see what they have.

Magick is basically controlling your mind, knowing yourself, influencing the outside world in a more effective way, etc.

I could keep going but that's all I got for you today. Good Luck.

Read 'The Kybalion.' Also 'Mind Control 101 by Dantalion Jones' because it's important to start thinking for yourself (*hint hint- never follow one system/thing/person/intiate yourself into some group - it's all about what your mind thinks is the best way for you to get there)



Be skeptically open minded as they say. Start of with the basic stuff like lesser magic (sigils, ritual work, evocation, reality creation, candles, creative visualization). This will open up your mind to understanding and knowing that reality is not what you've been told. Also try to realize that your entire upbringing of parents, school ,college, job, friends and whatever else are all programmed into thinking and following a world view. In the occult we like to think that a persons world view is their reality and life.

If you want less external proof then you'll just have to start practicing energy work or play around with astral projections. Go through Robert Bruce's book New energy ways as a basic start for this. I'll tell you I had enough proof in this line of work when I almost blew out and fried my nervous system through kundalini rising hahah.

But really to answer your question you need book knowledge. This gets your logical mind thinking "Okay, I can kind of build up thought structures and ideas on how this can work". Next you need to actually practice. Yes. Actually practicing and trying this out. Do every ritual/practice in all the books you read. Even if they look silly like basic visualizations. This gets you in the habit. Eventually you slowly forge an idea of what "magic" "the occult" and "metaphysics" really is with your own experiences and the books you've read. Journal everything down as well. Have a magic journal, a dream journal, observation journal, life journal and even a health or exercise and hobby journal. You'll find out how great these are soon enough.

I'll throw some more things out to make sure you're covered on all bases (depending on what kinda person you might be). You might want to look into entry level/ psychological or "scientific friendly" stuff like Jung or Tom Campbell.

You can also look into the field of psionics if you want to "see" physical proof of what is out there (this is just forms of qi gong really). You can find good videos of people setting things on fire, lifting objects, teleporting and duplicating and all manner of other reality breaking effects.

Try building a better connection with your intuition or what we call the higher self. Practice meditation and ask yourself deep questions. You will find a pool of infinite knowledge. Already if you feel an inclination towards this kind of work it means your soul is already at a high enough level that your higher self wants you to "remember" your hidden subconscious knowledge.

Good luck and remember that the true path is the path to knowledge, wisdom and understanding of self.



Now that's what I call an AAA post.



The most important thing is to start doing it. Start now. Quickstart guide:

Read these:

>The Kybalion

>Oven Ready Chaos

>Advanced Magick for Beginners

You can probably read all of that in a day. Next:

>Learn a simple banishing ritual

>Learn a simple version of the Middle Pillar Ritual

>Perform the above every single day immediately upon waking

>Meditate for at least 10 minutes every day

>Try one of the techniques from the above books every day

Keep reading every day, expand your knowledge, try different things and incorporate what works.

Start small, be consistent, be patient.



shitposter detected




those are the books i'd recommend to begin with too - but the emerald tablets as well IMO.

Also somehow get the 7 or 8 circuit model from leary or pookrum so as to innerstand the processes going on in the mind as you evolve.

the book Darkness meditation or technology by mantak chia, it's only a few pages long and it will give you the basics on the chemistry going on when you do energy work.

check out my thread >>50082

Lot's of recommended audio/video content which you can rip off the sites and store on your device / phone.


>shitposter detected

Npc detected.



I like the lbrp in here: http://divinezeal.com/files/pdf/Kabbalah_Magic__the_Great_Work_of_Self_Transformation.pdf

Also there's a new book out by antero alli about the 8 circuit model, I'm thinking of uploading it to the mega but I want omran to stop being a jew and match me with a pdf from etsy so you guys'll have to wait.



Also try to get into a super relaxed state before middle pillar, try progressive muscle relaxation or the NAP relaxation script.

If you can do the meditation first, then the lbrp, then relaxation and the middle pillar that'll work better as well.

If you want to try something more exotic get some sticks of incense and do the offering ritual from Miller's sorcerors secrets (go to sticky find the "huge mega", its in the recommended folder). Do it after all of the above for best effects.

Is a general calling of spirits and feeding them with purified incense rite, this improves all aspects of your magic and may open you up to communication in dreams or while awake. If you want to increase your chances of getting contact have another relaxation period after the offering ritual.



Also Miller's book is good for lots of small non-ceremonial practical techniques and tricks. Try some of the gazes while doing the lbrp to help you "see" the pentagrams.



>Miller's book

Been reading this, it is some of the most practical stuff I have seen. Thanks for recommending it.



>I'm pretty firmly in the "sceptic but I wish it was true" camp.

Until yesterday, I was in pretty much exactly the same place, and it's a good place to start. Other people here can (and in this thread, already have) give you more clear and constructive advice, but you can have my two cents too (and a very recent experience that I would say has shifted me firmly into the 'believer' camp).

There certainly seems to be truth to the idea that not every magical tradition's teachings or philosophy will 'work' properly for every initiate. Everybody's state of mind is somewhat different, and many people seem to need to approach the 'truth' of magic from a different direction. We almost all share the same ideal destination, but our paths are different, coming from slightly or drastically different directions as befits our individual existing affinities and orientations. The most important thing is to read widely, and find the existing material and teachings that make the most sense to you and (when you do start practising) seem to create the best effect, and experiment with mixing them to find a combination in which it is easier for you to progress. Certain people find this easier than others, but I don't think anybody who can dedicate themselves to the pursuit of occult knowledge (and sincerely absorb and apply what they learn) is a lost cause.

Different people find it easier to get 'out' of their default, grounded state of mind in different ways (yoga, deep meditation, breathing exercises, etc, have all already been mentioned in this thread). Perhaps not ideally, I've had the most success working with the altered state of perception of certain hallucinogens- although I'm going to work at adopting non-substance-related methods of achieving the same state as soon as possible, as on these drugs, you have to be even more cautiously sceptical and discerning about what you're seeing and doing than usual. And, most significantly, you're not wholly in control of your mind, perceptions and decisions- which makes distinguishing between actual magical influences and simple delusion difficult.




Regardless, I had my first difficult-to-deny magical 'breakthrough' yesterday on an acid trip with some of my house-mates (full following account is, characteristically for a hallucinogenic experience, fairly disjointed). I had spent most of the trip with a pack of playing cards, focussing intensely on applying what little I had already learnt to try and 'read' a card I was holding, faced away from me, with my mind's eye (I won't go into terrific detail on what principles in particular I was focussing on, or how my outlook and method changed through trial-and-error). For much of the time, I had the guidance of an entity that appeared to me as a cat (at some intervals, I believed that it was the Devil in the form of a cat, but in retrospect I'm ultimately sceptical that that was the case- more likely that it was my own mental projection coloured by the frequent visiting stray cats in our garden visible through the patio doors, although I've had other trips where I've thought I was interacting with a sort-of 'cat spirit', so I can't say what it was for sure). It forced me clarify and revise all the conditions of the 'trick' I wanted to perform (not least of which that I had to 'see' the card for myself, not simply be directly told by an outside agent what the card says), my motives for doing so, and what I was or was not willing to sacrifice to make this step- which I think may have put the idea in my head that I was communicating with a diabolic figure, as I had recently been reading the introduction to Levi's 'The History of Magic', which had been gifted to me by a friend.

I may have jumped on a particular idea in the introduction to the said book, and suggested 'trading' my shadow, rather than my soul, with the entity (the idea behind that being something along the lines that the essential 'deceiver' figure may be placated in turn by such a deceptive act). I don't know if that decision directly resulted in my breakthrough, but shortly thereafter I was receiving visions of the cat (which would take on a more disturbing and less-animated countenance in these periods, like an immense dead cat with it's eyes clouded over and it's jaws wide open in a death-scream) further widening it's gaping maw (and so seemingly 'parting' the fog of my mind, as though peeling away the 'surface' layers to show what was beneath) to allow me (or my shadow- I don't have a very clear impression of exactly what was happening) to venture inside in short bursts to try and call forth what I was looking for. The best way I could describe it was as a dizzyingly vast shadow-archive of symbols, geometry and sigils, navigated as though by gentle descent through it, while seeking (on instinct) the mechanism and information I was searching for as though through the distorted magnifying effect of a lens or crystal globe.

I received other visions as well, although their circumstances were less clear. At one point it seemed as though to get close enough to 'my' card to read it, I had to attempt and re-attempt an approach across a symbolic black stage, navigating all sorts of obstacles, distractions and obstructions in the limited time before my concentration lapsed and I needed to start again. Parting a veil, having a whole deck of incorrect cards blown towards me while 'my' card was hidden among them, pushing my way through a smokescreen, having to ignore (or look directly through) a passionate sexual coupling taking place right in front of me to find my card- and, eventually, all of the above in one go. The card was never completely in view, or absolutely clear. The 'vibe' of the situation seemed a combination of my own single-minded determination, the assisting/guiding/rivalling entity's playfulness, but also an underlying necessity to the whole ordeal.



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When I began to come out of the experience, I recombined the deck and had a friend hold up a card for me to 'read'. I succeeded. She held up another one, and I succeeded again. Other people witnessed this- one of them completely sober. I actually jumped and yelled out in a mixture of triumph and fearful alarm. She then immediately had a go herself, and also got it right (she had not prepared herself at all to try and 'read' the cards like I had, and as far as I know, she is entirely uninitiated in any formal occult teachings). Once we gathered our wits, we continued trying for quite a while (while the trip was still wearing off), and didn't have another (although on a few occasions, we called out cards that turned out to be the next card in the deck). We eventually called it a day, although I felt like I was picking up on a lot of bizarre little synchronicities for the rest of the evening (such as a black cat I had never seen before hanging out in our garden that night, a few mentions of 'cards' by people in the house who were not aware of what me and my friend had been doing earlier, and at one point I just had the word 'kitsch' going around in my head, and when I googled it, the first result was a wikipedia article with pic related as the first featured image, and the same image as the first result for a google image search), and one extremely jarring moment of deja-vu. Earlier on in the evening, the entity asked me if I had any rhubarb, and although I didn't realise it at the time, my friend says that cats do indeed enjoy rhubarb.

What I did was not impossible, of course, though very improbable. I crunched the numbers and, if I've got my calculations right, getting the first card right was a 1-in-53 chance (I left one joker in the pack, seemingly for the cat's amusement). Getting the first and second card right was at a probability of about 0.0003628447. My friend immediately getting a card right as well makes the probability of the entire sequence of events about 0.0000071146. Like I said, not impossible, but phenomenally improbable.

For context, at present I've read and reflected on only the Kybalion and the theoretical chapters of Initiations into Hermetics, and have practised the two simplest meditation exercises in the latter several times (I've lapsed since, but am resolving to resume regular meditation, and to look towards attempting more complicated exercises). Aside from that, I've only read a few articles summarising things such as sacred geometry, articles written by some influential people giving their subjective ideas about magic, and (as noted) the introduction to 'The History of Magic', which I'm in the process of reading.

Sorry if the majority of this post is a bit tangential to the topic. I thought I would share my thoughts and recent experience with OP, since I feel I was in a very similar place to him so recently, and only yesterday took the first meaningful step outside of it and into what certainly felt like meaningful, personally-validating 'magic'.

Incidentally, if any more-experienced practitioners are willing to offer any kind of advice or insight that might put what I saw/did into perspective, I would be very interested in hearing it. In particular, is there any pre-existing documentation of an entity/place/experience that might match my experiences? I think it would be very constructive if I could draw some parallels between my own lived experiences, and those documented by other magicians.


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Excuse me for being excited about accomplishing what seems to be my first overtly magical act, proving to myself that I seem to be on the right track.

My point for OP is that confirmation of the magical world can't be won easily or quickly- and even then, in my case at least, it could still be excused as extreme luck rather than an actual demonstration of the impossible.

But persistence will be rewarded, sooner or later.


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