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Esoteric Wizardry


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Anybody have any info on A∴A∴?

I know they were started up by Aleister Crowley, that they claim lineage through all civilizations, and that they're sort of a sister organization to OTO.

But my impression of Crowley is that he was really a shit magician. I mean he went on and on about will and love, but everything I hear of him makes him out to be the most hateful, abusive, weak-willed punk.

Joining also means slogging through hundreds of pages of Uncle Al's shit writing, as most of their student syllabus was written by him.

A∴A∴ seems to have Robert Anton Wilson's endorsement, unless it's one of his pranks. Still, I feel like they might have something going on. With magic it seems like things get turned on their heads again and again, so it's difficult to get a firm impression.


Aleister Crowley was a skilled magician albeit a degenerate, but his followers are sheep



Maybe he was a decent scholar, bringing together lots of different magical traditions, but a skilled magician?

He spent his whole life addicted to heroin, died broke, and treated everyone around him like less than garbage. Is that what being skilled at magic is?



He was around before the internet though. Many famous occultists are looked down upon, but I have to give them credit for being the pioneers to revive the ideas. They open doors for others to continue exploring.



He was a sick cunt m8


He was skilled, he roses throught the golden dawn grades faster then anyone else ever could.

He conjured entities to complete visual manifestation (meaning someone else non magician could see them), he was pretty good.

He was just a degenerate.



I have plenty of material on him in my mega library.

There's a thread here with the link:


>that they claim lineage through all civilizations

That's somewhat of a severe reduction of the matter.

>they're sort of a sister organization to OTO



>He spent his whole life addicted to heroin, died broke, and treated everyone around him like less than garbage. Is that what being skilled at magic is?

That meme is still going around when we have all these neutral biographies floating about?

He had a quarter of Netherwood to himself, died with a strongbox of cash, and had plenty of people around him until death. As for heroin, dude was being pumped full of that shit by the best doctors 1902 had to offer.



How does OTO differ from A:.A:.?



I believe the OTO is more of a fraternal/sororal order, based around group ceremonies such as the Gnostic Mass.

While the A.'.A.'. is based around a more intimate student-teacher correspondence.





OTO has temple space, A.'.A.'. does not, OTO is fraternal, A.'.A.'. is supposed to be about limited contact with others. OTO makes you pay dues, A.'.A.'. is free, OTO has many initiations, A.'.A.'. has relatively few. OTO doesn't care if you're practicing the gradework, A.'.A.'. depends on it, etc., etc.


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>He was just a degenerate.

some more detail on this fwiw.

source: i fucking forget what book its from. its a old screencap. one of those Falcon Press books though by C.S. Hyatt. Regardie is the person pictured.



Sometime ago Omran recommended to me a book "Tantra without tears" by Dr. Hyatt. I actually went through it and it turned out to be total bullshit mixed with some myths and some pseudo-psychology. I wouldn't trust a single word he says after that.



I mean I wouldn't trust Hyatt. Omie iz a real homie, yo.



It's interesting because he presents it as second-hand information contrived from Israel Regardie, and refrains from going fully into detail or whatever. It makes me wonder if Regardie ever wrote anything related to what Hyatt is talking about.

I have a bunch of his PDFs but I have only read Undoing Yourself. Some of the exercises are definitely odd but they seem to work.



>I wouldn't trust a single word he says after that.

Hyatt or Omran?




Doc. Hyatt is a oddball. For as much as he shittalked AC, he never really divorced himself from the rest of the Thelemic community. Some of Hyatt's students imply that after a certain point he was just staying involved with for something to do.


Yes, quite a bit, you can see it in Aquino's "Temple of Set" history. There are a few letters between him and Regardie that Aquino transcribes which directly touch on the psychoanalysis of AC.


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My humble opinion of A.C.

>Great scholar

>Fascinating historical figure

>Decent British comedian, if you're into that sort of thing.

>Above average fiction writer

>Powerful but retarded magician, probably more in tune with the Qlippoth than the Tree of Life


Personally if you're into the modern iterations of the Western Mystery Schools, the G.D. is probably a better option, if not nearly as glamorous. Buyer beware, tbh.

>A∴A∴ seems to have Robert Anton Wilson's endorsement,

Probably half put-on, half literary nod. Who the fuck knows with Bob though.


My problem with AC is his involvement with MI6 and his propaganda works for both WW1 and WW2. You could attribute it to patriotism, but I'm not sure why he purposely shilled against Germany twice. Not saying that this alone discredits his works, but it definitely makes me skeptical about his goals for occultism in general.


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Love is the law, love under will/

I am a member of OTO, I have had A.:A.: people at my lodge though I was sadly unimpressed she was very unfamiliar with basic OTO knowledge and was more interested in hitting on guys and drinking. She doesnt represent all a.:a,: members but it made it clear to me that you an be recruited to it outside of OTO. Aleister Crowley was a lot smarter than most people realize as was Manly P Hall, Aleister never cracked the ultraterrestrial cipher but a successor did. OTO isnt for ordianry people, they dont make it past the first triad, in my opinion, but its the perfect place for fringe people to meet and work with other unique individuals. I certainly love being a part of OTO and it has been a good growing experience for me. 93s


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Do not take the A.·.A.·. literally. Of course there was a specific organization championed by Crowley, but that was a specific temporal one.

The A.·.A.·. is the mechanism in which shit works.

When you reach a certain level of development you end up stumbling upon somebody who is more experienced and who can confirm you're not just insane.

Likewise, you'll end up helping people less experienced that are truly interested and/or have walked the path long enough to be worth helping.

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