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On the night of the 27th of september the great blood moon will rise, this ritual will ask the goddess ruling the great revenge moon for her aid in your retaliation, or aid of your race, those whom you share blood with. This is a powerful time for blood spells as the goddess is close, and she is at great power.



>Blood moon also biggest supermoon in 33 years.


>Items you will need.

Something to cut with, razors, knife, any blade. (must be a blade, not an edge)

Bandage and antiseptic.

Red cloth.




Be at a place with fresh water (river, stream, creek, lake)

1. Put red cloth down with bowl on top of it.

2. Face the blood moon, with the bowl between you and the moon.

3. Place candle above the bowl.

4. Place knife below the bowl.

5. Bottle of water to be to the right of the bowl.

6. Begin the ritual by lighting the candle.

7. Pour the water into the bowl at precicely the time of the full blood moon eclipse.


>Check time and date for your timezone here. (E.X. Sep 27 at 7:11:12 PM)

8. Once the moon is full and the blood moon eclipse is at its height, take the knife and cut your right index fingers pad (the underside where your fingerprint is) toward the nail by a small amount, enough to draw blood- but be careful.

9. Put the blood of your finger in the bowl of water

10. Once the bowl is bloodied and red- begin chanting "BLOOD MUST BE BLED" seven times.

11. You should feel a major energy change as the spell reaches its height, ask the blood moon for revenge on someone who has wronged you or- agaisnt the jews, who are against the natural order of the universe. You can do both.

12. Once you have asked, and bled, and the eclipse is still going on, take the bowl and pour the water into the fresh water area (lake, stream, creek est) and say- "Vengeance is sacred"'.

13. Done, blow out the candle and clean up your ritual area. You may bandage the wound now, as you wanted the energy from the blood to remain open during the rite.

May the Red Goddess guide you.


I think I'm just going to howl at it.



I feel ya, im howling at it then eating some of the light.


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>Wasting a rare celestial event on nigger tier voodoo blood magic.

No thanks lad.



nigger tier voodoo blood magick

why are mundanes still here?


What are you christians /or otherwise truth person doing? certainly something higher than black magick? simple prayer?



Scrutiny = Banality

If you say so.


The clouds have once again fucked me from viewing an amazing astronomical event. ==FUCK YOU CLOUDS!==




The clouds needed to see it in red.



>cucked by clouds



Considering doing this but lack a creek.

I've got about 30 minutes until it begins, Scandinavian time.

Sitting here tuning in with




Cloud free, starting in 30.




Might do it and release it during day tomorrow, charging it with the sun, thoughts?


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Well… sounds silly but, the moon will tell me. You do not need apparatus or ritual pre-planned in order to make the most out of it (the most you can right now at least)



you choose the future you currently occupy.

>>I already said my litanies to the moon. Why aren't you.



I've had insightful four hours.

Its getting cold, you feel it fellas? To the bone.



hehe.. Cool - ty, this was awesome.


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Marijuana has been proven to cause schizophrenia.


Smoking cannabis increases risk of depression in the case of genetic vulnerability


Study finds brain changes in young marijuana users


Cannabis use changes the size and shape of sperm, potentially affecting male fertility.


Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults


Cannabis Dependence


Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'


Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence


Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer


Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind


Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity


Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications


The Health Effects of Marijuana


Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use


Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds




Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults


Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks


Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer


Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer


Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife


Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome


Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains


Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says


Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample


Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia


Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use


The Terrible Truth About Cannabis


Marijuana use linked to cardiovascular complications and death


Even casually smoking marijuana can change your brain, study says





such time wasted occult gold would of been gained.



Yeah, its not a partydrug, it will make you stupid.

Its for contemplation.

How often do you contemplate your life, anti-weed?



>Marijuana has been proven to cause schizophrenia.

Sign me up. It's time to become third eye awakened master race.



Are these studies related to smoking marijuana, consuming the various cannabinoids? I think we still need to know that breathing in hot smoke is never good. THC, and CBD however are just as bad as mushrooms, which are not bad at all.


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>Being this triggered



Cannabis like mushrooms can have both negative and positive turn ons. Both can also have longer lasting effects than that of normal length of a high. There is some truth to cannabis psychosis.



I would assume they are grovelling in front of their Canaanite war demon, sending it all their loosh and getting nothing but a sense of guilt and weakness in return.



So much shit lol

Let me summarize the most important ideas from all those studies, and leave out the shit:

1- If you have a genetic predisposition to mental disorders, be careful with not just weed but any other drug. Find out if your family has a history of mental problems.

2- If you start smoking weed at a very young age, chances are you will grow up to be slightly more stupid than the average.

3- Smoking weed does things to your brain. You better be prepared for whatever comes to you. If you're suffering of depression or mental problems then seek help before you use any drugs (legal or illegal).

4- You can become dependent , but addiction to cannabis hasn't been completely proven or disproven.

So there you go. Apart from this, perhaps the one about weed causing cancer would be another idea that could be relevant.

My advice as a daily smoker: Try to stay away from the bong if you're under 25. Give your brain some room to develop. Use the substances produced by your body, you'll have plenty of time to experiment once you are old and your mind has settled down. If you're an adult, ask your family about possible cases of schizophrenia, severe depression, alcohol or other addictions, etc. If you find anything, this doesn't mean you have to stop, but make sure you are aways in control - keep track of your ideas and perhaps keep a journal to see if there have been any dramatic changes to your personality that you are not aware of. Talk to other people about it, ask them if they notice anything wrong with your personality, and make sure you adjust your lifestyle to maximize health and happiness (with or w/o drugs)


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I have smoked daily, on and off for the past five years (25 male). I agree with your points.

This plant is a true gift, and it is in your best interest to learn the facts and utilize it correctly.

You need only little amounts to reap the benefits, and any non-degenerate user will limit their tolerance.

The bros and stoner retards who are hitting dabs and getting faded all day long are the only ones at risk of developing psychosis.

I have been there. There was a point where I would smoke myself retarded week after week and I began hearing voices, my depression worsened, and I thought I was going crazy. Any substance abuse is a downward spiral.

The most important factor by far is your mental state. If you hate yourself, you will naturally abuse the drug to cause harm.

If you are at a place where you can love yourself, the plant becomes a invaluable boon for meditation, relaxation, and quality of life.

I implore the uninformed to do research on the true effects of cannabis smoke on your lungs.

Many studies are still being performed; "In a large cross-section of U.S. adults, cumulative lifetime marijuana use, up to 20 joint-years, is not associated with adverse changes in spirometric measures of lung health."

Negligible are the effects to your physical health, and still can be completely negated by using an herbal vaporizer, or by eating THC-enriched foods.

Last but not least, cannabis is known to activate the fifth (neurosomatic) circuit of consciousness, effectively bypassing the fourth (social-sexual) circuit.




It is also worth mentioning that the type and potency of the weed is an important factor.

The most well known psychoactive ingredient is the cannabinoid THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), this makes you high, alters preceptions is somewhat psychedelic and can lead to paranoia.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is another cannabinoid present in cannabis to varying degrees, it is a sedating stoning anxiolytic substance which has been proven to reduce psychotic symptoms.

The protective effects of CBD is limited in hydro strains under constant artificial lighting which are grown to maxamize THC potency.

Naturally grown plants with a normal day/night cycle have a better THC/CBD balance, Indica strains also have a greater amount of CBD than THC compared to Sativa strains.

Milder strains are like drinking a pale ale beer while bong ripping on hydro is like downing vodka.




> .gov

>low qualbait.png

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