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Disclaimer: The original source of this info is a work of fiction which holds a lot of truth about the universe but because of this attracts a lot of idiots who identify with it way too much because of how they interpretate it. If you know the source in question I ask of you to judge AFTER you have read this guide. Keep an open mind. And because I want people to keep an open mind I will not mention the source and would appreciate it if you would not do so either.

But if you feel like you must because of how cancerous it is and you want to warn people: I understand. Can't blame you.

I want to use the amount of sense this theory/guide makes as some sort of "proof" for its credibility rather than the source itself as it is corrupted by its community and requires a lot of patience to check out.

I hope you understand.

Figuring out the purpose of your existance is key to ascencion. And even if it were not, almost everyone seeks it anyway. To figure out the purpose of your existance can be quite hard as it sometimes changes between incarnations.

In order to find out your purpose, you first need to find out what you are supposed to affect or be affected by in your experience as conciousness. This is called your "aspect" and it is what this guide is about.

First, here are all the aspects there are. Then, in the second part, I will explain how to find out which one is yours, as you will probably feel like you identify with more then just one.


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TIME - When your soul is linked to time travel or splitting of timelines or - more likely - if past and future lifes play a big role for you (for example: you remember them and this is the core of your spirituality), this might be your aspect. Or maybe it is the opposite and you only experience one important thing over and over? That counts, too! It's one of the two basic fabrics of the universe. Time is what makes experience possible as every experience has an beginning and an end.

SPACE - While time is the energy of change, space is the energy of creation. As in: It is necessary for creation, the first thing source created was space. If your soul is deeply linked to creation or to space in a more literal sense somehow, that's your aspect. However, the creation in the sense of space has nothing to do with giving of life. That is not creation but vitalization. Those who create worlds (expert lucid dreamers in "godmode", autors of fictional works, game programmers and so on) are more likely to be of this aspect.

TIME & SPACE symbolize the relationship between creation and existance.

VOID - In this universe, void is linked to darkness and the nothingness within our universe. The nothingness outside of it is a different story. As it is darkness, this is also linked to concealment or at least secrecity and being disconnected of fate - meaning valueing your own will above anything else. You could also call this aspect "freedom", but through disconnection, not chaos. ("Positive demonic" is what I'd call it.)

LUCK - Linked to greed or to being blessed by fate or, of course, simply to fortune. Believing in "god" is often a metaphore for fate here. Also deals with probability - If probability plays the main role in your life or if you have a deep connection to fate or the fate of others, this would be your best guess. Also the aspect of those whom are very religious. It is relying on fate/god rather than relying on yourself. ("Negative angelic")

(Luck is sometimes confused with hope, check the note there.)

VOID & LUCK symbolize the duality of will and fate.

MIND - Related to thoughts and decisions of individuals and the consequences of those decisions. Also intelligence. If the decicions of the left brain play the key role in your existance, this might be it. However, this is not to be confused with being left-brained in general. Often for left brained people it is the few right-brain-moments that are really important and vice versa for right-brainers.

HEART - Also comparable to "soul", or the essence of being. It is ironic that this is my aspect as a whole, seeing as my soul is linked to the realm of nonexistance. Then again, this is exactly why being in itself is such a big aspect for me. If who you ARE (and all the small parts inside of that) is a big deal to you this might be it. But seeing as aspects can either affect you or you affect this aspect of others or affect them WITH that aspect, it could also mean that if you play a huge role in the being (NOT the creation, thats space) of others, that could also mean this is your aspect. Or both. It's also the opposite to mind, so the right-brain version of it. If right-brain moments (intuition rather than logic) are the protagonists of your story, you can also roll with this.

RAGE - The literal form of the aspect here is obvious, if you have been a berserker through all of your existance this is a good guess. But it also symbolizes chaos and madness - so the jester and trickster kind of guys come to mind. Also physical strengh and the absence of magic, or at least magic that acts through physical form. It also represents the demonic idea of freedom through chaos, rather than disconnection. This aspect is, like, the other opposite to both mind and heart - relying neither on left brain or right brain, this one is the no-brainer. So basically: This aspect is the aspect of madness. ("Negative demonic")

HOPE - The fourth "path" here is also relying neither on left or right, but on believeing in justice and making this your guide - though remember, "justice" is a subjective idea and can be different for everyone. Holy light would be how its energy looks like. The aspect of how priests and knights SHOULD be like. The literal sense is easy to understand here: Do you give a lot of hope? Do you destroy it a lot? Do you use it for yourself through your belief? Then you can roll with this. Also, obviously, the opposite to rage. ("Positive angelic")

(To avoid misunderstandings: The belief of "hope" has nothing to do with believing in god or being very religious. That's "luck". The belief here is that of believing in "what is right".)

MIND & HEART symbolize the duality of left and right, male and female, logic and intuition, thinking and feeling etc.

RAGE & HOPE symbolize the duality of chaos and order - and what one associates with that.



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DEATH - Simply put, this is the aspect of destruction. Death in itself is nothing but the destruction of your physical shell. What matters, however, is not if you are the active or passive part here, but if this defines you as a being - your RELATIONSHIP to death. This CAN mean causing it, but don't reduce it to that. Seeing as aspects are not just about external things but also internal, this can also be linked to sacrifice - as in, martyrdom.

LIFE - The aspect of, well, giving life. Also fertility and nature, as in: Plants and animals. This can mean healing (or even revival) but it can also mean reproduction or being deeply connected to nature in some way. Druids, medicine men and shamans come to mind. But also if you actively destroy life because of your relationship to it (for example, if you kill out of mercy or something) it can mean life is your aspect.

(Carefull here: Depending on HOW one of these aspects can be yours, it might seem like the opposite would fit you more at first. If you are a destroyer of destructive forces, one could assume this is a double negative and your aspect would be life - that's not how it works. But if your purpose is to actively destroy life in the sense of removing conciousness from a body instead of just destruction for its own sake, then life is more likely to be your aspect. I know it's complicated, I guess it's best to trust your gut feeling here.)

DEATH & LIFE stand for the circle of existance.

BLOOD - This aspect, which might surprise some (depending on their culture), is that of relationships - bonds. Think blood-brothers or family. The strongest bonds are symbolized by blood - and aspects ARE symbolizations. Bonds are binding you, so this aspect also symbolizes stagnation through this. Basically, if you are all about friends and family and this is what defines you (or, perhaps, if the destruction or abuse of those bonds is what defines you) then this might be your aspect. Because bonds are defined through the emotion behind them, the blood aspect is also defined through strong emotion if related to bonds or, at least, interaction of conciousness.

BREATH - Breath, for me, is best explained in contrast to blood. If blood is stagnation, breath is movement. Hence breath, wind. Blood is unity, breath is direction. Blood is clinging to something, breath is letting go. In a sense, breath is also freedom, as in: Being free from bonds. That doesn't mean not having friends, but that your friendships are not defined through being bonded or connected somehow, but by sympathy towards each other. Breath-people are also usually very easy-going while blood-people are very serious and thus take everything serious. You get the idea.

BLOOD & BREATH stand of the duality of stagnation and movement within the experience of life.


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As you probably have noticed, aspects are defined through their duality. If you know one aspect you pretty much already know about its opposite.

The duality of aspects, however, is not just defined through negative and positive, but also through what I call "high" and "low" perspective. First a list, then I explain.


Time & Space


Void & Luck


Hope & Rage, Mind & Heart


Death & Life


Blood & Breath

First of all, this has nothing to do with better and worse. It has nothing to do with judgement. It is a matter of how you percieve life - from which position you see it. This is best explained through example.

Blood & Breath, for example, are all about conciousness experiencing itself - as a collective (blood) or as individuals (breath).

Death & Life go beyond that, it is a matter of conciousness VS unconciousness or, to put in simpler terms, being incarnated VS not being incarnated.

Hope & Rage and Heart & Mind go beyond that, it is the matter of order VS chaos, where logic VS feeling is the other side of the coin, what matters here is your perspective.

Void & Luck - again - go beyond that, it is free will VS letting fate guide you.

Time & Space then finally go beyond all of this and simply deal with the matter of being the creator (and destroyer, as existance only exists in contrast to nonexistance) or being the one who experiences the created and destroyed.

This provides you with a system to find out what your aspect is: What matters is what truly matters TO YOU. Go with what feels right, even though this is not as simple as it sounds. You want to find YOUR aspect, after all, so that you know yourself better.

So you start at the lowest point, blood & breath and check if you strongly identify with either. Does either sound like it defines you? If yes then you can, of course, still think about the other aspects but chances are yours is one of these two.

If, however, you feel like while both is a PART of your existance (spoiler: It all is, of course) it is not what DEFINES it, then you go on to the next level (Death & Life) and repeat. Repeat this process until you reach something that feels right.

Deep down everyone knows his aspect - you just don't neccessarily know how to put it into words and this guide is an attempt at it.

Afterwards, you will know your aspect - as in, half of your purpose. It is not "what you are supposed to do", but "what you are supposed to affect or be affected by". As for the former, that will be discussed in a different guide. I call it a "class".

This "class" also MIGHT help you feeling more certain about your aspect: It puts you aspect into practical perspective so if nothing makes sense to in that section chances are the aspect you picked is not yours!


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Your "class" is a symbol for what you are supposed to do with your aspect OR what your aspect is supposed to do to you.

Because of this right away you notice that your class is mostly defined through how active or passive you are, but while this plays a big role it is not all there is to it. However, since this is a big part of this system, I will use it to give a certain value to the classes.

This value can be either positive (+) for passiveness or negative (-) for activeness. It could as well be the other way around, this is not to judge the classes in literal terms of positive or negative, it is just to give it a active to passive rating.

There are 14 classes. 7 active, 7 passive - so the values assigned go from +7 to -7. Something to consider when trying to figure out which one is yours: A higher number - be it negative or positive - means more rarity of the class. Meaning: 7 is pretty much "one per universe per aspect"-rare while 1 is encountered a lot.

(Personal note: I know this creates the obvious problem of all of us wanting to be special snowflakes deep down. So one has to try to look beyond that desire in order to successfully find his class. Is this system fair in terms of equality? No. But I didn't make it, I just discovered it. Feel free to judge me anyway, I understand your reasons and even kind of agree with them.)

You will also note that those classes, like the aspects, come in pairs, one always active while the other is passive. Also, classes have a certain trend to be more likely to be assigned to male or female souls depending on their value as male and female is basically a representation of passive and active. That means 5 to 7 is pretty much gender-exclusive while 1 almost doesn't make any difference between the genders.

(Reminder: Just because your body is male/female doesn't mean your soul is. You don't keep your gender through all incarnations.)


[+7] MUSE

[+6] BARD

[+5] PAGE

[+4] SYLPH

[+3] SEER

[+2] MAID

[+1] ROGUE

[-1] THIEF

[-2] HEIR

[-3] MAGE




[-7] LORD

The reason I mention this value-system is not because it matters for the sake of judging, but for the sake of you finding out which class is most likely to be yours.

Some of you might already have gained a lot of insight on their soul and spirituality.

Some might already KNOW that they are a very rare kind of soul for whatever reason, increasing the likelihood of being a more rare class.

Some might already KNOW that their souls are definetly male or female based on past-life insight or other sources.

This makes things easier for you. But if you don't know either, just try to feel it but take rarity into consideration.


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Now to finally move on to the classes descriptions. You'll notice two things: First of all, they all have <aspect> in their description. Obviously you insert your own aspect there. This is why you should have read the aspect guide first, else you'd be lost here.

This will help you a lot with finding out what your class is. The description of your class including your aspect will describe something you have done or will do. This means: The older you are the more things you'll probably find in your life which fit your description.

Of course this means huge bonus points if you remember past-lifes as the chance is pretty high that you kept your class through reincarnation. If it did change, it will probably be close in terms of passsive-active-value. This is not foolproof, but helpfull.

Also, it is extremely likely that your twinflame (aka. the other-gender counterpart to your soul of which you only have one) will be of a class with a P.A.-value close to yours, but of the other polarity. So for example a knight will probably have a twinflame that is a Page, Sylph or Bard.

Now I know this is rare so chances are this doesn't matter to you but if you and your shadow-self are two different split-personalities chances are you have the SAME class, but OPPOSITE aspects. Consider this a little fun-fact if this doesn't mean anything to you.

Alright, so after all this bullshit you probably get the idea. Now to finally give you the class descriptions. Seeing as they simly describe what that class does do not be surprised at the simplicity - this is complicated enough as it is anyway.

[-1] THIEF

"Steals <aspect> for himself."

[+1] ROGUE

"Steals <aspect> for others."

[-2] HEIR

"Protects himself with <aspect>."

[+2] MAID

"Protects others with <aspect>."

[-3] MAGE

"Uses knowledge of <aspect> for himself." and "Recieves knowledge from <aspect>."

[+3] SEER

"Uses knowledge of <aspect> for/on others." and "Gains knowledge through <aspect>."


"Manipulates <aspect>."

[+4] SYLPH

"Restores <aspect>."


"Equips himself with <aspect>." and possibly "Conceals his <aspect>."

[+5] PAGE

"Provides others with <aspect>."


"One who destroys (via) <aspect> (in order to enable creation or change)."

[+6] BARD

"Invites destruction through <aspect>." and/or "Allowes destruction of <aspect>."

[-7] LORD

"Commands <aspect>." (Possibly also has the abilities of all the other active classes.)

[+7] MUSE

"Inspires <aspect>." (Possibly also has the abilities of all the other passive classes.)

That's all. After you have found your purpose and know you are <class> of <aspect> and look at your life through that perspective I promise things will make more sense to you.

This knowledge might possibly also guide you in the astral realms and in future events of your existance.

If nothing else, at least you will have something to identify yourself with.


Feedback / thoughts / criticism?



Lots of truth is found hidden in fiction. While I understand where you are coming from just because my system just so happens to have something in common with traditional games doesn't mean it all has to be wrong because traditional games are not "allowed" to be spiritual, only books are. Obviously I disagree with that thinking. In fact, seeing as games let you actively combine art, text and even simulated experience, doesn't it offer you way more freedom to create an experience your spirit can learn from of you are open minded enough?

Always stay open minded is my advice. Not saying "accept this as truth else you are ignorant", just saying don't judge based on closing your mind because of the knowledge you have gathered so far and it disagrees in just a few points.


>Also physical strengh and the absence of magic, or at least magic that acts through physical form.

magic that acts through physical form yes or no here?



Yeah I guess that sentence was stupid. Let's say magic that is of no element and only affects physical things like, for example, pushing or cutting can probably still be an expression of the aspect there and probably magic that reinforces the body or a weapon perhaps but everything else is probably a no-no.



(This was a reply to someone claiming this belongs to /tg/, somehow his post is gone though.)



excuse if I come off as "ROOOOD" here but astrologick(the book by Antero Alli) seem to covered your system in more encompassing form

it talk about how your birthdate(with hour) kinda set up a time capsule in this universe and every big event happen at specific time.

it kinda take astrology in new light instead on metaphor it directly explain in down-to-earth style

though your system is nice too

not saying anything bad about it

it is like alphabet of desire



You get it, this is kind of like an alphabet of desire - but more like an alphabet of purpose.

Of course I am not the first to come up with one / take something and alter it to create one. What matters is the kind of system you use or the logic behind it.

I kind of disagree that your birthdate is the important factor in deciding your purpose, I like to believe that it is your higher will that should decide your purpose. However, it might very well be that through astrology / birthdates, the universe tries to communicate what it WANTS your purpose to be and of course this affects you to an extend as you are part of it.

If I am right this right here is a good example for the conflict between will VS fate, which is also part of my "alphabet of purpose" - though of course maybe that book your mentioned might also cover that, I don't know, I didn't read it.

In fact, if someone else would already have come up with this system and it is pretty much the same then that'd make me feel more confident about it. If different approaches lead to the same answer it increases the chance of that outcome to not be an illusion.


I just dreamt about this. People using their aspect+class in super power battles.



Name a aspect & class and I'll interpret your superpowers. :^)

Then again an aspect can manifest in many different ways and it's more about purpose then superpowers - but it's a fun thing to think about.


Something I'd like to add to the aspects is to explain how they build up on each other. I'll only use one example because it seems the most connected to me (and also because, quite honestly, I don't think I CAN explain it yet for all of the aspects): Rage&Hope to Heart&Mind.

Rage&Hope are, basically, the conflict within duality. There are many examples of duality but I want to take the most simple one I can think of, hot & cold, for the sake of making this explaination easy to understand.

Hot and cold are, actually, the same thing. Heat is just more of it and cold is less of it: Temperature. It behaves like that with many dualities, of course, even with good and evil. So perhaps a soul keeps switching back and forth between the rage and the hope aspect between incarnations because this is what his soul is trying to figure out: Which one is he? Until he realizes: Both is the same thing, he is both. Then he changes his perspective to either heart of mind. Heart if he decides that even though both are the same, he still wants to express them both through his soul (which is why people of the heart-aspect often have several personas or even a split personality or at least a special relationship to their shadow-self) or he wants them both to be one yet neither and express his soul without the duality of his heart, hence mind.

So I suspect it (probably) always works like this: If you decide to balance out two aspects - which, by the way, can take a long time - you eventually understand that they are one and see the "bigger picture", so to speak. Yet in the end, in a way, it is always a conflict of duality - aspects always come in pairs. Which is also why duality is at the center of the aspects. But, again, that doesn't meant that the aspects of duality are the "best" - as above, so below. In the end all is equal, in the end all is made of the same energy - it's just different ways of expressing it.

What you should do is simply pick the expression you enjoy the most. And if you'll ever feel the need to change your aspect it's not you being disloyal to your former aspect, it is you just looking at the same thing from a different direction. Though, of course, if you feel a strong loyality to one aspect there is nothing at all wrong with that.


Time & Space Mage sounds pretty badass tbh


After going over your system, It seems the concepts I resonate with are 'space' and 'thief'. So… Space Thief. Lol.

Can you provide any guidance on how to use this knowledge for further growth?

A superpower would be pretty cool too.



One who takes from space and subtance/information



I am actually working on a certain ritual involving that. But I'm not gonna share it until I know it works because it's stupid and risky.

A thief of space, I guess, could be someone who steals land and makes it his. So this could apply to someone who, perhaps, is a conqueror of some sort?

If I had to make up a superpower for that I'd guess a thief of space would have some sort of magic bag where he can put anything of any size inside.


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Seems very different from my system, can't really say much about it. Except for it using the same symbols it really doesn't have much in common from how I understand it.









so basically this thread is telling me I'm a candy horn grey troll and homesTick is REAL



No. Not at all. It says the only thing that makes any spiritual sense are the classes and aspects as they can serve as a system to find your own purpose.

You obviously did not read the thread and only close your mind right away because this webcomic and especially it's goddamn community is gay as fuck. Which is understandable, but still pretty sad.



hey I was only joking and pretending to be retarded I actually did read the thread but I'm still unsure which class thingy I am if you could help me that would be nice i want to know what my purpose in life is I'm not sure yet but i think my purpose in life is to take drugs



I'll give you an example.

Let's assume your purpose IS to take drugs.

What are drugs to you? For most, it is the gate to knowledge. So you "gain knowledge of <aspect>", which would make you a Seer or Mage. If you use your knowledge for yourself you're a Mage, if you use it for others you're a Seer. Now being a Seer would be interesting in this context since it also means you "gain knowledge THROUGH <aspect>" and as you gain knowledge through drugs, drugs may be a metaphore for your aspect. For the most (but maybe not all) people what drugs do is they connect you to your subconcious, your self. "Heart" is the aspect of self - and also the aspect of duality. So you'd be a Seer of Heart if you use your knowledge for others. If you use it for yourself and are a Mage the question is: What do drugs give you knowledge of since a mage "Recieves knowledge from <aspect>" (this is confusing I should have called it "recieves knowledge of <aspect>"… sorry.). So another example for simplicity sake let's say they give you knowledge of what will happen in the future - then your aspect would be time, obviously, so you'd be a Mage of Time.

This is all just an example of how to go for it. This example assumes you believe your purpose is literally just to take drugs. If this was your first guess but it doesn't really feel right obviously you gotta use a different base for this.

Hope you get the basic idea though.



ok I'm still confused but i don't only do drugs just to gain knowledge i also use drugs to free me form the pain and boredom of sobriety and also just because they feel good



but there was a few time when drugs helped me tell the future


I find that I would most likely be a Page of Space.

To me, providing others with space to create seems noble and fair.



Maybe the person who made the Source text read it? I recognized where you pulled this from, and lemme tell you, the creator is one /fringe/ motherfucker




Like I said, this was just one example since I don't know anything about you.



>magic that acts through physical form yes or no here?

OP probably meant to say "thaumaturgy" there.


Luck Seer?



Sorry for the late response.

A Seer of Luck would always be able to percieve what would have to be done for the best possible outcome. Though "best" might be relative or just according to the seers believe, he is basically a fate-guide for others.



Strangely, I was prepared for the worst; so this is kind of a relief. Still, will try not to close myself off.



It's interesting that you see the Void as within the universe, as opposed to within/out.


I like how you distance blood from destruction but, having worked with blood magick for quite some time, I like to conjoin it as an "oomph" and channel the supplemented energies towards a greater manifestation through willing sacrifice. I suppose, to a degree, these stances match, bonding and power.

I find interesting your mythopoeia surrounding the balancing of life and death, creativity even through destruction vs destruction regardless of intent. I may have misinterpreted this but do you think of death as unable to manifest creation within itself?



Tantra speaks of this, how opposites are actually two sides of the same thing.

It's in the Book of Secrets by Osho, which is about finding one's center.

Buddhism is also about the middle path.

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