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Hello friends, i'm finally reading my occult books regularly and progressing on the path, however there is some phenomenon happening in my house that is causing quite the distraction.

>Grandmother passed away few years ago

>Died in this house

>Sister claims to have saw her on her front porch briefly a state away

>Other sister claims to have seen her in window of this house

>I regularly have dreams about her, and have had a history of predicting things through dreams such as my sisters pregnancy and miscarriage in the same drea

>had dreams about grandmother recently

>next day one sister reports my niece asking all these questions about grandmother, and knowing about photos of her before they were shown to her

>other sister tells us that brother-in-law has been seeing a little girl around his house that apparently "haunted" a neighbors child at one point

>About 10 minutes ago I walk into the kitchen and a knife is inexplicably swinging from silverware rack violently, no one had been in the kitchen to cause this.

My reason for coming to you with this is because though I am studying the esoteric I haven't really made it into anything on how to deal with this kind of phenomena, and I am unsure if it is wise to try anything too high level. What are your recommendations?


This doesn't seem so bad except for the knife part, and thats probably just everyones subconscious fear bc spooky ghosts. Have no fear brother your grandma wouldn't want to hurt you, just all the uneasiness you all are feeling is attracting parasitic imps poltergeisting things up to feed on your fear.



You're probably right, although I find it interesting that the girl that has been bothering my brother-in-law is said to have bothered a neighbors daughter before, perhaps an imp of sorts got comfortable in this town.





/fringebusters/ when?

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