Here lies one view.
Whenever a deity has a name, any bloody fool can start talking about it right away. In the case of 'big', all-encompassing or omni-something deities, the bloody fool is always wrong (and so is everyone and everything else, including all the higher-high-highs /fringe/zards claim to be).
It can be:
any god
any creator
everything, universe, chaos, nihil
energy, consciousness, (other new age stuff)
whatever unique snowflake deity people come up with
The bloody fools are always less complex than the deity they talk about. The entirety of their mind can barely hold a tiny fragment of all the complexity the deity is (since it is indeed just a tiny fragment of it). Anything they say, any book they write, any book their alien/celestial/higher bosses write and give to them, any work of art, any message, transmission and transferred thought or wisdom: these things can only hold and communicate a tiny fragment of the deity's complexity. You can claim to be any sort of sage, messenger, ascended, magus, etc; you are not the whole deity, and cannot communicate or understand it.
The name matters little, for it is just name. You can call 'it' anything you want, really. But when someone starts to talk about 'it', the more they talk the more wrong they get. That's how well spread religions with huge lore and many denominations manage to be crap. They never were good, but as time goes by people will start arguing about what did and didn't happen, how things were said or how they happened, assemble sacred texts then argue, reinterpret and rewrite sacred texts, make conclusions, come up with different versions, divide, and drown in their own stupidity.
It is possible to talk about most things, but there's a point on the simple/complex or small/huge end of the scale (might be the same point) where it just won't fit the minds and the message.