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I need any and all information on sigils, share your personal experiences and what you've learned from various sources. I've become infatuated with them recently as the energy behind them is extremely powerful.


made one recently to make a classmate stop being so negative, she's been kind to me since


i prefer not to use other's sigils because i am a bit anal about exact wording. i have found that it is helpful to be specific and precise. used to do them very by-the-book (liber kaos to be speccific) and i think this is a great place to start. now i find myself doing them a little more intuitively. i like to draw anyways and i find that by allowing the sigils to make themselves more than me making them, they turn out a little better. i think the more you work with sigils, the more your own style evolves and it's actually really satisfying. it's like practicing your signature.

i will say that i was very sick at the beginning of the year, just as much physical as mental and i confided in a friend over it. i went to have some tea with her (she's a real life fairy fucking queene) and she had a sigil out on her coffee table, i thought it was attractive and she told me later that it was a healing sigil for me. i think she has really taken to sigils and she has made some really effective ones, like one time she made one to get the neighbors to quiet down and it worked quite well. i really did get a lot better after seeing her and it and i think her focus in no small part contributed to overall wellness. not a very explosive story i guess but the general crux of it is that i asked for help and a sigil is an effective way of making your needs coherent.

sigilscribe.me is a good place for getting some ideas as well but i think it's all the more satisfying to craft them yourself! i have always found word magic to be very effective and i consider sigils to just be more digestible, more transcendent methods of word spells.



If you wouldn't mind sharing, although I understand if you do, what sigil-making technique did you use?



That's great dude

I've been making sigils pretty regularly recently, and I've had great results. I'm trying to find out how to make them most effectively, so that the effect is almost guranteed.



rune based, sometimes mixed with alchemy #agrams

it can take almost all day to draw it perfectly, and over a day to think about how to design it, but I don't mind



aw well hell yeah as long as you keep it up you will most certainly improve. maybe obtain some kind of papyrus or bound grimoire and some special ink? to take it to the next level. or coinciding with the moon cycles. i dunno. you got this mang


I have never had a sigil work for me. I must have done about 30 on topics such as business, love, lucid dreaming, astral projection and improved magic, and the only thing I have achieved is a single lucid dream that lasted about 10 seconds. I think that is more likely the result of my dream journal than the sigil.

I use the format "It is my will that… (statement in present tense)", eliminate any letters that have already occurred in the statement and simplify the sigil.

I have tried charging the sigil with meditation, pain, masturbation, physical exhaustion and chanting. I have tried staring at the sigil and visualizing it mentally. I have tried keeping the sigil, I have tried burning it.

Of course, early on I probably didn't let go. So I made a bunch of sigils and left them for two weeks, then did them as a shoal. I only had a vague idea of what one or two of them did.

Nothing works.

It is pretty frustrating, because if I can't make a sigil work, how can I expect to do stuff like evocation?

What can make a sigil fail? What am I doing wrong?


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What are the basics of making a sigil? What is the best way to charge one?



Have any examples you want to post?

Although it's not a rule, I prefer to think of them as bending potential outcomes to coming true, so try to keep the sigils reasonably possible.

I've never tested anything extreme before though, besides an early one from years ago to make my life better. Now I'm getting money for going to college, almost done with my associates.

I personally would avoid things like love, because to force yourself to be with someone now could ruin your chance with someone better later.

I also have some other ideas about karma and magic potential, mainly based on observations. So it could be that your life is already good, making sigils harder to work.

But this is just an idea that's been in my head, so I could be wrong.

I'm still learning as I go, so sorry for not giving any good response to your question. Just never quit trying. Take what fails as learning experiences.



All I've really read about sigils is mainly from Practical Sigil Magick by Frater U.D. and Understanding the Gáldrabók by Greg Crowfoot

You might find Jean Dubois useful too.



At first I asked for some pretty big things, but then switched to much smaller targets, things that have even happened in my life before without sigils.

Also, I make sure that there are realistic ways for what I want to manifest.

I have tried very specific wordings and very general wordings.


What are your ideas regarding karma and magic potential? I used to drink a lot. I probably also have some karmic baggage from a past of infidelity. Not complaining, but I wouldn't say my life is that great.

Even so, I thought sigils were supposed to be idiot proof? Just fire and forget, no need for raising kundalini, doing the middle pillar or complex deception aimed at the subconscious.

BTW, I meditate daily and do the middle pillar nearly every day (have been doing so for the past two months).



Karma is just a thoughtform, don't let it get to you.



That's an interesting idea. I always foresaw myself as some decripit old wizard-like man, scribbling down things in my grimoire with ink and quill.



Karma is for learning lessons.


What I can say is that they have the best effect when aimed at the self. Stuff like stopping bad habits or programming your mind to handle things in a certain fashion. As for bringing material goals or even as means to attain spiritual aspirations I have only had marginal success that could just be attributed to regular self improvement or circumstances.

Also I'd be interested to know Anyone have experience setting long therm goals in sigils and then continuing to feed them over very long periods of time.


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This is the closest thing to a sigil i've really had any experience with, don't know it's significance or if it even has any, its just something i've seen a bunch n my dreams.


What happens if you activate them, for example, fap ath them more than once?


File: 1446825946213.png (4.43 KB, 479x227, 479:227, dream sigils.PNG)

I saw some complicated symbols in a dream and they looked a bit like sigils. I tried drawing them from memory.

Can anyone help me interpret them?


I manipulate sigils every day. I use them purely syntactically and never interpret them unless I really have to. It's not like there isn't any correspondence anyway.



I've had mantras take 2 years to mainfest. You sound like you are trying too hard and don't know how to relax.



They remind me a little bit of anchors


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Enjoy this one.



I'm going to post this all over /x/ and say it means something completely different.






they seem familiar, will look i the kingdoms of flame to see if it pop ups anything



those are maps. to what I have no idea, but they should lead you somewhere


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I've been spamming this sigil to spread fears of Islamic terrorism and shut down New Years celebrations because fireworks are for the 4th of July ONLY. I made a small altar for him in my room. It worked pretty well.



I still see this on half chan from time to time. Is it still you spamming it, or has it actually taken off? Not going to out you or anything because I really don't care what your motives are, just curious.



Ellis every time, all the time.

I am not a fan so much of the temporary sigils that you charge then destroy, I prefer to litter the world and let them continue to tug at the edges. I put out a basic network sigil, and include that in specific works.

As far as design, with the specific works I use an ideogram (or collection of them), rather than construct them. For permanent structures, geometry and futhark.

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