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I've advanced a lot in my practices lately and I am now conducting the Work way more actively now than in the past so I'm looking for people to discuss magic with in private, so hit me up fellow wizards.


How are you supposedly talking to people in private when you are talking to people here?

So are you living off prana yet?



you can do it?


I actually finished the 21–day-process and life off prana. But this week I enjoy drinking coconut water.



How did you manage to get past the dry fast period?



One more of my most wondered questions is if you feel you will continue to drink water. I can imagine permanently going of food but water feels like a step which will require a lot of mental preparation.



Just like that. 7 days no drinks or foods, nothing, on the 7th day I drank a glass of water at about 11pm. I never felt thirsty or hungry during that time.


I can only imagine using water to clean my mouth. I don't really feel like drinking for the sake of drinking. Just now I am a bit out of taste, so I tried small foods I haven't tasted in a long time. The craving for taste was immense during the 21-day-process.



Do you think possibly the act of chewing food and spitting it out could act as a satisfying relief for your cravings?



I wouldn't like to do that. It's either calming this craving mentally or getting something I could simply smell.


I'm also looking for others to talk with in a more personal setting than a board like this.



He said he came here to find people to speak to in private, not that he already was so your "supposedly" comment makes no sense, then you derailed the thread with your irrellivant comment about living off prana.

He wants people to talk to. Just move along if you're not contributing anything worthwhile.



You sound like a reasonable fellow, let us talk.


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not >>56198

Why did you choose this particular flag?

Also can you specify what you have been advancing in?

I have the feeling that there is a whole lot of directions to just go and learn into but eventually whatever you are learning will eventually overlap with something that might seem like "opposing" knowledge, I hope I am not being too abstract here.



I am researching alien species and how do they relate to our myths so there is that.

I have improved myself on all front through mental observation and correction and have been feeling way more easy at life so it is now easier than ever to continue my Work.



A couple of questions then:

1. How big would you estimate the role of humans between these alien species, from non-relevant to central?

2. Your opinion on the lacerta files?

3. Your opinion of demons, angels, ghosts and whatnot as they are depicted in religious works, are these only references to alien species? Or something seperate entirely?



Cassiopean Tanscripts


1. Depends on the species, central to some, a side issue to others

2.I remember reading them but I do not recall them at this time.

3.I would say it is just a spectrum of existence, you have phyisical ET races, higher demnsinal ET races, then completely non phyisical being - spirits. It blurs a lot



If you are feeling that life has become easy, aren't you doing it wrong? You have already begun to stagnate


Things get easier once proficiency increases - this is true on all levels.


With proficiency comes ease.

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