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Below I present the case that psychiatry has suppressed telepathic awareness in the world. I also get into cases of telepathy and telepathy in different cultures.

Psychiatry does classify telepathic experiences as schizophrenic. Evidence in the link below.


When Europe ceased the witch-hunts it transitioned to using psychiatry to persecute those they once hunted for witchcraft.


Witches were disproportionately women. Below is a link to the witches hammer. A witch hunters handbook. It takes you to a page claiming that women are more often witches and it also slanders the character of women.


Women are known for "female intuition". Once I was at an ATM with a young woman who is a friend of mine and there was a young boy who looked like maybe 3 or 4 years old there and she said afterwards that while looking at the boy she could feel what he felt and she also said she connected with him and could sort of feel or see the world as he did while she was looking at him. In the video below a man claims that women are psychic. The title of the video says black women but in the video he clarifies that he means women in general.


The video below is about a woman who telepathically communicates with animals.



It may be the case that females are naturally more prone to having telepathic experiences than men. And this suppression of telepathic and psychic awareness by psychiatry may be related to a suppression of the female mind.

Rupert Sheldrake is very interested in telepathy. He relates telepathy to the sense of being stared at… turning around if someone is looking at you. Video of him talking below.



Buddhists believe in telepathic phenomena



In Asian cultures where people value silence they start to develop non-verbal types of communication that resemble telepathy.



In American culture being shy, quiet, and introverted has been considered dysfunctional but other cultures place value on silence. The Native Americans liked being quiet and silence is valued in India. Hindu ideas on silence below.



Telepathy between parent and child



Telepathy among elephants.


Telepathy among dogs


Below is a link and quotation from link regarding telepathy in different cultures.


"…the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert believe that every living creature is connected by a silver stream of energy that extends from one belly button to another. The Bushmen use these horizontal “lines” like telephone wires to send and receive telepathic messages.

The Australian aboriginals believe it is their miwi that makes it possible for them to see or hear at a distance. Miwi, a Ngarrindjeri word that translates as “soul” or “instinct,” is located in the pit of the stomach. Passed from parent to child, the miwi is present in everyone, but particularly strong in their medicine men, who use it to cast out illness and visit the spirits of the dead. A strong miwi also makes it possible to see visions and predict future events.

The Japanese also rely on the solar plexus area for instinctive, non-verbal information. A Japanese businessman will often use haragei or “belly talk,” to size up a potential partner or business proposal. The word haragei derives from hara, translated as belly or guts, and gei, which translates as “the art of.” ”

Below a link to telepathy among african bushmen.


This women believes all women are psychic.


All men are psychic too though.

Be OptiMystic



What the fuck is the point of this post. Of course everyone is psychic that's old news. All animals communicate through telepathy. Everyone has the ability to develop psychic powers. In fact if it weren't for the mountain loads of brainwash, chemicals, disinfo etc shoved into each in every persons mind/body. Everyone would be using psychic powers casually.


One of the point of this post is to advise people to NOT TELL psychiatrists if they experience a telapthic or psychic phenomena


There is also a vast amount of information provided in those links to provide people with a framework to investigating and pursuing telepathic phenomena.


How many people here have psychic experiences?

Is it occasional or all the time?



the folk who run that highexistence site started building a small self-sustaining village outside montreal called valhalla. cool shit.




My own psychologist said they are real. Never said to me to take any medicine.



Still, I dont recomend to say anything about that to any psychologist or psychiatrists, just because one is greenpilled it does not mean that its safe.



I prefer it if you can shock them enough to have their own thoughts start leaking.

Hang all psychiatrists.


What happens if a telepathic person takes psychiatric drugs? Their sensitivity is dulled, permenantly?

How to help such persons?



I once had a 'breakthrough' of some sort. I don't know what type of magick it was but I felt like a god. Supreme confidence, started affecting the world, blah blah etc.

Any way it's completely uncontrollable for me and I end up getting locked in the mental hospital. Get thrown on Teva-Olanzapine and it made me an emotionless husk of a human with chunks of memory loss. Eventually I return to my former glory only to (once again lol) lose control of the increased power and get myself locked away. This time I'm put on different drugs that take away any spiritual inclination, but don't rob me of being a mundane who can at least play video games and socialize.

About 4 years later I slowly start learning /fringe/ material and realize that while I was 'psychotic', the things I was doing were beyond the mainstream level that we're taught humans are capable of.

Things of note:

-First time I get locked away

>short, fat, bowl cut woman comes into my containment cell

>should be nothing to me

>looks at me with the coldest eyes I've ever seen

>sense something dark about her

>she appears to be reading my thoughts

>get the impression that she is the step above local law enforcement who is called into to assist with the 'supernatural' cases

>cows me completely and reacts to my thoughts as if I was saying them out loud

Another one:

-During second stint of mental hospital (year after the first)

>interacting in the outside area of the containment units with the other 3 prisoners

>woman comes in to interview me

>"Do you know why you're here Anon?"

>instantly I become suspicious and give her the mundane reason

>"uh yes because I was doing drugs and the withdrawals from quitting suddenly, along with poor nutrition and lack of sleep and reading things online"

>she looks at me hard and lets the silence hang in the air between us

>"I think you know the real reason" she says coldly

>I feel a chill run down my spine and just repeat what I said above

>she narrows her eyes and snorts before standing up and leaving

>a 1 minute interview regarding my mental health from someone outside of the facility. Strange…

>After she leaves, the old Witch in the room tells me I did a good job and offers comforting words.

>this same Witch would hear me recite lyrics in my head and often tell me to "play my music box"

Another during second stint

>sitting with a doctor and two nurses

>mandatory session with various questions

>I'm 'flexing' my energy and visualizing waves of golden light pulsating from my body

>abruptly the Doctor stops what he's doing and looks over at his nurses and says with a smirk "I think Anon knows more than he leads on". They giggle and nod their heads.


>sitting in TV room

>look at the television

>some Beyonce song is playing

>I had been having strange thoughts about Beyonce so I take interest

>the TV warps and it looks like a wyrmhole reaching out into the room

>colors start floating every where like miniature stars

>I hear footsteps behind me

>it's a nurse who's really nice and this new patient that came in recently

>the new patient had been trying to talk to me, but I rebuffed his advances

>he looks at me and I turn my vision that felt supercharged on him

>him and the nurse give me long, searching looks

>she says under her breath something along the lines of "see he's good" or something like that

>she tells him that he needs to get out of here quickly before they discover him

>she (the nurse) gets him a jacket and he power walks out of the facility wearing full patient garb

>the new patient from yesterday just straight walked out with a civilian jacket over his scrubs and never returned

>I'm perceiving this but am somewhere else entirely and don't think it's strange




One more

>have been communicating with this new patient

>he's late 20's male

>seems very put together, not crazy like me or the others

>he tries to reach out and make contact with me

>I speak with him but don't trust him fully

>he maintains contact over the days

>later I walk into the kitchen and over hear him asking the older female patients that I was close with for information about me

>"why did he want this?" "why does he do this?" "what did he say__?"

>he notices me in hearing distance and has this 'oh fuck' face

>slightly bothered by it but I walk away

here's where it gets fucked

>around 8:00 am I get released

>I see the guy watching me from the kitchen

>my mother drives me home 40 minutes to our house

>I demand that we must go to staples because I need a better chair or something and this is a huge deal to me at the time

>we go to staples so tack on 15 minutes of driving and another 5-10 at home between leaving

>I walk into Staples (in the town over from where the psych ward was)

>the guy is standing in middle of the store

>he sees me, looks startled but angry and instantly power walks out

>I chalk it up to teleportation or something and proceed to browse chairs

Fuck I got carried away with the memories there but yeah as someone with experience, I would say the sensitivity is totally dulled. For example when I intuitively got into energy work I was able to generate an incredible amount of it that fundamentally changed my perception of the world and how I behaved in it.

After rediscovering the ability 6 months ago I've been working on the feeling every day with meditation and although I've made progress I haven’t been able to surpass what took my younger self two weeks to develop. Really shitty!

I believe if fringe abilities were made mainstream I never would have ended up in a situation where I had to be put on those drugs because I wouldn't have been so caught off guard about what I was doing. Before I could right my ship I got slam dunked with anti-psychotics and basically got my legs cut off spiritually. Although it's my belief that I will suffer no permanent effects by the end.

Also the purpose of my stories are to give examples of what I believe are agents who are somehow able to track people with spiritual abilities.



It gets worse. The stuff you pick up on gets worse. Your emotions are dull so you don't react making people think you're stone dead and not hearing anything. Your set point for raging and wanting to punch some cunt in the face changes so you can't lower the dosage of the drug without flying off the handle which suddenly "proves" you need to be on them.



chug it, op made a nice thread with lot's of source material and not everyone knows about this kind of stuff, especially when they are new to fringe material.>>56477



>I felt like a god. Supreme confidence, started affecting the world, blah blah etc.

>I end up getting locked in the mental hospital. Get thrown on Teva-Olanzapine

I've had similar experiences twice. Got out about a month ago. The weirdest experience while in there would be:

>see a witch Indian girl get a long handshake by another witch

>see an energy transfer between the hands

>see her face turn into that of a cat briefly

>she then touches me and others to give an aroused feeling

>starts doing other weird stuff

It was like she was turned into a beta sex kitten. I asked the one who initiated the handshake if she was familiar with the term and she was.

Currently on Olanzapine and Lithium. Anyone know much about Lithium, in particular how it effects one 'spiritually'?



>All animals communicate through telepathy.

No they don't.



Oh? I've read multiple unrelated truthful sources that say otherwise.




Thanks for sharing your stories. Psychiatry has been functioning as the modern inquisition or the modern witch-hunters. They pretty much con us into believing that we have moved on from the time of witch-hunting but in reality its a huge INDUSTRY



You can confirm this with basic practises.

Attempt to communicate mentally with animals, birds, insects, pets etc.

Also animals can be "connecters" to psychic currents, you can read other peoples thoughts through pets as well as the pets thoughts.



They absolutely do, especially within their own species. It's not with words, obviously.



>It's not with words, obviously.

Beggeth to differ. At least with my pets anyway.

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