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File: 1444761330292.jpg (Spoiler Image, 283.36 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, 6771433.jpg)


Greetings, /fringe/. I am what some would call a gifted individual. I have lived in complete isolation from the esoteric community and as such I have bound and formalized my powers in original ritual with no derivation from any source. As such, my marks of effect are unrefined and I cannot be certain which are potent and which extraneous in a given series, only that the result is actual.

I am willing to teach anyone who is willing to learn, though I do not have any philosophical allegiances in matters of magick.

If you have any questions about water affinity, please ask away.



You must not be very smart then…

>asking a "gifted" person anything:

>I don't know how you do that, you just have to feel it

Who wants to learn from someone who has no clue what he is doing but happens to have the right conditions, at the right time ?


Is the girl in the picture your first successful student? Damn look at dems water skills.



I'll bite. What are your powers?




Go roleplay someplace else. We already got enough pseudo-occultists here that annoy us everyday.

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