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File: 1444880579829.jpg (138.85 KB, 1157x772, 1157:772, 1444623409844.jpg)


>My visage when my Deva friends and I shit on black magicians from a great height


das racist



Wouldn't that be beneath you?

It's just your ego talking to itself.


File: 1445130428345.gif (3.98 KB, 150x164, 75:82, tessihoj.gif)


>whites birthrates are falling and their population is being replaced with african immigrants

>being cucked by a black is a growing fetish and one of the most searched term in porn sites

>black president on the once greatest white nation

>ebola is barely even a thing nowadays

>affirmative action giving blacks benefits on universities and getting jobs

We have been doing our job well. Keep laughing white boy, humor will serve you well when you get fired in order to give place for a black man, and your wife trades you for Jamal.



>Le ebin African vengeance

>Not just working for kikes

>Not realizing he's talking about black magicians not niggers

Ayyyy lmao



I could have sworn OP meant LHP mages not literal black people lol



Black magic isn't actually a thing, therefore he must be talking about magic-practicing niggers.

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