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Do you guys fap?


Waste of loosh, if needed can will whore/bitch into reality and fuck accordingly. Also tantric and astral sex are options. Though I think I will stick with abstinence since it brings you closer to the divine.



I try real hard not to, and the effects on meditation are noticeable after even one day of abstinence


been fapping almost every day for the past years, been trying to bring it down to zero. I've promised at least four or five times that I'm gonna take a break but I never do.

Part of this is the ease of access to pornography, when I can watch porn immediately, I end up masturbating, but now that I have blocked a bunch of porn sites from my browser, it takes me some time to find one that isn't blocked, which gives me time to change my mind


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You know what might convince you to stop? What if I said that your subconscious was being influenced to indulge in self sabotage in or to sap you of loosh and self respect. That there are demons and angels watching you touch yourself and your higher self resides inside you knowing all about that shit. Not to mention any past life attachments, psychic viewers, and astral beings hanging around. The entire vast universe knows what you are doing Tommy. EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU.


If you'd had lurked more, you would know by now.

I try not to. It is a waste of loosh and nutrients, and it messes with your mind. There are stories of succubi compelling young men to fap more and more, and use steal their loosh.

Don't feed the demons.


Yes, I do the Egyptian sexual ankhing, and it feels like I'm retaining loosh. I don't force myself to masturbate every day like I used too though, only when I can and want to which ~3 times a week at most. I'm not abstinent because I find I am very aggressive after a week.


>will partner into reality

Wouldn't that take more time than to just masturbate? And meditating to will it would just calm you down and take the lust away.



I have evoked succubus with success before but I prefer celibacy. I do not masturbate. Also you are actually legitimately breaking rule 2 right now.



How do you ankh? I've always thought it had something to do with flexing your kegels right before you bust but I'm probably wrong..



Using items for those things is a waste. You are better off just learning mantak chias techniques. He also has books on multiple orgasms.


>be me


>laying down with girl I used to go to school with

>kiss her

>basically have an orgasm as I kiss her

>orgasm was more intense than usual

>wake up, no cum anywhere

I've had dreams like this many times… A female I know in rl has sexual contact with me in my dreams, I orgasm, but there's no cum when I wake up.

Am I being fucked by astral beings?



I don't pay too much attention to it, I just do

>breathe in 9/10 lung capacity while feeling energy rise up your spine

>as it reaches your head imagine purple energy exploding out of your head

>feel the energy go down your front and breathe in just before the energy reaches your lungs

>breathe out slowly

And I do that a few times before masturbation and before finishing, and I hold my breathe and feel energy looping back through my head and lungs as I finish. That might be wrong, but I feel as energetic as when I started.

Kegels don't sound like a good idea. I wouldn't want to draw more blood to my crotch while masturbating, it seems dangerous.

Still trying to lucid dream, and eventually astral project, so I can quit masturbating and then I can just do it in the astral.



Your loosh is being farmed by a succubus hagwench. Tell her to eat out your ass for gold or fuck to the next dimension.



Not going to lie and pretend I come from here, but since the board rules state: No making of threads for one question and you don't care. I will say this here.

I had a weird fucking experience, with fapping. I was like some sort of dream but I did not feel like a dream at all. I felt alive/awake in the same room I was sleeping in and these pure white orbs came into the room, I knew my eyes were closed but I could see them and the entire room.

I felt amazing being in these orbs presence, I felt safe, protected and strong as fuck. They did not talk but I knew I had to stop fapping, I stopped for 2 weeks and fapped and ever since I think about that experience at least once a week with a weird feeling I should repent or some shit.

I am a Mundane I guess.



Don't know why that would make you a mundane. Divinity often involves sexual abstinence, masturbation is a completely service to self action usually done entirely for the sake of selfish carnal desire. If you were visited by divine beings or essence then it rubbing off on you or influencing you is not surprising.



Just said mundane because I have never really been interested in this except when I was really young and the more I move away, the more I get pull back in.

Scared as if I know something awaits, if that makes sense.

I usually lurk quite a while before posting but I had to balls to ask tonight so I did.



Perhaps it's apart of your destiny. What awaits could be what you incarnated for in the first place. If divine beings are just showing up in your house, maybe you have a divine purpose. Who knows? That's the fun part, seek self realization.



I am starting too.

I was just scared I was insane, especially since my family said I would always tell them I am going to be very important one day. This was before I could remember though, since I have studied psychology at university just to be aware of mental illness and biases, what age certain things have onsets etc.

Thanks Anon, your post is motivating.



Good luck brother, all the info you need is scattered around here. May you be guided.



Much appreciated


I'm on my 2nd month of no ejaculating, I've been reading the "Multi-orgasmic man" so I can learn how to separate orgmasm from ejaculation.

Also I used to be a huge porn addict and I still get carvings but porn is just bad, I don't know why it's bad but after watching so much I think that it has done more harm than good.



Take it from a fellow former addict, it's mind poison. It stains your third eye, I would close my eyes and see sex imagery flashing in the darkness. It's a parasitic thoughtform, you know it's bad when you just looking at the sex imagery and not even masturbating.


Only when doing rituals or enchanting (maybe twice every 5 years)



yeah but jerking off feels awwwwrite


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Changing your diet should be the first step to do on your path, everything else will align naturally.



What diet is that image referring to?



Says it right on it, mucusless diet.



>tfw this only turns me on more

All those astral cuties staring at my dick



kek there are no astral cuties hanging around earth realm. It's more like bug like creatures and parasite entities. Also ghosts, just imagine this look of a disappointed father or mother. The Illuminati remote viewers are laughing at your tiny dick bro, and the jews are rubbing their hands at your failure of self mastery


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>just imagine this look of a disappointed father or mother

Absolutely boner-inducing



oh okay so you're a depraved beta and don't want to achieve self mastery, fine by me m8.


I have been trying out abstaining from masturbation. I think not masturbating puts me on edge and alert. I'm considering the possibility of not masturbating during the work week and only masturbating during holidays or weekends but I'm going to try for a longer stretch first.


One of the problems I have is that since I work online, I'm basically connected to the Internet all the time so if I want porn, I can get it in 2 seconds, pretty much instantaneous reward, which is awesome.

I downloaded a chrome extension to block websites. So I started using firefox when I wanted to jerk off. So I uninstalled Firefox. Then I also had to uninstall Opera. Then it became more difficult to jerk off. Instead of 2 seconds, now it took almost 20 seconds to click all the google links and find out that they were all blocked . actually they redirected to /fringe/ lol

I've used my smartphone to watch porn a couple of times, but it's easier now because I can just leave it on another room and whenever sexual thoughts show up, it has become quite difficult to carry them out.

I'm still struggling A LOT though, I had to jerk off on Friday because I went out with a girl for a coffee and when I came back I couldn't stop thinking about asking her for a blowjob. I'm working on a lot of these thoughts that take hold of my brain, I'm probably still following mental models that I got from watching too much porn

I think that is another important part of trying to stop masturbating, don't just try to stop touching your dick, try to find out what arouses you, and try to reduce the number of situations, change mental models if necessary.



Dude if going out with a girl for coffee is making you think about asking for a blowjob, then you need some serious discipline in that area. Master your lust bro, I was the fap master in muh yungin days. You can will it, but it likes to intoxicate you making you think it's awesome and you need/want it and it's awwwright. It's bs though and a waste of loosh, if anything just keep your mind on other things. Keep the vastness of the universe on your mind, think about profound shit that makes trivial self indulgence seem like a waste. You can always try going for a serious relationship with a girl or something, then you can practice mantak chias sex techniques and save/recycle your sex loosh.


I think masturbation might be a better idea for me personally than not masturbating as I have violent sexual fantasies when I look at pretty women (don't worry, I don't masturbate to those fantasies) and masturbation relaxes me and keeps away sexual thoughts later on during the day.



Well here's extra information: Let's call this girl B. I met girl B thanks to girl A who i have slept with a couple of times. Girl B is nice , not very physically attractive but definitely cute. Now first time I met B we ended up talking about sex stuff and girl A definitely suggested we all had a threesome, but not knowing girl B i didn't think about it, and at the time I was focusing on saving energy for a drug ceremony in which I was going to take part, so I didn't even attempt anything sexual on girl B, although I totally wanted to, and she was very receptive.

Now a couple of months after they moved back to their country, girl B sent me a msg that she was in the city, and asked me out for coffee. Now at this point I thought: She wants the D. But I'm not gonna give her the D. I'm a master of my D. So I went out for coffee, and she was laughing, and looking at me with a bright light in her eyes, different than the way a normal friend looks at you. I was very "disconnected" during the whole time, perhaps trying to not bring any sexuality into the meeting, so I was probably very distant. When we parted our ways after talking, I started to walk away and I heard that she told me "It was very nice to see you again!" So again I thought, this girl wants my D.

So when I came home my head was racing with ideas, maybe I could call her before she left (she spend only a weekend in the city), she seemed receptive, so maybe she would be open to not having sex but just doing something that I would enjoy (because I honestly don't feel like doing the whole sex thing, I just want an orgasm caused by a girl, I don't want to do any effort).

Yes, I totally need to control my thoughts, but I used to be in the same situation as >>57404

I would see an attractive girl in the street and then just have lots of fantasies about approaching her, talking with her, becoming her friend and then having sex. But very soon they would turn into "You fool, this will never happen!" And then the attraction turned into hatred, and into lust. At this point I would then just get drunk , listen to black metal and express my rage by cutting myself.

I'm still dealing with all this. At least now I recognize that it's not just about masturbating, it's about wrong models about women, sex and relationships, which I blame on not having a proper sexual education but rather just "learning" how to interact with women by just watching a lot of porn.

PORN IS NOT REALITY, i believe pornography is doing a lot of harm to our society. Women fight to be more than just "a pair of tits" but yet men have access to literally that in a matter of seconds. In the past, I wouldn't have even thought of a girl sucking a cock. I had other kind of fantasies, more imaginative, more creative. Now when I think about satisfaction, I google "Girl sucking dick" and I get to the point of highest sexual satisfaction in a matter of minutes. This creates a total disconnection of what really happens when you decide to go outside and meet women, and this disconnection and dissonance between what you think should happen, and what really happens, is probably the cause of a lot of frustration and anger in our society these days.

PS: This is all personal experience, this might be completely the opposite for you. Judge only your own experiences, but always move forward.



Yeah you and the other guy are being plagued by more then just sex. It seems you have some thoughtforms you need to get rid of. That is what the repeating patterns are all about. You probably repressed some emotions and they backed up into internal thoughtforms. This also has to do with self loathing, you have yet to realize your ability I think. That's what this stuff does it intoxicates you. You probably should stop drinking and cutting yourself, this only leaves you open to more manipulation. Yeah porn stains the third eye, it becomes about the flesh and less about sex itself. You got to do some internal work bro, you have the power to change all of this if you will it. You are not utilizing your power as an enlightened.



>…And then the attraction turned into hatred, and into lust. At this point I would then just get drunk , listen to black metal and express my rage by cutting myself.

Wow, that's pretty extreme. Glad you're doing better.

>it's about wrong models about women, sex and relationships, which I blame on not having a proper sexual education

Getting the greenpill really helped me shape up my perceptions of these three things, mostly. Beforehand I was clueless, and I do attribute this to the lack of a proper, honest sex ed and my own traumas/fears/inadequacies when I was younger. Sex seemed mysterious, taboo, but it was always presented to me as the capstone of a relationship between two people. Despite also being told about unplanned pregnancies, diseases, and statutory rape laws. Sex ed as a prepubescent american boy is confusing. If any of you wizards manage to have a family of your own one day, make sure you give them a clear and honest talk on this subject. Mine did not.

Consequently, I had almost no interest in having a intimate relationship with any girl during my formative years. The times I did consider it, I'd tell myself it's too much work and too risky, plus, all my other issues took precedence as well. However, I still had urges and other unexpressed feelings because of this. Which lead to the slippery slope of degenerate fetishes and the endless loosh sink that is masturbation.

The act of the latter is vicious, always giving and lusting, and never receiving anything of value. Most people know how the rest goes. You either degenerate further, or climb your way out of possibly years of illusions, behavioral problems, etc.

Now, I've been attempting celibacy/abstinence (not really sure how the former is defined.) for over half a year now. It's taught me the lack of love towards myself and the lack of love given to me by other people because of my prior circumstances. It's hard work, but stopping masturbation and sexual thoughts has made me a much better, noble person.

>watching a lot of porn.

>PORN IS NOT REALITY, i believe pornography is doing a lot of harm to our society….

Even when I was younger I couldn't manage to even watch a single vanilla porn video and not be disturbed a little. I was much more naive, but they'd always feel very artificial and empty. Despite not understanding it fully then, what kept me from enjoying it was a lack of love between the participants. As much of a good choice as it seemed, I spent most of the time fapping to 2D furry art instead. Even if it was more fappable to me at the time, I ended up dropping that for the same reason too. Porn is simply never good.

I might have missed some things, feel free to comment if I forgot/didn't convey something clearly.



>PORN IS NOT REALITY, i believe pornography is doing a lot of harm to our society….

What about books, music and other art? Porn is but one kind of crap in the vast sea of shit that is the arts.

Two questions for the anons here:

Is porn always crap or does it just have a much larger tendency for crap than other media?

To what degree do the other medias have a tendency to be crap and what should one do about it?



what book is that from?



But getting the same results from art or books is much more difficult. If we didn't have porn, we would have to use our imagination a lot, I remember there was one erotic scene in the book The Pillars of the Earth that I used once to jerk off, that was great. I had to imagine what it felt like to be in the place, I followed the words on the paper and tried to feel them on myself, all the touching, the kissing etc.

Porn…porn is for the lazy mind. Porn is not a challenge, porn just jumps straight into the action. No foreplay, just sexual energy. I don't mean foreplay as in eating pussy for 10 minutes before putting your dick inside, I mean as in touching, kissing, looking at the other person, "Is she thinking about the same thing I'm thinking about?" but porn is none of that, porn is SEX WILL HAPPEN JUST WAIT 10 SECONDS UNTIL THEY GET NAKED. No wondering, no deceptions, no rejection. Imagine if 50% of all porn just showed a guy or a girl trying to get laid without succeeding? lol that would definitely be great. You wouldn't know if you're gonna get there or not. It would be much closer to reality and definitely better for our stupid monkey brains.

I think porn is not necessarily bad, but using it as often as we do is definitely bad, we just keep stacking more and more experiences where we Get Horny -> Get Porn -> Have an Orgasm , and that's it. Usually it doesn't take more than 10 minutes. Do you imagine that in real life? A lot of people would say "Woah, cool!" but that would mean most of us would NEVER talk to a girl unless we were horny. Because we already have the porn models, so we don't really connect with women.

This is all my point of view , of course, when I say "we" I mean me and other people in the same situation. I believe women have the right to do whatever they want , and fuck as much as they want. But pornography is telling us: "Hey, all women love sucking dick." And we believe it. At least I did, unconciously. I imagine that every girl walking around is dressed to fuck, and all they are looking for is dick. For instance, yesterday I was driving and a girl tripped and almost fell to the ground, and the only thing I noticed was that she had huge boobs. I turned the corner and I had to see the boobs again, I almost had a small accident because my brain was shouting at me LOOK AT HER BOOBS, OMG IMAGINE PUTTING YOUR DICK BETWEEN THOSE JUGS

I'm wondering what to do to fix these models, I'm thinking either (1) move into isolation and spend a good time away from people until the old models just disappear, in time. or (2) take a vow of celibacy and then go outside and try to meet a lot of women without even kissing a single one of them.

First one is the easiest one, so I will probably try to go with the second one, and meanwhile try to train my will.

Any suggested readings about will-training? I'm already trying to "shout" inside my head when I want to do things I shouldn't do. "GET OUTTA BED NOW!" or "DO NOT THINK ABOUT BOOBS, THINK ABOUT GALAXIES" etc etc


ITT: beta virgins in enormous denial that they need to rationalize to themselves to stop fapping because a succubus is 'using them.'

Hold on… in this thread my chakras are picking up a new energy… and its message is… /r9k/

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