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Esoteric Wizardry


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Had a weird experience just now /fringe/, I am starting to hear noises now so I am trying to post this as quick as possible in case some shit happens. I dont normally come here but I dont know who else to come to, I put my trust in you mighty wizards of /fringe/

Strange experience, was out in my car. Suddenly saw vivid red rings around my line of vision. It was weird, like I was being catapulted into the spirit realm, but managed to pull myself back. It did not look like one of the good spirit worlds. I thought maybe it was an alarm, that I should look behind me to see if there was something. But nothing.

Shrugged it off and went back to listening to music and smoking weed. Took out headphones to pour out water and go back inside. Noticed it was dead quiet. Not a sound. No dogs barking, no chickens, horses or cows making noises, no coyotes, no cars. I got out of the car thinking there might be more sound. Occasionally a bang or a single bark from a dog somehwere far, but other than that, eery silence. It would go on for minutes. But I was not disturbed because I no longer fear death, only dishonor now. the stars pleased me and I saw many comets, it was a very dark night so you could see many stars. I scanned the stars looking for whats constellations there might have been, that my ancestors would have seen. But then…I saw what looked liked a cluster of stars at first. But…it wasnt. I am absolutely sure. It was strange. It was the only thing in the sky like it, none of the other clusters looked like it. The longer I stared at it, the more my eyes hurt, and the area became more and more blurred as I looked at it, until it was a multicolored blob, in the shape of a diamond roughly. It became sickening and painful to look at. My legs began to hurt and ache, when I had been fine before and were fine after. Even though it was painful to look at, I was fascinated and stared for a few minutes, before going home and saying to myself "weird".

I fucking despise living in this desert, there are always weird things going on out here. First I thought only strange people, but now…I'm not sure what exactly I saw. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation that isnt ayylmaos or some bullshit. But it was eery…it did not feel natural looking at it. My spine feels chilled, the kind of chill I havent felt in a long time. I am not afraid or worried about what I saw…but I am disturbed.



Dude ayylmaos are real, and if it was them then they could have abducted you and put you back on the ground without you even notice/remembering. It sounds like something phased in from another density or realm, I can only imagine that being ayylmaos since that is how their technology works.



So that sort of thing happens more often there and with other people too?



Also take note if there are any storms in the following days. That usually indicated EM disturbance which could indicate some ayylmao or other realm phenomena.



I'm gonna talk to my Dad about it because he claims to have seen UFOs before. Ive never really believed in it much. I dont think I was abducted.

And you are very spot on about the phasing in thing, thats what it felt like, like when the red ring appeared in my vision, it felt like something "appeared" behind me, the red flesh coming from it. I thought it was a red light or something, but it was far too vivid and sudden, and was definitely not normal light.


Not sure, first time Ive seen it. By this desert being weird I mean alot of crime and things happen out here. Pretty sure dead bodies are buried out here. Its very remote.


Actually the last few days have been freak storms that suddenly came in the night a few days ago. Completely flooded some of the highways around where I live.

Maybe they phased in then.



red flash*

sorry still high lol



Yeah they are hyperdimensional, so basically they use their ships to shift realms from 4th to 3rd. However it isn't necessary for them to become visible which is why whenever they do it's usually because they intended too. Not that they can't have accidents and such, considering the roswell incident which was a result of an EM storm.


stop the weed

get checked for literally head tumours



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Yo OP did you die? What happened did the aliems get you? I get my niggas and we'll spray paint their ship bro, we should all go to the Andromeda system for some master fuckin kush man that shit is out of this wooooooorld.


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>went back to smoking weed

stopped reading right there



I don't know why you would, weed is not a hallucinogen.



>cant describe the phenomena

my sides



I stopped right there too. Haven't read anymore of the thread but just noticed your reply scrolling down. I don't care about the wellbeing of some druggy.


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ayy lmao

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