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Hey guys Catholic /christian/ here to answer any questions you might have about the Catholic faith and to discuss philosophy, theology, and/or metaphysics. A lot of the symbolism and concepts discussed here are actually incorporated, though sometimes with completely different meanings, in our theology, art, and architecture. We know all about dat.


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>almost a year without entering this board

>start studying some radtrad shit and Guenon-tier books in the free time

>recently finished Cosmos and Transcendence and started reading Burckhardt's Alchemy two books which heavily deal with christian metaphysics

>decide to visit /fringe/ after all this time

>see this thread

I can leave the synchronicity, but the synchronicity never leaves me.


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omnia causa fiunt



In the last days ,I did have a lucid dream , I ask for help to heaven and I fly over the houses , to a church , in the church I talk to a statue of Christ, who make socratic therapy on me (basically make me answer my cuestions) and in a critic way told me to read the moslin (I guess was the montalk website becose the ancient pergamin did have hipertext simbols ,after that we went to the altar and I saw a light, who was reflect on the bright stone of the altar , I saw the same light In other lucid dream , we're I ask for help too the statue of Christ ask me if I ever ask God for something ,and I told him not , that I fell shame to ask for material stuff to God , I say that would be good to have money and then he ask me for money, I was ready to tell him that I was broke, but I remember that I was dreaming, you always have money when you are dreaming, and I grab some money from my pocket and I give to him, then the mass started and I lost track of the statute,

My current cuestion is about the light, was God or something like that?

What do you know about it?

Thanks in advance for answer my cuestion.


>being a catholic

>not encouraging a jesuit/satanic/pedophilic organization

it's too bad, atleast you believe in Jesus but that's about it. I dont know why catholics are so proud to say it, they tell everyone they take it up the ass.

Every catholic I meet are people who enjoy the processes/rituals of it, they feel proud to pass those, as if they meant something.

They especially enjoy the art and history behind it. like your OP.

You can appreciate the art of the christian faith without being a sheep who sends himself into a decadent and degenerate establishment of pedophiles. We're in 2015 wake up you spineless christian warrior, you're siding with the enemy.


Hello, I have a question.

It is not as much a Catholic thing. most Christian organisations stand by this.

It is about sex sort of things. Anything would be fornication as Jesus great commandment says that all subjects can be summarized.



but why did you let constantinople fall, Catholicism?>


So that is a whole bunch a questions :] what do you think of that?



One thing I know is that it was brought down by locals, being the capital of the eastern part of the Roman empire, and is now Istanbul, Turkey.



>fourth crusade

Don't act like you didn't help.



I don't know much about dream interpretation anon. Usually it's stuff we're repressing or things that we haven't worked out. Sorry man!


>its the year of Our Lord two thousand and fifteen and you are still doing these things?!

Yes my friend, we even have a word for it, it's call sacred Tradition


I don't understand what you mean anon? Love one another as I have loved you?


It's complicated. The Latins and the Greeks had been feuding for centuries - by the time Constantinople fell she had been weakened both from within and from without. We'll get her back eventually. Deus Vult.


>massacre of the Latins - neither did they. fault all around.


>I don't understand what you mean anon? Love one another as I have loved you?

Yes, that is the great commandment. It is confirmed as well in other places. Like 1 Cor 6:12. This still means anything.

One sided abstination of certain things is one of the worst things to do. (Sin against own body is more severe)



I'm still not exactly sure I understand you but I think you might be conflating loving someone with raping them or something?

The great commandment is to love other people self-sacrificially - not in the sense of being against our own bodies or anything - but to empty out our selfish desire and turn it towards willing the good (loving) of the the other. We call this process Kenosis.

One problem we have is that English only has one word for love, whereas Greek has three. Love, as commanded by Christ, isn't erotic love, but rather charity.



I'm not thinking of rape at all. As I said in my first post: a fornication title is given very easy.

The word "love" as meant in the great commandment, to God, to neighbours means openness. Fundamentally it is very neutral. It will lead to specific correct circimstances. Because it means to respect certain values that just make circumstances about others or God work.

Agreed or not that this is the meaning of love in that commandment?


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Sure kindness, openness of spirit, self-giving love.

Can find a lot more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosis


How would you respond to the view on the matter that sexuallity outside of a marriage is basically not a sin. As long a is taken into account what would be in anything else. Like when taking a bus you can't start hitting the driver all of a sudden. Or starting to converse with him enormously intrusive.


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I have no idea what you mean with the bus driver, but sex outside of marriage is considered sinful. The whole idea with sex is that you're giving yourself to another person - completely - for life. That way you can have stability in raising a family.



I think the whole subject is quite a bizarre kind of thing. I think that is why the example was less understandable.

A similar example of that it would simply have to work would be: noone would buy a computer to come home with it and next use it as a vase in some way.

Or being with other people noone would repeat the same word over and over again for hours.

That sort of thing. It is clear and doing it has no use.

>The whole idea with sex is that you're giving yourself to another >person - completely - for life. That way you can have stability in >raising a family.

So you would acknowledge that whatever kind of sexuality is not forbidden by God?


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God wants you to be happy. A lot of things that we think will make us happy actually make us miserable.

I think the sexuality is pretty incidental/accidental - its how our desire is ordered that matters.

People get pretty hung up on matters of the groin - it isn't really the point of the faith - though sure it is important.


But purely the question:

The great commandment leads to fulfilling of the law as it explains how any commandment should be taken.

So, any sexuality would not be forbidden True or not. If it would be, how?


Really enjoyed reading this thread. Had an experience recently that is strongly connected to a lot of stuff here. It was quite scary and hard to grasp, but ultimately came out stronger and with my eye a bit closer to the truth.


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That's true - a well formed conscience can draw out everything from the simple twofold command of love towards God and love towards others.

>So, any sexuality would not be forbidden True or not?

What does you conscience tell you?


Catholics are all about spiritual warfare and battles with demons - that's why I figured I would make a post here on /fringe/. Maybe tell us some more about it?



This sort of subject calls for some sort of objectivity. Because if thought about it logically it is a more severe problem.

A disorder everywhere. To Christianity it is a burden that withholds a bit of an acceptable spirituality in general. What Christian organisations should be.

In most religious groups the conscience thing does not count if it is about that.



Thoughts on Malachi Martin?

I'm inclined to believe his claims, or he's just a really good voice actor (speaking from Art Bell interviews).

Particularly, he speaks about the risks of most of the New Age practices (AP, scrying, etc) and how it leaves you sprititually vulnerable, in addition to the sheer power the mere mention of Christ's name spoken with an ounce of faith produces against Evil (which when gets mentioned on /fringe/ pissy pagans dogpile)

What do you think of him?


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Wait till you hear this…

>early this morning

>start experiencing very subtle streams of synchronicity after a long time out of which I intuitively extract the message that it's always happening even if I'm not conscious of it's presence

>randomly stumble across an interesting roman catholic illuminati documentary talking about papal bloodlines, fraternal orders, symbolism, etc.

>mind blowing documentary

>thinking about roman catholic church all fucking day and message from the synchronicity

>knew I was going to come across something related to all this before I go to sleep tonight

>see this thread




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Well have a fundamental deformity in our desire due to concupiscence - all mankind shares it.

Conscience has sound place and well documented theology in the Catholic Church - nothing can override your own conscience (particularly if it is well formed)


I know of him - and I've flipped through a few of his books - but I wouldn't take him as a factual source about prophecy or anything like.

In terms of the risks of new age stuff and opening up access to malevolent spirits, whether intended or not, this is all correct and has a long place in our Tradition.

Google: catholic exorcisms (fine one with an actual priest lol) and tell me the devil isn't real and after our souls.

Falling back on the Name of Christ is certainly a powerful anti-dote agains the demonic, but they will quickly find out if you believe it or not and will torture you even further if you do. General claims of this nature should involve a priest who is also appointed as an exorcist.


omnia causa fiunt

pic related - that's where monks live - you could live there too!



"its call sacred Tradition"

thanks for proving my original post which states catholics are little babies who enjoy ritualistic practices of worshipping idolatries which would not be permitted by Jesus.

have fun pleasing your inner religious faith with "tradition" made by men in the satanic vatican.






I'm not a religious person, but I find amazing the power of catholics to cause some kind of spontaneous wrath in people, I mean, communists, satanists, atheists, neopagans and even christians seems to get a severe butthurt at their mere presence.

It's like they are walking baits or something. I respect that.


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All of the ritualistic practices we carry out were commanded by Christ himself - we're still doing the same thing thousand years later. We can talk about the origins or different practices if you like and what they mean. Given we have the Prayer of St. Michael said in Church everyday - we have a pretty low opinion of satan.


Anytime you're with a group of people that explicitly or implicitly implies that a bunch of other people could be *gasp* wrong - you're going to have this effect.




Why are you so very happy about this thread?

And in connection to

>radtrad and Guenon

>Cosmos, Transcendence Burckhardt's Alchemy, christian metaphysics ?



I don't have another preference. This subject can be enormous attackive.

But what is that:

>Conscience has sound place and well documented theology in the Catholic Church - nothing can override your own conscience (particularly if it is well formed)


Has it got a lot to do with what people do and what the church teaches?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This subject can be enormous attackive

For a wizard, absolutely!

The highest form of the highest rite that we perform is: (vid related)

>Has it got a lot to do with what people do and what the church teaches?

Yes to both questions. Your conscience is your 'voice' 'guardian angel' that prompts you to do things that are unquestionably good and warns you against things that are harmful. Our conscience grows naturally with our experience, and supernaturally with God's grace.




>Yes to both questions.

This seems to be taken a bit double. I mean is the standpoint of the church basically that nothing is bad or questionable, put in the well written out policy about it.

Meanwhile the church could officially teach a specific and clearly stated number of things. Without there being any question about other things. Or showing agreement about other things.


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Robes, altars, sacrifice, intercession, learning, blessings and curses, exorcism.. A catholic priest is basically a wizard.

>I mean is the standpoint of the church basically that nothing is bad or questionable, put in the well written out policy about it.

The Church has many teachings that are very clear. Ultimately though they can all fall into supreme commandment we were talking about before.

The Ten Commandments are also often used to explain Church teaching

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