First bit of anything to pop in mind when I first dropped in a few minutes ago… One of Osho's meetings.
He said the story of the initiate walking to the master, wanting to learn, and the master offering him a cup of tea. The master kept pouring, and pouring, even as the tea overflowed from the cup, across the table and began to drip on the floor.
He told them how the Initiate noted it, and how the Master nodded and pointed out that he can not fill a cup which is already full, but then, Osho also added…
"I am more dangerous than this master. I will not tell you to empty your cup, but shatter it alltogether, for otherwise your minds will keep attempting to refill the emptiness."
So do I come, driven by curiosity and a heritage of affinity to esotericism, though I would like to learn about more than just the Gnosticist view of Christianity which my family has or the bits of Reiki that some of them also practice.
Nevertheless, long story short… "Hi."