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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)


First bit of anything to pop in mind when I first dropped in a few minutes ago… One of Osho's meetings.

He said the story of the initiate walking to the master, wanting to learn, and the master offering him a cup of tea. The master kept pouring, and pouring, even as the tea overflowed from the cup, across the table and began to drip on the floor.

He told them how the Initiate noted it, and how the Master nodded and pointed out that he can not fill a cup which is already full, but then, Osho also added…

"I am more dangerous than this master. I will not tell you to empty your cup, but shatter it alltogether, for otherwise your minds will keep attempting to refill the emptiness."

So do I come, driven by curiosity and a heritage of affinity to esotericism, though I would like to learn about more than just the Gnosticist view of Christianity which my family has or the bits of Reiki that some of them also practice.

Nevertheless, long story short… "Hi."


File: 1445528307232.jpg (57.39 KB, 500x735, 100:147, 11150678_960045184026095_7….jpg)


Welcome to the web's highest quality esoteric imageboard OP.

Feel free to check out the rules, browse the sticky for rad links, and take some time to ponder why you made an introduction thread on a mostly anonymous imageboard.

Also, how is it living with a non-bluepilled family?



Hi newfriend.

I've been reading Osho's Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, but never got to finish it.

>I would like to learn about more than just the Gnosticist view of Christianity or the bits of Reiki

If you're interested in Tantra (seeing how you quoted Osho) then I suggest you check out the "Eastern" folder in this mega, especially book called Kali Kaula: https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

I'm a Shakta, mostly into Kaula schools, if you want to read some powerful, original Tantrik text then check out Kaulajnananirnaya tantra (if you're interested I can upload an English translation for you).

Also, most people on /fringe/ don't know anything about anything and are basically just a bunch of delusional faggots, but there are some hidden gems here. Just a heads up, be skeptical and don't believe what people say, try things out for yourself to determine whether they are true or not.

I don't have much more to recommend to you as my practice was mostly Tantra-based lately.

Recommended reading list from FAQ is a solid entry-level guide into New Thought movement and esoterism although I never really liked Atkinson.


>web's highest quality esoteric imageboard

You're joking, right?



I assume you know a better one? Spill it.


i like your style



>You're joking, right?

Of course. Sarcasm is a pretty bad habit, especially online.

/fringe/ is decent though. Lots of good info with fun and constructive discussion sans the shitposting and cp spam that's been happening lately. Mostly this too >>57878

>Also, most people on /fringe/ don't know anything about anything and are basically just a bunch of delusional faggots, but there are some hidden gems here. Just a heads up, be skeptical and don't believe what people say, try things out for yourself to determine whether they are true or not.



As I mentioned I am very much into Tantra (not that I'm some kind of guru, I'm still very much unexperienced but I know my shit). My opinion on /fringe/ not knowing shit comes from observations of people's knowledge on Tantra. 90% posts regarding it consists of New Age superstitions, stereotypes and disinformation. Most people here (from what I've gathered) are certain that Tantra is somewhat synonymous with sex magic, I've seen posts describing Kali's mantra (incorrectly I might add) in connection with no-fap or shit like that.

My point is: if /fringe/ makes so obvious and serious mistakes on the subject of Eastern Esoterism and Tantra then why would they be correct regarding any other topics?

In the age of Internet, ignorance is a choice and people are still choosing it. Even on esoteric imageboard. I don't really care, it's their lives, I'm just warning newcomers not to trust everything they come across here.

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