No.5786[Last 50 Posts]
Is the Law of Attraction basically Chaos Magick for soccer moms? I've heard someone describe it that way, does /fringe/ agree?
If I remember correctly LOA is a real thing, but the way The Secret and similar shit sell it makes the system purposely incomplete so it's basically useless. Maybe someone with more knowledge than I can expand on this.
It's basically a form of medidation.
By wishing for it countless times you start to work for it and pursue it
>>6097The Law of Attraction specifically does NOT work by wishing for things. Wishing for things is a good way to never get them. There's a lot of people who DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT and you're another one of them.
Read Montalk's two reality manifesting/creation articles, the synchronicity article, Neville Goddard's
The Law and the Promise, and also what William Walker Atkinson wrote on it.
You are just a mundane who really does not understand the true power and significance of LoA. It's not a matter of wishing for it, or working for and pursuing it, it's a manipulation of the timeline to manifest something into it.
…pics all very related.
If you keep wishing for something you will just create a future scenario where you continue to wish for that thing. Like begets like. Instead you need to resonate with that future probability where you've already attained it and adopt the mindset that "it is already done" and nothing more need be done. If you do it very powerfully and with intense concentration it can lead to some very strange anomalies happening in reality like materialization of objects but it and can also lead to a re-arranging of events in the timeline to make something come about as per your intentions. the rest in the mega)Read up and apply these principles in your life and you can cause really absurd and improbable scenarios to take place in conformance with your intentions. I have personally made it work to an extreme degree for me.
>>5786No not at all. However there are many who misunderstand it and who write bollocks about it. That doesn't mean however that it's not a real thing which you can learn to master and reap the benefits of.
>>6123Third picture there is not related at all and was supposed to be a different image.
>>6124Fuck I can't find the image. Anyone got the one about the guy who would dream stuff before it happened and while he was in a dream he decided to make a triangle appear and then the next day the exact same events happened just like in his dream and the triangle even appeared and was visible to absolutely everyone in the room not just him?
>>6123>I have personally made it work to an extreme degree for me.Care to elaborate? What's your successes in it?
>>6141I got everything I wanted basically with no mundane effort put into the thing and all while being poor and just studying magick. GF, bug-out place, possibly a home soon, a job of sorts, free stuff, and I get left alone and spend the vast majority of my time still studying and practising magick. Literally everything just came to me All I had to do was resonate with the feeling of this would all happen and it was all already done. Also just for keks I decided to LoA people right to my room to test out the idea of "could I stay where I am and not even leave my house and a person would walk right to me?" and what happened? A guy's dog got off his leash and ran to just outside of my room and he had to chase after his dog and I could see him walking around just outside of my room through the window.
>>6123Would you care to elaborate on your actual technique(s)? I am very new to this and very interested and in need of major change in my life. Thank you for answering me, it is very much appreciated.
The Law of Attraction is a sub-function of the Law of Cause and Effect (i.e. Karma). Karma is controllable in theory, but in reality most people are slaves to attachment and therefore lack the ability to 'manifest' things in accordance with their will. So long as a person grasps at temporary conditioned phenomena for peace of mind, he remains subject to karmic bondage and will therefore lack power to satisfy desires. This is why the "Law of Attraction" does not work in actual practice.
>>6731Not him, but the technique is just what he said: feel the feeling of already having the thing you want, in as many physical senses as you can, but most importantly in the emotional sense.
If you want more, there's a pretty good 4 hour long presentation on Youtube about it called "The Divine Matrix": No.11318
>>6434So you met a girl…oooo
You live with your parents and can crash at your girl's place sometimes….
You got a part time job…
For fuck's sake.
>>11318its all he asked for
>>5788>If I remember correctly LOA is a real thing, but the way The Secret and similar shit sell it makes the system purposely incomplete so it's basically useless. No, it works just fine the way it is presented. Occultfags just get pissed off at it because the fact that LOA/Cosmic Ordering works means that all of the occult knowledge and skills they have built up is ultimately just ego masturbation. Sure, meditation can help you achieve the mental clarity needed to attract your desires, but there's no great secret of practical magick beyond "you get what you wish for."
The only problem people have with making LOA work is when they try to get things outside of their sphere of influence.
>>6944So do you just go into a meditative trance state and then focus on feeling it or feel it whenever during the day or both?
>>11561No, that's all he got.
I read this thread yesterday night and since have been trying to wish and pray that my crush and I can talk. But I completely missed class today that I have with her, and on the hallway I saw her laying on a dudes lap (obviously her BF).
I got really sad, nihilism kicked in. But there is a twist, tonight I randomly ran into her in the college, got to talk to her for a minute or two and got her number. Also she told me she wasnt there this morning in class, so I might have gotten her mixed up with someone else, they were also wearing different outfits. I feel good. Now the problem is that im basically a NEET Hikki(or I would be if my parents werent forcing me to college). How am I supposed to ask her out? I mean my car is being used by my dad (for a while), Im not making money any more (though I might be in 2 weeks or so), I just sit at home and sleep, and watch anime whilst being depressed and having nihilistic thoughts. I dont even know what I wanna do when I grow up, and im 21. Would wishing, having possitive thoughts and hoping for the best really work?
>>11841hey dudeman. don't let the worries infect your feels.
dedicate 1005 of your feels to feeling as if she is already your girlfriend. feel as if you have already decimated her pussy. feel as if she already calls you master. don't let ANYTHING like logic or reason or "reality" change how you feel. she IS yours. she DOES love you. believe it my friend, because it's true.
this is the essence of confidence. you believe, and so it is.
wishing = wanting. want = lack of. to wish is to align yourself with lack.
to believe you already have is abundance. and you cup will runneth over my homesliceskilletdawg
don't let anything mundane get in your way. this bitch is already attached to your leash. habeeb it
>>11842sure, but for some reason I dont want to look at her like I literally own her or something, but yeah I guess I can pretend that she does love me back
>>11844pretending implies its not real my newfriend.
you don't have to think you own her, just feel deep in your heart and soul that she thinks the same of you that you think of her, get it?
and bathe in this feeling for as long as you can and as intensely as you can, and never forget to feel that way.
if for a second you find yourself "wishing" or "hoping" that she likes you, just remind yourself that shes totally head over heels in love with you, and then let whatever happens flow from that mindset/emotional position. you get me?
>>11848Its alittle hard to do though. But other thoughts keep bumping in. Sometimes I even question if I really do like her. But she is literally the only person I even have talked to in college on my own will and im always thinking about our future or something as a couple, sounds corny as fuck, but like anime love. But I will try my best to feel that she does like me despite still recovering from the life of a hiki.
>>11848>>11842I like you, you're cool as shit.
>>11857I think hes cool too
King K Rool
>>11759>wanting to be burdened with moreI got shit to do — like ascending bro.
>>11841No bro that's not how this shit works, take it from me a master of loa, shit comes to you when you expect it to and don't even try. Magick is finesse, don't throw yourself against the cosmic will with brute force, do everything with ease. Wishing for it isn't what a person does who has it and expects it. You already got that shit coming to you, it's inevitable bro. Don't be attached, don't yearn, abide in the purity of the experience. Make sure you know what you want too and remember your feels communicate with the great cosmic mind and are heard. Don't hope, don't wish,
KNOW - GNOSIS. The more you try to force things the more frustrating it all is, the more you relax and settle into rhythm, and observe the 7 hermetic keys of wisdom in all your activities… the easier it is.
I just knew I'd get what I want. I feared I'd get what I want… loved that I would get it… had visions of it and spoke to my future self and then later to my past self.
Control your thoughts, reduce the noise, and resonate with the future probability you are to manifest.
The idea that this is a physical universe btw is so incredibly bullshit. Don't believe me? Apply all the wisdom of physicality without fixing your mind. See how far you go.
>>11844>muh ownershipEvery mind and every body is yours to experience, you can wake up one day or night and be in a whole new body — and a whole new mind. Neither are truly you; and yet both are coupled to spirit through some process resonance and subservient to spirit and yet spirit does not change and the absolute reality never changes.
I do not experience reality anymore like I'm just this body and mind currently communicating to you. It's more like I like in a virtual reality with a HUD and everything. I feel akin to a cloud of thoughts more than a human. I feel like a wispy cloud bubble thing that moves into rooms and fills the whole room with its essence, my spirit penetrating all my surroundings, my beingness not ending at my finger tips but extending into the surroundings.
If you don't want her, make an even better woman for you, or don't worry about women. The totality of existence is so intensely beautiful and the human experience is just a small subset of it. Do not feel unworthy of it all; guilt and feelings of unworthiness cripple you. Stop being human if you like. When you awaken to full spiritual remembrance everything is just thoughts around you, don't waste eternity sulking because your silly program is running mope.exe, step away, turn around, and operate on your vessel.
>>11921or run mope.exe for keks
>>11921Sounds intense man. How'd you get to this point? What path did you take, how did you go about learning this?
Honestly I've been questioning my own reasons for pursuing magic recently, but this has revitalized my interest. Could you speak a little more on, like, anything?
>So do you just go into a meditative trance state and then focus on feeling it or feel it whenever during the day or both?Actually I've heard that it's very effective to do it in a deep state of relaxation, i.e. in an alpha or theta brainwave state. So inducing a trance and then creating that feeling state could be especially efficacious. But I think most people just do it whenever.
>>11583>The only problem people have with making LOA work is when they try to get things outside of their sphere of influence.What do you mean? What's this "sphere of influence"?
>>11921funny thing is I was texting her last night and she abandoned me part way through (she just stopped responding). I was fucking stressed out last night I could hardly sleep, and today I couldnt even finish my college class I just walked out in the middle, and paced around the campus. Then I started asking good aliens for help with my mind and I had this urge all of a sudden to watch a motivational video. I feel fine now and now I want to do something with my life, im a 21 year old loser whos accomplished nothing but thats going to change very soon now. I was sad and depressed so I spent two years inside my parents's house, sitting there doing nothing, hating my self. But now I dont have to be unhappy, I feel like Shinji at the end of NGE. Anyways, I still do have small feelings for this girl still, shes the only one I felt like reaching out too in years. If she truly doesnt like me (which im pretty sure she doesnt now) I hope I can atleast find a girl who looks like her but with a better personality (dopplegangers do exist I believe). Anyways I just had to write that because you said "guilt and feelings of unworthiness cripple you." This couldnt be any truer.
>>12030First of all, I think you need to get out of the "mundane" paradigm.
Know that while the everyday life you look up to [job, friends, girlfriend, etc.] can give you some satisfaction and self-esteem at first, it will eventually become routine, and thus life will become "meh" again.
You need to get rid of your insecurities.
You need to stop becoming obsessed with girls. Even if they seem "perfect", they're probably just common girls, and they too have flaws.
Besides, don't think your life will be magically fixed in an instant if you get a girlfriend. If you have problems to begin with, you'll probably end up clinging to that person and becoming addicted to her, burdening her with all your problems instead of having a healthy relationship based on maturity and independence, where both people are emotionally healthy and capable of being happy on their own.
That's the thing, you need to become confortable with yourself and understand yourself to the point that you know you don't necessarily need another person to thrive.
(And don't give me that doppleganger bullshit, you don't need a girl that looks exactly like her.)
If you're feeling like Shinji, you need to shake that off man, slap yourself in the face and tell yourself you're better than that, that you're not a whiny pussy.
Understand that there is more to this world than meets the eye, there are places to be explored and secrets to be discovered, start studying the occult and pick up your life with a new motivation. Magic is cool.
sorry if I sound like a fag, I'm just giving you some advice here, and honestly it even feels a bit weird for me, as I'm younger than you. but seriously dude, you need to awaken that fire element in you, be strong, tear apart all that negative shit holding you down No.12045
>>12035Im not obsessed with girls at all. If I were, I would be chasing them all the time. But this was the first time I ever even bothered talking to a women (or anyone) in two or three years. Also I cant keep living with my parents forever, I think around 22 or 23 I have to move out so I have to look into a career (im thinking either in programming or going into the animation industry.) And Shinji wasnt a pussy, he was a very relatable character because of his abandonement issues, keep in mind that hes only 14 and probably the most realistic depiction of depression (in my eyes) I have seen in anime. Also you dont sound like a fag at all, but I think you misunderstood me alittle.
>>12035one more thing I forgot to mention. When I said I felt like Shinji, I meant how I was depressed before this but now I feel like he does at the end of the series, when I beats his negative emotions.
>>12030You really shouldn't get infatuated with people you know. You're attached to her before you've even really talked to her much. You would be well advised to stop sending out those vibes of desperation to the universe and just think "if she doesn't want to be with me now, better to find out early than later".
>quoting some gookshit animeAnother thing for you to consider; please don't think you are accomplishing anything by doing what animals do. I'm not saying you have to keep women away and that you can't have one in your life but what I am going to state is that it's silly to feel pride over having merely fucked a woman and reproduced or merely having held a job or whatever. Countless "losers" do that all the time. Truly exceptional men develop themselves in higher pursuits and cultivate a respect that goes beyond the mundane. You can through magickal development become extremely talented and have a ridiculous level of skill in anything you want to do whether that's art, music, politics, business, healing, or whatever; magick enhances all pursuits in life. Some of the greatest men never burdened themselves with a woman at all for they had a higher calling.
Also women and love are very much under the sway of subtle influences. That feeling you have like she doesn't like you is not a feeling you should indulge. Every feeling acts as a carrier-wave of sorts that communicates with the whole universal mind and re-arranges things around you in response.
& keep studying our book recommendations if you aren't already.
>>12035>tfw too much fire element>tfw burn up my loosh too fast>tfw always pushing myself to my magickal limits, even when running on practically nothing No.12054
>>12045Here's your problem man:
you live in your parents house.Don't even think about women while you're still in the role of a child.
You'll have no problem getting a woman when you actually have a place of your own.
>>11967I didn't even take a path. I've been with /fringe/ since its inception and most of my reading has just been to make sense of what I'm doing. Like – oh shit, this guy's talking about what I'm doing, and makes it more clear and puts it in terms where now I can talk to others about it.
I've always been able to astral travel and am really clever and imaginative and good at making thoughtforms so I spend very long periods of time in meditation and ruminating alone in my bed just thinking of cool new things I can do with magick and other times just reading the /fringe/ books and threads on this board.
There's no limits on this shit. I'm presently doing a sort of operation on myself where I thoughtform a silver liquid and feel it enter into my body, starting at the bones, and going outwards. I feel the actual pressures, blockages, etc. and force this silvery liquid into those parts and regenerate my body. I am out in the wilderness right now and working very hard so it is necessary for me to augment my body like this to recover faster. The silver-liquid stuff that I thoughtform feels like an actual cold soothing stuff that I actually FEEL through my body in the parts I apply it to and it strengthens the bones and everything. I really fucked up a finger too awhile ago when a piece of wood slammed into it and left a huge purple welt but have been rapidly augmenting that part too. I also have been finding that my finger nails are growing insanely fast and I'm using my mind right now to change the way my body uses calcium to be much more efficient while consuming lots of calcium all day in the form of eating bones, meat, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, and milk.
Every day I am excited because every day is another day to push my magick further, to work on new magickal operations, and see what awesome things I can accomplish. I personally pushed all the purely physical stuff as far as I could beforehand and was seriously disappointed; I realized that mind mattered FAR MORE than anything else. Those people that live to be well over 100, many high performing athletes, and countless other exceptional people; it's all mind. This universe truly is not physical, it is a mental thing.
I don't know what areas of magick you've been involved in but you should read the books more and really think things over. The
Mentalism in a Nutshell chapter of
The Arcane Formulas for example is a pretty short chapter but every part of it ought to be ruminated upon for hours and not glossed over and one should actually use the teachings and think of clever ways to apply the principles.
It's hardwork metaphysically building yourself up and you can seriously exhaust your mind and find yourself unable to think at times or in a total mess but you have to be careful, have to not over-extend yourself, and keep things in rhythm and so on… but if you do it right your power will gradually and continuously grow and your experience of reality will change a lot. Think of all the wetdreams of a transhumanist; ever seen how they depict a GUI or HUD highlighting information in their environment for them and showing them things? Well you don't need any of those mechanical implants and other transhumanist shit to become like that, you've already got a powerful mind and body with an incredible sensory capacity and subconscious processors with immense power, you just need to train it and unlock it, and use thoughtforms. You can go from just being a silly mundane to being constantly immersed in a cloud of information with tulpas and servitors and other stuff you made all helping you in your tasks and augmenting you to become superhuman.
Most people are utilizing every day only a slight fraction of the true potential of their mind and the mind also that is in everything around them they are typically out of touch with almost completely.
>>12055See pic related. Transhumanists have to do this shit with technology. Wizards can do far more extraordinary things with their mental power. Never assume you've found the limits or that something isn't possible, because holy fuck, our minds are far superior to machines. Even those calculations that machines are really good at and mundane humans aren't very good at can be done by humans using the subconscious power INSTANTANEOUSLY while supercomputers have to be used to calculate the same shit just to check that the human given answer is indeed correct. If you want an example of the math thing I'm talking about: No.12073
>>12054Well im still studying thats why I live with them so leave me alone :/
>>12052What do you mean by sending out vibes to the universe?
hey fringers, I got a question
I want to use the LoA for this one thing, but whenever I do get anxious and immediately think of many reasons why I won't have it. How do I get around that and use LoA most effectively to get it?
>>12056The more I reawaken to my nature, the more vestigial tools of all manners (utensils, tape measures, computers and the like) seem. With simply my mental power I can do all things without error or delay.
>I want to use the LoA for this one thing, but whenever I do get anxious and immediately think of many reasons why I won't have itThe Law of Attraction is about your inner feelings.
The rational/mundane mindset is about the "best practices" of society and how you must conform to them.
Let's take an example goal: a sandwich. A magician wants a sandwich and wonders why LoA isn't bringing it to him.
But in fact, rational/mundane mentality is full of negative messages: The magician SHOULDN'T want the sandwich, it is IMPOSSIBLE that the sandwich be delivered, etc.
If the magician truly lets go of rationality/mundanity and feels GRATITUDE for the sandwich,then the sandwich will speedily be delivered.
See also Wayne Dyer "Getting in the gap" No.12134
>>12133that clears it up a little, thanks. So what you are saying is that I should dismiss all "logic" and fears when using the LoA to get it?
>>12134> I should dismiss all "logic" and fears when using the LoA to get it?If you can clearly distinguish between your meditation time and your mundane time, that should work well.
When I am driving an automobile, for example, I concentrate on mundane ideas of traffic safety. I visualize using my turn signals.
When I seated and doing alternate-nostril-breathing, I dismiss all ideas of traffic safety; I consider only the flow of the breath with perfect timing.
It is perfectly safe to dismiss conventional, mundane logic while visualizing IF your visualization is done in private.
If, on the other hand, you're doing group magick, you have to coordinate your behavior with that of the other people in your lodge. My imagining/attracting state of consciousness is something I only do when I'm by myself. If my physical body can be interacted with by other people, I retain a connection to mundane ideas of safety.
If you ever find yourself driving a car down a busy street, that would be a good time to focus on mundane ideas relating to traffic safety. While you are driving your car in public, you can retain mundane,socially accepted ideas of "the rules of the road." Aside from that kind of situation, you can release your mundane habits of thinking in terms of society's limits.
>>11921depersonalization isn't something that deep
if anything it's worse because you aren't connected with your body
>>12133this is fucking hilarious because I was reading up on the LoA on /x/ for the first time in like april
I was on a long car trip to canada and I wanted subway really bad. I probably didn't do the LoA as well as I could have but I tried to visualize it and feel the subway sandwich I wanted.
tl;dr, when I got out of the car in the parking lot, there was a fucking half eaten subway sub under my damn car
shit was crazy
however I still feel like I'm too weak to have the willpower to do this shit all the time. that was the only time I ever bothered with the law of attraction. i need to work on my willpower
>>12133Hey dude, did you write this post?
Because I'm like a 100% sure I've read these words before. Like, no doubt about that.
So either I'm experiencing a massive dejavu / reality-timeline bending, or you copy pasted that.
>>12163I've been writing about magic on the Internet for many, many years, on various boards. Sometimes my talking points are copied and reposted by other folks.
So it's entirely possible you've read my writings, or copied and garbled versions of my writings.
I hope they help!
>>12161Remind me to visualize a clean, uneaten sandwich that hasn't been left on the ground, the next time I visualize a sandwich.
Guys, i want sex too and i tried following the advice you gave that guy with the crush, although im having problems focusing my emotions on specific things. Help?
I've always sort of wondered about people who use LOA to try and attract one =specific= person. Assuming that person has no interest in you, isn't it a gigantic freewill breech that gets you hammered in the ass by the cosmic 'powers that be'?
Does it even work for that sort of thing?
Wouldn't it be more practical to put out a 'general frequency' for a partner as to not limit your options?
Pic unrelated
>>12133When I was a child, I remember that I really, really wanted to own Tomb Raider 2 but my parents were poor so I felt bad asking for games. In the end, I was just happy that I got to even play the game at a cousin's house. The next morning when I woke up, I found the game's disc in the middle of my floor.
For years, I wondered how that could've possibly happened. Is this possible?
>>6123What if a fat person wants to be slim? Do they decide in their mind that they're already slim and find themselves losing weight?
>>12188It's also possible that someone else communicated about the same thing and drew the same conclusions. There are countless people in the universe.
>>12191>I've always sort of wondered about people who use LOA to try and attract one =specific= person. Assuming that person has no interest in you, isn't it a gigantic freewill breech that gets you hammered in the ass by the cosmic 'powers that be'?Truth. Yup. This. Re.
>Does it even work for that sort of thing?It will have effects. The most harmless way to realize the answer is contemplation.
>Wouldn't it be more practical to put out a 'general frequency' for a partner as to not limit your options? Very truth. Much wow. So insight. Ye.
I believe that the law of attraction is backwards. Wanting something very intensly without reason is merely the result of obtaining something without reason. Chaos magick practioners agree that improbable events have a sort of penumbra before they happen, and usually have effects on space and time long after they happen as well.
>>12194They must decide that they are slim or they are excercising power to be slim. Then they must be patient while all of the obstacles that were standing in their way clear away. The progress can take years but it will follow inexorably like time itself.
>>12202stop speaking in memes you fucking memeboy
>>12294Worst part is I don't know if he was answering my questions or just being facetious…
So I get the whole thing about thinking that you already have whatever you are trying to attract. But how do I place the emphasis on having it sooner rather than having it delivered in some time in the future?
>>12597and to add to that question, I don't want to be stuck in anticipation/awareness as written here No.12622
>>12597Relevant texts for you to read:
>synchronicity article by tom montalk>the reality manifestation articles including the two in the notes section and the two in the metaphysics section of his site>The Law and the Promise by Neville Goddard No.12623
>>12597>>12607Just more intense imagination and will and so on. Also relevant will be PersonalPower by William Walker Atkinson.
>>12189kind of similiar story, i've been trying to visualize getting some free money and after i got some food the other day, cashier gave me back an extra five dollars, but that's not the kind of free money i want so i gave it back.
>>12622Is Neville legit? On one hand, I felt his writing was very sensible in terms of the actual instructions, but then he injects all of this strange Christian conjecture and it makes me question everything he said.
Been using loa to get maximum riches, among other things.
Only downside is; im spending all my riches on goyish food
>>12949I love his 'pruning shears of revision' and 'mental diets'
>>12950>maximum riches, among other things.any tips?
>>12952>>12952>>12952the 2 things I mentioned helped lots
>>12953where can I find his works? I didn't see them in the Mega upload
>>12950Papa Johns. Shit's addictive.
bump, great thread, very helpful.
Where does LOA fit in in terms of advantages that people are born into (upper class, good environment supportive people, etc.)? Do they use LOA subconsciously since they are used to having good things given to them?
I guess my main question is how would someone who wasn't given those things use LOA when compared to mundanes that already do have a lot of good things in their life?
>>17950Remember Montalk's digestion of the Laws of Attraction and Awareness:
>1) Awareness, anticipation, and conscious attention select or block possibilities.
>2) Emotional resonance, root assumptions, and subconscious beliefs attract them. who didn't have those nice things that "people of privilege" do could use the LOA by imagining/visualizing what must be done to achieve those good things then act accordingly, being aware of the possibility of failure.
The reason why people who don't have those things repel it so much is because they focus on it and people who have it. They accept and believe in their station in life. For example, blaming it on "white privilege" or the Jews. Whether or not their roles are there in the grand scheme, blaming it on that is counterproductive and only guarantees you won't get a cut of the pie. To add insult to injury, things are set up to make people who don't have those things resent those who do in the middle class and above. It gets easy to parrot the negativity.
People who are entrenched in negativity, whether it be mentality or reality or some combo of the both will find it hard to get out. The key would be to radically change one's perspective toward the positive, look at possibilities, and move toward them without lusting after them, but with an eye on failing and the high likelihood of eating dirt before ever striking gold.
People who are used to having good things in their life but do not consciously expect it may happen upon it more than people who do not simply because of the two LOA's. They are fortunate in that they do not have the negative mentality to hinder them from receiving it, may not fear losing their material wealth, and therefore will not encounter the same resistance as people who pine for it.
However, if they lose things, they may not be prepared for it. They don't have the LOA mentality. It's why rich kids who take mom and pop's money for granted are never as brilliant as the people who built the empire, and can't begin to fathom the possibility that they could lose everything easily. Their fear could drive it away from them.
Where does the ego fit in the law of attraction? I know you need to let go of all your desires, because wanting = lacking, but what about other aspects of the ego, such as identity/presence/etc?
2 Questions about LOA:
1. Since the universe is immaterial, do people with mental illnesses have a big disadvantage as they would be attracting more negativity?
2. At what point would someone using LOA actually need to take action? Can you learn an instrument or get a job with out practicing or applying? Or do you need to supplement work with LOA?
>>21194>1. Since the universe is immaterial, do people with mental illnesses have a big disadvantage as they would be attracting more negativity? My opinion is that negativity is a mental illness.
>2. At what point would someone using LOA actually need to take action? Can you learn an instrument or get a job with out practicing or applying? Or do you need to supplement work with LOA?Acting may help solidify or manifest things close to you in the web of karmic probability, but it also depends on how you act. If you act out of fear or negativity, you'll repel it. If you act with detached positivity, you'll attract it and eventually own it. If the former, it's best not to act or do anything until you get your mental situation sorted out.
For example, if you apply to a job desperate and fearful that you won't get the job, then you'll repel the possibility as well as people who want to give you the job.
If you are a NEET but positive that a job will fall into your lap when the time comes, visualizing yourself working to earn money, and are eager and open to the possibility of a job, then maybe you'll notice more job openings posted everywhere, or someone who knows you do not have a job will likely approach you, hire you or refer you with inside connections and all.
Even if you don't get hired from your first encounter and all, you'll gain from the experience for subsequent ones. I once contacted a business while searching for work only to be turned down for the job after a phone interview, but afterward they put me through a headhunter who connected me with several other interviews afterward. (honestly I find it easier to attract money than to find work.)
If you want to learn an instrument for vain reasons such as the fear of being uninteresting or to fit in or something, or because some cool kids learned it, you won't stick with it very long.
If you want to learn an instrument because you are genuinely curious about it and are willing to put a minimum of a few minutes per day to challenge yourself and learn it inside and out, you'll inevitably become more and more skilled with it.
if you're interested in understanding LOA more intimately and have not yet read Mind Power by Atkinson, I highly recommend it.
The language is a little antiquated but you should skim through it and re-read it again and again to catch the finer points.
>>21119>Where does the ego fit in the law of attraction? I know you need to let go of all your desires, because wanting = lacking, but what about other aspects of the ego, such as identity/presence/etc?Ego has its own positive and negative aspects.
For one, without ego our mind would be "formless." Ego is to the mind as the body is to the soul.
Positive ego would be the assertion "I am." From there, manifesting what you want becomes as simple as visualizing it and leaving it at that. You keep things like desire, a negative element of ego, at bay.
Negative ego is "I want." Desire comes from the sense of a lack of a thing, and the lack of a thing is a sort of fear. If we understand that fear perpetuates itself, you'll be constantly in that state of desire, always seeking but never truly having. This also repels the thing that one seeks.
I don't know if I put it totally correctly, you may want to refer to
>>12133 and
>>12140 for a great interpretation.
Thanks Mr Doubler
>>21119Dude, I have an entire Atkinson book dedicated to cultivating and using desire.
Desire is not bad and not something to be "let go off". You just have to consciously create and manage desire within yourself rather than subconsciously.
It's all about being more conscious, more aware, more in control of yourself and your destiny.
>>21268what's the title? Is it in the mega?
>>21277It's in the mega yeah, I highly recommend you go through the New Thought folder, and open up each book and read its index of chapters so you know what every Atkinson book is about.
What are the limits of LoA, where traditional ceremonial or grimoire magick might be more suitable or effective?
Is it mostly for egoic, material gain or can it be used just as well for ascension, wisdom and understanding?
>>21299I just finished it recently, but will need to read through it.
Which part specifically would pertain to my question?
>>21302loa is aspect 1/7 - theres 7 aspects -
then i guess if you give a f the 42 ma'at, which is highly optional.
>>21297LoA is constantly in effect and not just a thing you just use one day. You can't ignore it and pretend you're not subject to the laws of synchronicity, reality manifestation, etc.
Read Neville Goddard's works and also what Montalk has written on the matter.
>>21305wtf does what you just said have to do with The Kybalion? Why are you calling the Hermetic Axioms "aspects" and what is a "ma'at"?
How often should I invoke LOA (aka think about it). Do I only thoughtform once every day and then go on with my day or should I do it at every given opportunity?
>>21313Dude, that's now how LOA works, you don't invoke it, you don't think about it, it's constantly in play throughout the day and your every thought is constantly effecting everything. Control your thoughts and your emotions and do not ascribe to self-limiting beliefs and balance your elemental qualities and that's all the LOA you need along with stockpiling loosh. If you want to do some more intense reality manifestation sessions than do what Neville Goddard suggests. Read "The Law and The Promise". Also feel free to use servitors to control people and arrange things for you.
>>21360>thats not how LOA worksso visualizations and thought forming are the wrong way to do it? All it is basically keeping a good a attitude?
>>21365Visualization and thoughtforming helps and is part of. A good attitude is not all of it. Just going into a trance and reaching gnosis and acquiring resonance with the feeling of the thing you want definitely going to happen, will make it happen.
Read these.
>>21366>Just going into a trance and reaching gnosis and acquiring resonance with the feeling of the thing you want definitely going to happen, will make it question was how often should I do that?
>>21372You should do the meditation+trance+gnosis+visualization as though the goal is realized already for 10 minutes per day at a minimum.
But the more you can put yourself in the mental state of already having your desire realized, the better. You don't need to meditate for that. You're either in a state of not having what you want, which propagates itself, or a state of already having what you want, which likewise propagates itself through material manifestations. Try to stay in the latter state as much as possible.
>>21372Every thought you have is constantly re-arranging and changing the future probabilities you resonate with.
However, more deep and intense thoughts change those probabilities stronger, whereas standard and weak thoughts less so.
However, an hour of intense trancework and so on, can still be undone by say 23 hours of constant negative banter in your mind.
So it all depends on the intensity of your thoughts and your default mental climate.
Good thought control and emotional self-control can stop a lot of your good reality manifesting work from being undone while an hour say of some deep thought and strong resonance can select the future probabilities you want.
Don't feed any doubt thoughtforms and maintain the sense that your trancework was effective and has done its job and the results will manifest in due time.
Thanks for the answers, one last question.
How do I stockpile loosh? I read the thread and still not sure what it is. Tell me about it and how to farm/stockpile it
>>21474Stockpile it inside of objects or thoughtforms. Just transfer tons of loosh energy into them via energy work. If you want an example of how to store loosh in water, read this book:
There is also a book by Lobsang Rampa that explains how to do the water thing too. can find the Atkinson books in the /fringe/ library. As for Lobsang Rampa books find them here: also Robert Bruce's books and of course the rest of William Walker Atkinson's books…
…and read Montalk's site. The glossary for the montalk site has the definition of loosh.
>>21498Is that when you pour it from glass to glass? WWA says you should do it 'several' times which is horribly unspecific. I've read in another book that it should be done for at least a minute and different coloured glasses help
>>21511Yeah it says that at the start of the book in the first chapter.
I don't think that's the only way to do it though.
The forms I am familiar with and that Lobsang Rampa suggested more along the line of using New Energy Ways style energy manipulation to send in energy into your water.
As far as I understnad isn't the LoA more like a multiversal travelling system? For example, let's say I want to know
Japanese, using this I move into a universe where I already know it?
>>11841>"I randomly ran into her in the college, got to talk to her for a minute or two and got her number."Please, for the love of all things and for your own sake, do not get involved with a girl that gives her number out to random guys while shes in a relationship. Red flags from the start bro, abandon ship.
>>22119I wouldn't see like that. I'd say it's more that you change your mind's vibrations from an unknowing of japanese to a knowing of japanese, and as the Universe is Mental, it manifests into the material plane.
>>22137And this is achieved by being in a state of mind where you already know that right?
> isn't the LoA more like a multiversal travelling system? I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I think that whole concept is bullshit. As far as I know, it comes straight from "channellers" like Esther Hicks and Darryl Anka, who allege that they're receiving psychic messages from alien entities… and who have coincidentally never performed a single miraculous feat, for all their supposedly otherworldly knowledge.
The idea, iirc, goes that there are infinite universes, and all possibilities are simultaneously happening, and that by changing your emotional 'resonance', you can switch between universes to experience different realities, like changing the channel. This is a very Star Trek sort of theory, and of course Darryl Anka, who channels "Bashar", used to work on Star Trek. It pretty obviously doesn't actually work, though: you'll never find yourself suddenly being fluent in Japanese because you practice feeling like someone who speaks Japanese. At least, I've never heard of someone accomplishing anything like this.
I'd recommend going back to the source(at least in Western occultism): Jesus, in Mark 11:22-24:
>Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
>Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them.Most LoA stuff is based on this passage: believe that it's already yours, and it will become so. But it has nothing to do with shifting through different universes. It's just an act of faith. It's basically Kabbalistic magic: the highest place a man can reach without crossing the abyss is the 4th Sephirot, Chesed, which rules faith.
This also explains the need to dismiss 'lust for the result', which is really just doubt. If you didn't know that the sun would rise in the morning, you'd wait for it anxiously, but you know absolutely that it will, so you don't worry. That's faith: utter certainty.
This Youtube video explains it much better than I can. The dude's whole channel, especially this playlist, is very, very good. No.22229
>>22228But he's just saying that faith matters. Doesn't this contraddict what you're saying?
>>22229care to explain how to?
>>22233By setting your mind into it. Have you read the recommended books on the sticky?
>>22239No, I haven't, but I'm starting to reading it.
but, no comments section, no likes dislikes enabled.
idk if i approve of youtube censorship - it's usually set up by shills that way. Tho as a being who explores and reads before he full judges, i will consume this content for any nutritional value to my mind.
>>5786Just remember that everything begins and ends with Shuma-Gorath
If i use Neville Goddard's method to make a bunch of money how will this negative affect me, would it come under karma or breaking cosmic laws?
>>22671replace "money" with "blueberries" in you sentence and think about it. religious organizations have the most money on earth, and they pretty much just read and practice spiritualism/magic all day. If there is a karmic debt from that, they probably would not be doing it. At worst, give to charity once you have some to spare.
>don't really believe in this stuff
>but try it out just in case
>don't win the lottery in my first try
>shit sucks
fast forward a few weeks later
>grocery shopping
>see beef jerky
>remember when I was younger my dad would treat me to it all the time because he's rich but I can't afford it anymore
>I haven't seen him in 5+ years
>my sister comes over and has a present from my dad
>its fucking beef jerky
I mean, god damn. It's not huge, and it truly just may be a coincidence but that's 5 years of nothing and then this happens all within a few days. Seems a bit freaky to me.
I have a question:
2 persons who know LOA wants to use this knowledge on a situation. Let's say person X wanted to win the lottery and uses LOA to achieve this, but at the same time person Y also uses LOA to do the same.
Which one will win the lottery?
>>25001The one with the biggest will.
I don't know if this is in anyway related, but a few months ago I was pressure washing apartments, and I had forgotten to bring anything to drink. Well after I finished, and I drove home, I opened the back of my jeep up and found a Mtn Dew code red. It is hands down my favorite beverage, and despite this fact I went over to the trash cans and poured it out. I had decided that I was going to cut soda from my diet the week before, and I saw this as a test.
Now about 2 weeks later I was going on a trip with some friends, we were going to be spending the weekend in a cabin in the woods on acid, and while stocking up on munchies in the supermarket, for the very first time in my life I saw a diet Mtn Dew Code Red. There was just one, and I still have the empty bottle sitting on my shelf. I feel like it was almost like a gift.
>>25013>he actually drinks the Mountain Jew, just like in the maymays*Basement Dweller Pro Detected*
I tip my fedora to you!
Oh btw, all of the diet sodas are far worse than the regular ones, and will kill you even more. So drink up goyim!
>>25041Just drink water
>>25004Nice pussy
>>25003 No.25115
>>25001This right here is literally why I advise not to bother using magick to influence big lotteries, sports events, etc.
'cause a lot of wills are involved in that shit and you've got to compete with them all