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Esoteric Wizardry


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I freed my mind with Zen and my path has led me to the occult. I have no doubt at this point that I have finally stumbled upon the answers I have been searching for since I was very young. I would like to dedicate the next portion of my life to this study. How can I move beyond reading online and find a real teacher or guide? The only ideas I have are to join the Freemasons or travel to India and study Yoga, which seems to be on the same path, but I'm not sure. I've found some semblance of Truth in my mind. Where can I find it in the world? Please advise.


Inside. Look within. Meditate.

That's right. Meditate. It takes actual effort, and it's meditating.

Do it.



There are little groups scattered across the world. I suggest checking out some online group websites.


I plan on traveling around, hopefully that will lead me to something. Or someone on a similar path.


Well OP do not find it in the world. There are Hermetic practitioners around /fringe/ that can meet you in the astral and help you. Do the book thing the Protagonist has done, read what is in those books, it should help. Also, read the books in the library on here too. The astral books will give you exact instructions for any desire you want to be realized with a little fine tuning to the right signal.



the Protagonist?




What book thing?





BUMP because wth is the Protagonist?



You are the protagonist



Do you have any information on any of these groups or their sites?



Check a search engine with some keywords. There's also this place http://www.meetup.com .





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thank you, this helped. getting stuck, the fear is overwhelming, fear of fear, feeds itself, has been feasting for so long.


>aho, now that you are seen, you are powerless.



goto my thread, listen to the content, get the books, read em, do the work.

avoid circle jerking race/political/external shit.

this is a hologram, you are pure darkness folded over 3x onto itself to create the illusion of depth and tangibility.







The Protagonist is a 4chon tripfag (me)

The book thing he is referring to is thoughtforming a random book and reading what's inside. He described it, like, reaching a calm meditation point, then imagining any book, the first thing that pops into your head, or visualising a box and knowing there will be a book inside, taking it out and noticing the weight, texture, then just open it up and read whatever's inside fam. Then recording it down. I got loads of random shit


So not exactly a teacher, but I checked out meetup.com, and searched occult groups in my area, there's one right in my town that meets twice a week. and 90% of the members are grils, not even joking.



enjoy your wicca circle jerk



Thank you. Enjoy your lonely NEETlyfe, lmoa




Anpn can always impressão them with real practice



Most people who claim they're into the occult, probably don't know very much about it.

If you're after a teacher, try contacting the Freemasons, or the Rosicrucians, or a similar group.

You will learn nothing of great importance from women.

If you're after a nudge in the right direction, read the book Introduction To Magic. It will help you.



get back into your containment thread, misogynist



I was just looking for companions, lel.

>You will learn nothing of great importance from women.

You're either a total idiot or have never had a real conversation with a woman, if you genuinely believe this.

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