/fringe/, the all-seeing eye of god is coming
In terms of concrete specifics, for the near future, the global surveillance state reflect the beginning rumblings of this. Think about the underlying processes that make the global surveillance state possible (cheaper and cheaper disk space, the growth of the internet and its insecurity, dropping prices for drones, cameras, microphones, etc.) You will begin to realize that capitalism drives down prices for everyone. It doesn't just make it easy for them to watch us, it makes it easy for us to watch them, and for us to watch each other.
In more abstract terms, for the far future, the fact is that the universe is one thing, and all aspects of it are connected through chains of cause and effect and information. This means that by measuring something precisely enough and reasoning about it perfectly enough, you can in principle learn about any event in the universe. It should be obvious to some of you that mankind is destined to grow up and become gods, so even though this may seem far fetched, we will eventually gain the superintelligent reasoning powers to do stuff like this, effectively becoming omniscient.
Now this will all play out chaotically like an enormous storm sweeping through all of our lives. The fact is that this power will not come to everyone equally at the same time. The massive power differentials that can be created at the drop of a hat will throw the social fabric into utter disarray. There will be wars, revolutions, massacres, no doubt about that.
(btw, if you want to get in on this early so you have a fighting chance when the chaos comes, start tinkering with arduinos and drones, buy some cameras and a kinect, and study digital signal processing, I've found this to be an excellent resource: http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm)
Now eventually this chaos will die down. As the proportion of people with this power of omniscience approaches 100% we will reach a power equilibrium and come to some kind of understanding. I have no idea what this will look like but ultimately the question everyone will need to ask themselves is, am I willing to have my entire life viewable by all? To say yes is to enter the kingdom of heaven, where everyone you pass by in the street as you go about your day will be able to see your entire life play out just by glancing at you.
(its important to note that not everyone will have these options. In the coming chaos, many people will have their information exposed involuntarily, essentially being flung into the kingdom of god without their permission)
If you say no because you would prefer to keep some things secret, you will live in hell. The levels of hell correspond to the amount of information you would like to hide. As such, it is a continuous spectrum, and the 9 levels can be thought of as zones that take on the character and psychology of the people who dwell there. Note that the lowest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers, people who don't even let their closest friends know their heart. Lucifer, at the bottom, represents the antithesis of god, the closing off of information, who manifests in physical reality as black holes which destroy information.
All you have to do to leave hell is walk up into the light, and this is the truly depressing reason why some people will spend eternity in hell. If you try to walk up you will be plagued by fears of being spurned and hated by the people around you, and this will be a pretty accurate assessment given that the people around you are in hell too and will reflect that. This is why forgiveness is so important. Jesus offers a way out, basically the highest status guy in this place is offering to forgive you for whatever you've done and welcome you into his home. Researchers who study suicide have found that social belonging is the most important human need by revealed preferences, it trumps everything including the need for food and water, so you can understand what a powerful act forgiveness is. The fear that you won't belong in heaven is the main thing that keeps people from going there.
Hopefully you all understand the logic behind the part about total omniscience for everyone, even if you don't buy the stuff about heaven and hell and Jesus. If you guys understand the demiurge and if you think forgiveness is desirable, then please have faith in Jesus as it will go a long way toward making him real.