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Anyone else into the Traditionalist School here? Guenon, Evola, Schuon, etc.

I'm currently reading Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World. It's pretty interesting thus far. I was wondering if a Traditional style could somehow be refound or re-imagined in the contemporary world and under what circumstances. I think Kali Yuga would have to end before such a thing.

The focus of dual-nature is interesting too. I always hear people say that nature is nondualist. Doesn't the perennial metaphysics go against that? Everything falling under Being or Becoming; dichotomy; seems to be a staple feature of the Traditionalist metaphysics.

Any thoughts?


I think nature is dual per definition. Duality is everywhere; night and day, male and female, electric and magnetic.

Not sure about kali yuga though. I think that's some made up stuff. Every time period on this plane has been kali yuga


Nature is dualist only on the lower "planes"

Good and evil, night and day, etc.

All these antogonisms are vanished when you ascend toward the One (the principe, God, or whatever name you want to give Him)



>Kali Yuga

>"made up stuff"

The Four Ages is a perennial occurrence which can be found throughout almost all groups globally in many different forms. I think you should look into it a bit further.


Well, is not God antithetical to the Demiurge?



Traditionalists does not consider "gnosticism" to be a "true religion"

There is no "demiurge" only the darkness that cloud the light of truth.

And darkness is pretty deep on the kali yuga :)



You're right gnosticism isn't a religion, it's about inner truth and knowledge. It's about "knowing". Divine intuitive knowledge and mysticism that all spiritual knowledge has come from in some way. Religion isn't necessary, all gnosis means is simply knowledge.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posting some Schuon.



Could that darkness not be perceived as the Demiurge by some? Why would they be in error in assuming so? To me it seems like you have God which represents the Above; Truth, the Heavenly, immortal, etc., and then the Demiurge who represents the opposite principle and is strongest in the age of Kali - or Kali is manifest in the Demiurge or vice-versa.

Perhaps I'm framing too much in terms of duality?



Guénon and Evola are legit. No new age or other bullshit. I particularly like Evola's less well known works on esoterism like Yoga of Power and the holy grail one.

A lot of people here on/fringe/ would do well to read Guenon's writings on theosophism and spiritualism, since so many faggots here fall into that crap.



Oh and all universal manifestation is dualist, the first being purusha and prakriti, but this proceeds from nondual.



You mean a demon Kali not the goddess Kālī, right?



Or the demiurge is just the state of the collective reality you are currently apart of and its programmed by the energy of the collective.

Or maybe its the state of your being, and as you advance so does the state of the matrix/demiurge you are a part of.

Youre always feeding something ;D


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I think Introduction to Magic by Evola is the most advanced book on 'magic' available to the public.

Anyone here practice it?


Also Kali yuga age, itd take too much time to get into detail, but the veil between the current age and the next age is lifting. We are experiencing both states as we shift. The shift takes a long time, especially in a dark age like this one. Your thoughts are already directly affecting the world around you, you might be surprised by just how much is being manifested because of you already.

~Σnjoy the ride!



As a matter of fact, I am. I'm not very far in it yet, but if you've read it I was wondering if you or anyone else here could help me with a few questions I have relating to it. I'm very new to this kind of stuff in general and very rarely come here, so I hope you'll bear with me.

My question is in regards to the mirror ritual and the first preparation of the Caduceus of Hermes. Interestingly enough, I had already performed a similar ritual before I had even heard about this one, where I felt a sudden need to assert the supremacy of my will over myself and stared directly at a mirror unblinkingly and without thought, abandoning myself to abandonment for such a duration that the image of myself deteriorated in front of me and further still until the desired effect was reached. However, in the ritual described in the book, I'm instructed to stare at a concave mirror with a lamp behind me, so the light would converge at a single point. He describes the point as turning into a black hole that will grow into a bluish spot, then into a faint aura, and then finally into a milky white one. Is this solely a description of what is occurring internally, or am I supposed to see this with my physical senses as well? If I need a concave mirror to perform this ritual properly, I will not be able to get my hands on one for some time. If that's the case, should I wait until I acquire one and perform the ritual properly before reading on, or is it acceptable to continue and go back to the ritual later?

I apologize for any ignorance I may have displayed here, but if anyone could help me I would strongly appreciate it.



I have the book and have read through part one. For me, the jury is still out on whether this book is advanced or not.. It could be that I do not have enough knowledge to understand the hidden nuances and messages. Books like t.m.o.a.t.m and modern magick and golden dawn seem more reliable and better explained. Maybe this book will speak more to me after I complete self initiation.

>>58694 I performed the mirror ritual with a small pocket mirror and a candle behind the mirror, the flame blocked by the mirror. I practiced this exercise multiple times. Each time: (step two) the image will physically begin to grey, with my face becoming grimacing and evil looking, (step 3) my eyes becoming black dark sunken holes. (step 4) reflection becomes completely milky grey

Before this stage you experience the fact that your eyes switch from being a simple reflection or image to real eyes that are not a reflection in a mirror. When my perception switches to perceiving that real eyes are looking back, I find the eyes "my eyes" look distinctly evil . I experienced this for the first time looking in the mirror on 6 grams of mushrooms, it was immediately perceivable that I was looking into the eyes of a separate entity.

Furthermore, at step 4 when held I feel intense energy moving through third eye almost like a blockage is clearing.

I stopped practicing this ritual, in part because the evil look of the eyes and transformation of my face seemed wrong.. As well when wearing my tourmaline bracelet and crystals the ritual was stopped in its tracks if I remember I was unable to see the others eyes at all. Tourmaline supposed to be protective, it seemed this was a clear sign of something. Finally I've seen multiple references in mainstream media of demons being obsessed with their reflections in mirrors.

I decided to discontinue the book as well as the mirror ritual until a later date. ;)

Evola seems rather long winded I have trouble finishing the majority of his books. He is in touch and traditional philosophy was the final step to the occult. I went newage -> plato-> aristotle-> schopen->nietzche-> guenon-> evola-> occult




What results did ya'll get in the fire ritual? I am struggling to transfer myself from head to heart. Any tips?

What is t.m.o.a.t.m?



I've seen myself looking rather evil in dreams/astral before but besides this I have had no personal experience.

Though one of the Gnostic Broadcasting podcasts mentions that this is very common phenomenon.

Their explanation:

This is what we actually look like, it reflects how close people are to becoming demons because of all our egos (they use ego in plural to describe the false selves, the multitude of desires. As in "I am Legion" of the crazy guy the bible. Always negative)

Part of this explanation is why it is much easier for us to become black magicians instead of white.

A corresponding claim they make is that when we look into the mind eye (close your eyes sort of thing) we see black because it is a reflection of our trapped consciousness and that an enlightened human on the right hand path will see white light instead.

Make of it what you will, I have about a 0% chance of finding the podcast that the claims are made, though I'm sure you will be able to find another source that makes similar claims.


Interview with Evola

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiCtdi5nCoA (Mostly about "political" writing though some bio and a bit about Guenon



The important thing for this ritual is to will yourself to be in the heart. You truly have to feel that this is the natural place for your being to reside, and have to imagine a smooth movement of yourself from the head to the heart. It's important that you don't feel as if you're forcing this transformation, but rather easing the pressure that has been blocking it from occurring.

The results I experienced after this pretty much mimic what was being described, with a burning sensation in the heart that spread throughout the body, which I then retracted and ended the ritual with the flame still in my heart. If you do this successfully, you should be able to transfer your sense of self from the head to the heart without effort and on command.

I hope this helps.


I know exactly what you mean about facial distortions that look "evil" during the mirror ritual. I experienced the exact same phenomenon when trying this, both before and after reading the chapter on the exercise. In both cases I was able to cast these distortions aside by willing them into submission, at which point I felt as if the operation was successful, but it disturbs me that I never saw the change in colors or the auras that were described in the process (except for maybe my eyes becoming sunken dark holes during the distortion phase). This may be due to, as I suggested before, not having a central point in my mirror, but it is frustrating because I wish to continue reading but I am not sure if I should until I see these changes in color.

I should add, that I hope you did not see these changes merely because you took 6 grams of mushrooms…



Thanks for the tips :-)


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awe JFC, fuck you /pol for leaving your droppings in /fringe.




>new thought

Fuck off mundane turd.



The most underrated post on /fringe/ history.


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I got to the initiation of fire at witch point I halted my read till I was able to complete it whit success.

>>TFW haven't continued the book to this day.

I should


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