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If magic is an art dealing with the very principles of the universe, wouldn't it be reasonable that reaching any level of control over matter was possible?

While this is a mere rethorical question, consider the implications if this was true.

The fairy tales of all kinds of super human powers could be real. It's already accepted that monks training kung fu can do some extraordinary things, why would it be any different if body was replaced by mind?

I'm going to jump right at it here - being able to control your own body down to a cellular level and reaching a state of actual non-aging would be possible. Imagine the link to myths of immortal and ancient beings, were they once humans like us, now forced into hiding because of the current humanitie's inability to accept the possibility?


>It's already accepted that monks training kung fu can do some extraordinary things

Dude I practiced kung fu for 8 years and I can tell you that what people call "super powers" are nothing but the results of working hard and training your ass off for years. I wasn't particularly a good student but I developed the ability to take a lot of pain without flinching, that's nothing super natural, those kung fu monks (most of them) are no different than a ballerina training for years and then being able to do splits or whatever. It looks cool, but nobody is saying ballerinas have super powers

Just wanted to let you know, if any monk has super powers that probably is due to meditation and mind exercises and not because they train for 8 hours a day. Not saying it doesn't help, but most we see about kung fu monks is just gymnastics and pain tolerance

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