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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Initial warning: my posts here will contain unconventional use of terminology that may offend some people, as well as seemingly stereotyped topics like vampires, succubus, and feminism. Some will recognize this as the "keikaku" though I personally do not prefer this term.

I will come back here and post additional information (unproven claims and rantings) until the topic is exhausted.

If noone replies, I don't care, feel free to lurk. Posts will follow as I type them.


We are forming a loose network of people with the aim of changing some things. None of what we will do is aiming for the secular world to any specific extent. If we need to do something, we will, but there is no goal in itself to possess certain worldly power.

The current state of the planet it such that there is an imbalance of male-female. This is causing negative effects for humanity and we are of the opinion this needs to be dealth with.

We will seemingly use a chaos approach to this, form wise; whatever can be used effectively will be used, and whoever wants to take part as our aid will be accepted if contributions are beneficial.


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Succubus will play a main role from the perspective of some participants. This can be related back to the myth of Adam's first wife Lilith who refused to lay below and demanded to be on top. Her daughters in this tale became the succubus. I will accept this as symbolic only, because it does in this way carry a significant meaning.

The current world is based on the male priniciple and the female is placed below, at the level of possessions and objects. This turns women into objects owned by men and despite all efforts by political movements this cannot be changed. We know this as the patriarchy, and there is nothing wrong with this organizational structure in itself. But there should be a competing opposite in the form of an equally strong opposing system, or there is no balance. Power corrupts, and this is what is destroying planet earth.


Eh, people only have power if other people believe they do.



I am interested. Please provide some more information.


I suggest you watch uncle bear hearts videos before making domination plans like this.


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In the stage of finding suitable allies, anyone feeling oppressed and anyone with special powers may be of interest to us. What other beings may be interested in our endeavour?

Searching for different types of candidates, evidence of certain entities appeared. To most this evidence is nothing but thin air, but for the sensitive it is still evidence.

The beings known as vampires are one of them. This means real physical beings of human origin, very old and living in secrecy. (This does not mean otherkin freaks with no other ability than acting out of the norm.) They have also been oppressed and there may be a common goal where we can work together. Unlike the mainstream person, I do not expect the audience here to flinch before the idea.



If you stay around the gaps will be filled in.


The imbalance of male and female energy is a minor issue that is a result of a more bigger disturbance. Succubus are nothing but astral parasites. I never understand why people always gotta make it about male and female, it's not as significant as people think. Everyone contains both male and female energy, they are trying to make the male energy extinct in man so people become more submissive. It's not a 'male' principal. This isn't about minor social conspiracies. The state of the world is due to something much more horrible.




It is bold to step out like this, I'm aware of this, but it is necessary.

What is a minor issue to those in power may be everything to those oppressed by said power.


Different social movement have already been initiated to support this cause. They may look completely different and they may seem to work against each other, even against the very purpose we openly stated. This is intentionally provoking a resistance. Sometimes the best way to gain support of a cause is to violently attack it, until someone else picks up the defending position.

Playing both sides is the only way to assure a win.


It will be possible to gain support from normal human powers as well as the hidden. Even those with stated goals opposite to ours, can be made to work in support of us.

The symbolic image of the butterfly causing a storm at the other end of the world is relevant here. A pool player will understand the basic concept of delivering force to the right place.



I want to be a part of something that fights for what, in my opinion, is right.

I'm going away now (Eurofag here and gotta get some sleep) but I will check this thread tomorrow.

Do you have (or plan on having) some kind of "headquaters" for the lack of better word? Dunno, some Skype group or IRC channel?

Also, what is your modus operandi? What kind of magical workings one may expect to undertake in this network?



Currently, most participants are summoners. But topics like telepathy and dreamwork may be touched upon.


You talk a lot, but yet you have nothing to say.


Sure, "summoners". In my world a summoner literally summon objects and entities seemingly out of thin air. If this does not apply the person is not a "summoner".



I'm a summoner in the sense that I use personal attraction to come into contact with people I've seen in visions.

Generally there is a large amount of intuition and luck, but the bizarre effect is when you meet someone who shares a sense of recognition with you, and you immediately beginning to talk about metaphysics, etc.



>The current world is based on the male priniciple

Uh no.

>Power corrupts, and this is what is destroying planet earth.

Power comes from the female principle. This is basic stuff. The problem is exactly that the male principle (Logos) is following the female principle. With logos as dominant, power does not corrupt.



There was someone at my college months ago that stood out to me. Then recently I saw him again talking about astral projection with someone. We talked for a little bit, which felt nice to me, because I rarely come across people outside of the internet that's into /fringe/ stuff.


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>some Skype group or IRC channel?

There is one group like this already, but our communication will not have a definite form. You may find posts here or on halfchan or wordpress blogs discussing this same subject. The plan is to create awareness and support for the idea slowly during an extended time. When critical mass is reached, it will break throught into everyday society.

Some people who are in on this are no longer openly communicating, they know what their mission is and will go into the mode of physically realizing their goals. That is part of the plan. At a later time there may be a junction and an exchange of updated information.

But remember we let the entities like succubus do their thing behind the scenes and they will hint at us when things need to be done. Trust in the helpers and spiritual allies and everything will work. We do not need to make detailed schemes. Trust is the main thing here.



See the first post


>Initial warning: my posts here will contain unconventional use of terminology


>Power comes from the female principle.

See reply above.

Power here means worldly power such as being completely dominant and unchallenged for a long time. Maybe you read about the scientific experiment that was done on beetles a while ago?


It was shown that when there is no competition between males, the genes deteriorate and the entire population collapses. This is what happens when a ruling group is left alone for too long - they become corrupted and this can kill the population.

We will introduce competition again for these long since unchallenged rulers and avoid the collapse of the entire gene pool. This is in the interest of succubus so they will support us every step of the way. You know why they care about this, it need not be discussed.


Something within me screams bullshit. And I sense a very pungent stench of underlying feminism. Whether intentional or not; I do not know nor do I care. Sure, call me a mundane or whatever; but I'm sure somebody will know what I mean.



Jesus lord Christ in heaven. This is the most absolute bullshit I have heard in a while. More contrived then the "I am real Thoth" thread here. Why in the fuck would you conjure with succubus, it is a danger to the world to have such short sighted people with knowledge of the occult. Your reasoning and ideas are of such a low perception and standard of the universe it would cause much harm for someone like you to have some kind of influence. You have the nerve to coat this nonsense with a souped up serious attitude.



>muh oppression

The last thing this infection needs is occult magick. Though it makes sense to me the ones behind this shit would be witches. There is no male female dominant struggle. You want to know why the social issue really exists? For that exact reason. Because it's an issue. Issues create distraction and violence. Separation and imbalance. The point of the "male dominated" nonsense as well as the whole 'racism' fad is to create pointless imbalance. It's used as control just like the fake world issues of war and 'terrorism' and disease scares. You greatly underestimate humanity. Without this illusion placed before us, we would live in a fucking utopia. Male/female, black/white and all. If you really want to bring balance back, you would go against the Illuminati instead of some fabricated social issue, that was undoubtedly created by them to have people like you invest your attention in it.


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surprisingly ridiculous, even for /fringe/. Not saying that fringe doesn't have good topics, but this is deplorable.​


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You forgot the guy wanted who to be a woman. Sometimes I think that fringe attracts delusional people who think that magick and a little bit of ignorance will fix all their problems. Kinda sad, though.


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I feel you bruh


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>There is no male female dominant struggle.

Exactly. That is why we are going to create one. Struggle is needed to maintain the human race. The current power monopoly has created a lazy and degenerated human race.

Feminism is a part of the patriarchy, it's purpose is to ridicule women. But it doesn't have to be. Associating a word of feminine implications with the behaviour of groups like the "red socks" and "pussy riot" is ruining any credibility these opinions could have. It's the same as when science from the Sovjet union is disregarded because of the political climate of the country it emerged in. Some of the research they did was sound, but the west has refused to accept it.

Thanks for the great feedback. We shall continue this.



You are going to create a struggle. Fucking genius, yes create more problems for humanity. That's what we need. Struggle is not needed to maintain humanity, evolution is needed. You have knowledge of the occult but do not know about the nature of STS and STO? The solution to maintaining humanity is waking them up, simple as that. While your busy with your social experiment, 90% of the population will be exterminated and the last 10% used as slaves for disgusting lizards. Thanks for contributing nothing.



We already handled the lizards. If you had any awareness of things beyond the physical you would have felt the difference by now. It's been a few months since the main body of lizard men was defeated. The remaining are small groups with no central leadership, they will cause nothing.

Concerning the % of survivors of a hypothetical global disaster, it's not very important. What matters is the quality of those who survive. The illuminati you want to fight will get their share as well, but they are not significant enough to deserve mentioning as a target. You should know that there are 3 factions. The demonic evil side -where the most surface groups exists- the outspoken illuminati who are so close minded that they think they are the good guys, and lastly, the real illuminati. The last are considered enemies by the first group using the illuminati name. They will never show themselves to anyone, and they can't be beaten. The group currently whining about dark forces belong to the narrowminded evil one's. They are the most dangerous, because they are the enablers who will defend evil in the name of democracy, while preventing the punishment the same evil, for a lack of contextual vision.

They are like the school teacher who never sees the bully hit you first, and only shows up as you hit back and scold you for your violent behaviour, while comforting the bully.



To show you I have a clear understanding of densities




I think you have scaled into full delusion. The lizards are not defeated, and there is no such thing as an unbeatable group in this universe. As all things are attainable except when contrived in delusion. To say there are 3 factions would be short sighted, as the concepts of 'factions' doesn't really apply here. The focus has been the development of humanity. If the lizards were defeated then there would be an obvious difference in the state of our world through the returning balance to our collective unconscious, we would further move towards our evolution to the next density. Which might I add, we would all be hermaphrodites. You also disregard the fact that the lizards are not the only beings involved here, as there are also transplutonian and demon agendas to add on this. Archontic influences still remain. I don't think you have the full handle on how the evolution of our species functions. This has always been an internal battle, our real selves vs our matrix fabricated illusions. The fact is the future is indefinite, as our perfect futures though distant are still attainable. We can actually still, through proper laws prevent any wide scale disasters. If we disarm those in power by waking the people up. They fear the common man, and our true capabilities.


That image doesn't load.


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Brah, c'mon, she is shitposting hard and you guys are falling for this shit too easy. Forget this delusional thread, let this shit rot into oblivion,



Profane science theories about beetles are irrelevant.


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>there is no such thing as an unbeatable group in this universe. As all things are attainable

Yes, and by reaching a certain level of skill and understanding, you will come to see how this is possible. The universal laws will propose one solution that is the same from everyone's view. Take a look here:


The description in the first half of this text is quite close. What the author does not realize is that the needs of every inidividual can be fullfilled, there is no need for humans to become "robots". Robots already exist throughout the universe and also here in their nano-form. It is in their interest to let humans evolve naturally, because they themselves lack the ability to evolve. They need humans living in a natural world. But this has been disturbed by alien technology and modern industrial society. This is where the conflict between functionalism and classicism comes in.

The perfect world will not be 100% peaceful, but it will not have world wars. Skirmishing will still be allowed as well as ideological struggle, this is just an extension of free speech.


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How does this group meet, plan, and enact their plans?



Stop responding to your own thread. Everyone knows your a troll.




I'm really tired of that maymay.



I'm so much more tired of "maymay". It's effeminate, whiny, and snarky all wrapped in one and also gives the impression of being typed from an entitled and lazy limp wrist.

Taking a word like "meme" and turning into something that sounds like it comes from the dick sucking lispy mouth of a California homosexual is 10x worse than the overuse of degenerate.


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I`m tired of hearing how power corrupts.

It does not corrupt if you can be something other than your typical Hegelian fatalist who can see world only trough black and white and his/her ideological framework.

Political movements can,will and have moved the very foundation of human psychology and within the framework of slavoi zizek`s "big other" we can see how people reflect their psychology trough the values of ruling ideological hegemony.

People are, after all rational beings that can act rationally and plan their actions even if it goes against their nature or natural tendencies.


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Can OP mention some specific websites that are related to this movement they are mentioning? It all sounds so vague. There needs to be an area for people to communicate about this.



kek stop pretending, we all know what you are doing.



Does dick sucking make you feel uncomfortable , friend? I think you might have some latent homosexual feelings that need to come out. ;)



She's obviously a girl. Your joke lands flat.


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That wasn't me. But I'll admit I am trolling. I am also serious. Constant trickery is necessary to avoid laziness. It's the opposite of the calm rule that, yes, corrupts. Peace corrupts. A good ruler encourages fighting within their own ranks, and can at any moment step down and take a lower position to test people's loyalty.





Specific rendez-vous points will be given to the people who are considered trustwhorthy. We don't want DDOS attacks and vandalism on our open sites ;)

Some wizard group is already trying to attack us because of this thread. So far they are failing miserably. If any of them read this; be aware that succubus are millions of years old. Do you think your tricks are new to them?

This bring us to


Maybe it seems this way. Succubus are helping out and overlapping the body controls during the typing out of this message, maybe you sense one of them.

Lastly, why do you ask for specific web sites or forums? We have one here that works well for this. Or any other chan board or blog with comment field that you can find by searching the word "succubus". Some are not directly aware of this plan but are still supporting us because the succubus they summoned is in on the plan and making them do the right thing.



OK but how can you have a movement with no websites that mention it? Or no places to discuss it? This is all way to vague for me. Is there at least a book? An essay? Can you give a point by point explanation of the ideology? There has to be something. What's the name of the movement?



The name to recognize the movement is simply "keikaku". The vagueness is needed for multiple reasons. Openess instead of secrecy creates a need for vagueness at this stage. As the movement gains support it will be more defined. As a small bit of information there is someone currently working for a large political party, who is part of the movement, could this be openly exposed to the public now? No, people do not understand these things and the effect would be negative. It is up to us "nobodys" to do the talking while those with worldly power stays silent.

The ideology has to do with a normalization of sex and a lifting up of the female ideal of the mother. The one sided "women below" has deep meanings in the structure of the universe's dimensions. It needs an opposing "men below, women above" structure to create balance.

Look at it this way: now it is normal for the man to decide in the household, and if he can't make his wife obey he is a "cuck", a weakling. Women taking over is seen as "out of control" and there is a spread of islamic culture where western weak men are ridiculed for not controling their wifes.

What about those men who actually don't want to be in charge? There is a huge interest in femdom online and this is an indicator of the existence of this group. Give them the choice of a reversed marriage: one where it is an accepted set up to let the wife decide and the man obey. It is just this simple idea. This should be acceptable and not ridiculed.



A man can be obedient to a woman without having sex. Some people wich to preserve their energy by avoiding the sexual orgasm. The yogic scriptures advise one to preserve the energy.



wow, that's really fucking vile and disgusting



what do you mean?



You know what I mean



There is nothing disgusting about preserving the vital fluid and keeping it within ones body.



You're not fooling us, no one is trying to "attack" you for shit posting. You're only making yourself less credible by every post.

Anything that gives sex in exchange for loosh can be considered a succubus, if you are conjuring a succubus I imagine it is an egregore of a concept of a succubus and not an actual succubus.


How can you call yourself an occultist with the white and black level of thinking. The concepts you present are myths and nothing more. If you are conjuring with spirits about this, they are fooling you. Point and simple. If you know anything about magick then you know the structures of god and goddess. There is no man above women below, you're perpetuating your own beliefs. How do you not know this, this is basic occult knowledge.

We are humans, not male not female. Our separate genders are a temporary form anyway. People like you are holding us back from evolution. Keep your shitty 3rd density tier conspiracies out of real knowledge. This is primitive and embarrassing. You need to experience higher awareness at least once.

Submissiveness is designed to keep people below. This is not something directed towards women only, I suggest you rethink your perspective. If you think that disarming anyone of there own personal dominance because they believe they don't want it is a solution then you are more demented then I thought. Human beings have been programmed with this dominant submissive nonsense. It's designed to take away personal power for people. You want to help perpetuate their false programming for balance… You are an ingrate. I would also like to mention, that the STO alien species have no dominant and submissive structures. You will create chaos, your plans obviously reek of total female domination and male slavery. Which might I add, will not succeed. If you think this is any less contrived and twisted then the plots of the Illuminati you would be wrong. True balance is natural and the universe, you will fail.



This tells all.



What vital fluid? Did you see the post I replied to or do you need a visit to the psych ward?



Read about "The Guru Principle" in The Guru Gita.


Submission to a guru is not bad, a woman can be guru



Vital fluid is another term for semen, keeping it in the body means avoiding orgasm. I didn't know you would be ignorant of this terminology. And no one needs to visit a psyche ward. Calm down if you want to have a real discussion.




This is not me, two different posters.


Submission is a reptillian concept, plain and simple. The guru fad is one of the most toxic things to date. It's a dangerous new age fad, and people are becoming dependent on these shifty gurus and not actually developing themselves.



I base my statements on my own experience and hard knowledge tried and seen over years. Your new age lightworker attitude has a weakness, it is vauge and relies on channeled messages which you have no way of confirming by empirical methods. Energy is real and the dimensional spaces are of real hard matter. The myths in the old testament tell of real universal structures but they use the form of stories that can be told and remembered in a time when there were no books.

The story of Adam's first wife is the same. The entire concept of densities beyond 3D is very low. There is no 4th or 5th density. After reaching 3 it is not structured in the same way going up from there. It looks the same as below, even to levels way beyond the area corresponding to our galaxy. At the level of Jesus and Buddha it still has the form of lower levels (or lower levels has the form of those levels, depending on how you see it, it can't be told, they just reflect). You are using arguments based on what you call "thinking" and this is not based on real material structures. The "magic" discussed here is really ineffective, most of it is too basic for me to put any time into, it's like going back to elementary school when coming to a new country to learn some words when you already know how to do everything.

Noone is attacking for shitposting. They are attacking because they think we shouldn't do this, and they think they have the right to do so. Same as you, they think we can fail.

Anyone supporting us will be behind a barrier set up to stop occult attacks. It is based on the principle of total exhaustion, so it can not be broken. It means particles are already broken and collapsed to the lowest form. Lifting it to loosen it up would require more energy than what is in the entire universe, so it can't be done.



>new age lightworker

On the contrary, I am more for the warriors way.

>channel material

I've done no such thing, even if I had. What makes you think talking to succubus is any different then channeling

>old testament

Bible was altered, it's only allegory material

3rd to 4th density is a change from space time to time space. The only thing separating them is the concept that they are separate. Have you actually seen the higher densities?

Either way, you still haven't once came up with any counter arguments on any of my points. You smash about real material structure. But your whole plan is devoid of the most basic of structures. Common sense. You will not succeed because your plan is twisted. What else would come from astral parasites like succubus? What leg do you have to stand on in this at all.



4th density is where your succubus resides


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Woman belong below because nothing can START and grow without them. They are the beginning.

The fact that what you said is true is because some people are evil and selfish. The principle is good though.



You want the oppressed? You're bad.



I'm not sure what you mean by calling guru a new age thing. The guru principle is one of the oldest spiritual traditions on the planet. But new age draws a lot from hinduism so perhaps you meant hindu by calling it new age?

Submission is not bad. Monarchy is based on submission. respect for aristocracy. The idea that submission is bad is based on mob movements to subvert aristocracy.

I don't think women should be forced to submit to men or men should be forced to submit to women. I think equality is good. I also think submission is good. It's all a matter of personal preference.

I only have a problem if people try to legislate gender submission into law like islam does.




>Nothing can start and grow without them

3rd density concept, this universe has more then just male and female concepts. Life can start in many ways. Why is it you have such a small minded perception of reality. Black and white, left and right, this kills evolution. The beginning was light, the beginning was knowledge.


No one said submission is bad, your thinking to narrowly. Submission is not a natural concept to human beings. Submission is forced, no matter in what concept. If submission exists someone has less freedom then they were designed too. Equality cannot exist as long as people still subscribe to their false programming. Submission is not a concept that exists beyond social structure. Dominant and submissive is a cancer, it corrupt concept that was born from the STS structure. To acknowledge it is to denounce the equal capability of each and every person. If we were not tampered with, and all human beings were raised with occult knowledge. No one would want to submit, everyone would want to be their own god. Like it is supposed to be.



I guess we will have to agree to disagree. By the way what is STS?



I admire what you are doing here OP. I really do. All those /fringe/rs are mad because someone doesn't conform to their women-are-shit-and-cannot-into-magic agenda.

I have a question though, what do you think of homosexuality? Would there be a place amongst your ranks for a homo (or, how /fringe/ would have called it, a "degenerate")?


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Did you actually read the thread? or did you assume that is what was said because OP is a girl and girl power. Because if you actually read the thread you will see no anti-women posts. Just actual common sense against OP's tyrannical black and white perceptions.



Actually I was talking about general /fringe/ attitude and there are countless examples of this throughout the history of this board so just lurk moar.



It's like 3 or so guys you dumb faggot



>it's just a loud minority of troublemakers

Well, that excuse was never used before when the group was being accused of something.

I forgot that /fringe/ was never sexist, racist or natsoc. Good to know it was just a bunch of those damn troublemakers all along.


I see too many retards on this thread alone.

When an actually good thread is made, they all get mad. This is turning into /x/.

I wish I was experienced enough to be usefull.

I'm with you OP.



The natsocs will claim that this is their home, but no one fucking believes them or cares. The fringe topics go beyond their ignorance. There was that same OP who posted like 2 thread about women being inferior or incapable.


What makes you think this is a good thread. A shitpost is a shitpost. This is no different then the other posts on this front page. It's coded in pseudo intellectual nonsense so inexperienced people like you can fall for it easily.



>good thread

>thread with a goal of making men inferior

I see to many cucks in this thread



This post makes it clear peoples antagonism is not based on any intellectual poverty of the thread starter and supporters, there is no intellectual poverty there, it is based on the biases of people who feel insecure by those who wish to promote the acceptance of matriarchal or gynarchal households.



No I would concur, and using fancy words doesn't make it a fact kiddo. There have been plenty of fine points posted here. If some guy wants to come in and call people cucks that doesn't defunct the whole thread.



I didn't know using those words would be considered fancy by anyone.


More gender shills -

Kindly fuck off




Funny how people using this word are mostly kids themselves.


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>The name to recognize the movement is simply "keikaku". The vagueness is needed for multiple reasons. Openess instead of secrecy creates a need for vagueness at this stage.

A movement that hides in secrecy is a movement devoid of truth. Trusting such a movement is the move of a fool.

>As the movement gains support it will be more defined.

So you'll lie to the first members?

>As a small bit of information there is someone currently working for a large political party, who is part of the movement, could this be openly exposed to the public now?

People deserve to know if their elected officials hold a hidden agenda.

>No, people do not understand these things and the effect would be negative. It is up to us "nobodys" to do the talking while those with worldly power stays silent.

If your movement needs to hide in the shadows because they fear the people of the world would rise against them if they knew what you are doing aren't you then evil?

>The ideology has to do with a normalization of sex and a lifting up of the female ideal of the mother.

These two things conflict with each other, make sex a more accepted part of society always pushes motherhood down in value.

In my own society there is a stigma of sex and because of this motherhood is valuable, in the West sex is much more common and thus motherhood is cast away.

>The one sided "women below" has deep meanings in the structure of the universe's dimensions. It needs an opposing "men below, women above" structure to create balance.

God created us as equals but with different goals in mind. The structure that God has made is in balance, it is just the culture you live in that blinds you from it.

>Look at it this way: now it is normal for the man to decide in the household, and if he can't make his wife obey he is a "cuck", a weakling.

You're using words that you don't understand, "cuck" refers to a man who allows his wife to sleep and breed with other men and then raises these children as his own instead of making his own children.

>Women taking over is seen as "out of control" and there is a spread of islamic culture where western weak men are ridiculed for not controling their wifes.

It's not merely a culture, it is the truth given to us by God.

>What about those men who actually don't want to be in charge?

What about the wolf that doesn't want to hunt sheep? What about the farmer who doesn't want to work his land? What about the antelope who doesn't want to run when danger is near?

They die.

>There is a huge interest in femdom online and this is an indicator of the existence of this group.

"Femdom" is very different from person to person.

>Give them the choice of a reversed marriage: one where it is an accepted set up to let the wife decide and the man obey. It is just this simple idea. This should be acceptable and not ridiculed.

The problem lies that the woman will ridicule her husband and then leave him. A woman marries a man, not a boy who will obey her like a son.



Way to impale yourself on you own lack of understanding and comprehension of the world in front of your face.



Agree with pretty much everything you've said, but

>It's not merely a culture, it is the truth given to us by God.

How can you be so sure?



>A movement that hides in secrecy is a movement devoid of truth. Trusting such a movement is the move of a fool.

Sometimes secrecy is the best option. Making something public just for the sake of it being public is a move of the fool.

>So you'll lie to the first members?

I'm not OP, but I understand it this way: now the purpose is more general and broad, later when the movement gains traction there can be a specialization. Where do you see lies here anon of the sands?

>People deserve to know

If people would really want knowledge they would find it. Most of them doesn't care about anything but their basic needs and do not see nor understand that their world is crumbling down on their heads.

>aren't you then evil?

Aren't you? Or I? What does the term "evil" mean. It is devoid of meaning on its own. People just use the term when they refer to something they personally disagree with on moral grounds. Perhaps from my perspective you are evil?

>In my own society there is a stigma of sex and because of this motherhood is valuable

12 years old mothers, acid on mother's face, women have to hide their whole bodies and have literally no rights on their own, women circumcision etc.

>because of this motherhood is valuable

>motherhood is valuable

>God created us as equals but with different goals in mind

Your god doesn't mean anything to me. Also, all abrahamic religions are just tools of enslavement.

>You're using words that you don't understand

I don't think that the word "cuck" was used in the context you are describing.


>t's not merely a culture, it is the truth given to us by God.

And there you lost me anon of the sands. I really treated you seriously for a moment until this.

>What about the wolf that doesn't want to hunt sheep? What about the farmer who doesn't want to work his land? What about the antelope who doesn't want to run when danger is near?

>They die.

You're so evil anon :^)

What problem do you have with the idea of a STO world not STS one?

>A woman marries a man, not a boy who will obey her like a son.

A child marries a man. Fixd it for you. Unless of course we're not talking about your culture.

A woman marries whoever she wishes.

>The problem lies that the woman will ridicule her husband and then leave him

What vile creatures those women, eh?



sto sts is this service to others - service to self? had to look it up



Yes my friend. It's terminology widely spread on this board so I used it in order to save some time.

What I meant is in the current state it can be viewed as the anon of the sands said, but it is not necessarily the only way. Instead of fighting we can coexist, instead of hierarchy there can be a network.



>doesn't understand ironic humor


Yet you didn't explain how. I can make random brash statements with no context too. Like, you were born with one testicle. See?


>I'm not OP

You so clearly are, especially when you start it off like that.

This thread is kill, end this broken horse.



If this thread has no valid points why do you feel the need to sage it? It would just peter out on its own if there is nothing on this thread that makes sense.



I am not OP, really. I can't convince you, nor I would even if I could. Just compare my writing style to OP's if you desire so, else stop shilling this thread.

Also, I found this hilarious.


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>How can you be so sure?

I am convinced, when I first read the Koran it all seemed so alien(weird, not extraterrestrial) to me, but as I pushed further through the book parts seemed to fit in place. The more I read and understood of the book the more I could see of it in the world around me.

>Sometimes secrecy is the best option. Making something public just for the sake of it being public is a move of the fool.

Withholding truth is the same as telling lies.

>I'm not OP, but I understand it this way: now the purpose is more general and broad, later when the movement gains traction there can be a specialization. Where do you see lies here anon of the sands?

Let us say like this; you will host a dinner, you invite a couple of people and they all agree. One of them, a vegetarian, asks; "Will this dinner contain meat?" because OP doesn't want to define the dinner (movement) he doesn't say anything. Then when the dinner happens the vegetarian sees that the dinner contains meat.

OP knew from all along that the dinner would contain meat but they kept it secret, likewise OP knows the truth about the organisation but withholds information that could potentially collide with people's morality.

>If people would really want knowledge they would find it. Most of them doesn't care about anything but their basic needs and do not see nor understand that their world is crumbling down on their heads.

But this information is being held back from them, as with OP in this thread who doesn't want to disclose information.

>Aren't you? Or I? What does the term "evil" mean. It is devoid of meaning on its own. People just use the term when they refer to something they personally disagree with on moral grounds. Perhaps from my perspective you are evil?

The understanding of good and evil comes from God, lying is an evil act.

>motherhood is valuable

But it is, crimes that are committed against mothers face though punishments. I understand that from your culture what we do can seem harsh but those actions you mentioned are either for protection or will have the criminal punished. Just like how a criminal might shoot up a school in the US, that doesn't mean that the US hates schoolchildren, it is a horrible crime and the attacker will be punished.

>Your god doesn't mean anything to me.

I'm not surprised.

>Also, all abrahamic religions are just tools of enslavement.

Just like how the fish needs water, how the cattle needs grass, how the birds need the skies us humans need God. Would you say that the fish is enslaved by the water?

>I don't think that the word "cuck" was used in the context you are describing.

Very well.

>And there you lost me anon of the sands. I really treated you seriously for a moment until this.

Now in hindsight it might have not been the best statement since people seems to get caught on it rather than other.

>You're so evil anon :^)

But that's not evil, that's merely how the world is.

What problem do you have with the idea of a STO world not STS one?

What do you refer to with STO and STS?

>A child marries a man. Fixd it for you. Unless of course we're not talking about your culture.

>A woman marries whoever she wishes.

Cheeky anon, you complained about a man marrying who he wants but then said that a woman should be able to do that.

>What vile creatures those women, eh?

Not vile, it is just in their nature. Being angry about it or hating women for it won't do any good. Instead you have to accept this fact and live with it.



If islam is teh answer then why are muslims of the middle east, from areas not in a state of war, trying to immigrate to europe and north america?



>I am convinced

Good for you.

>Withholding truth is the same as telling lies

OP clearly stated the purpose and even went into the means of achieving it. I feel that what OP is doing is right. Revealing too much information is a dangerous thing. If you want to call it lies, so be it. It's just semantics after all. What matters is the outcome.

>The understanding of good and evil comes from God, lying is an evil act

>being on an esoteric imageboard

>believing God is something external

>not realizing that you are God

>letting some old book to determine your view of the universe

Congratulations on being mindless automaton, programmed to serve Jewish thoughtform (in /fringe/ - speak) / being a sheep not thinking for yourself (in normal speak).

>Would you say that the fish is enslaved by the water?

I certainly wouldn't say that. What I would say is that your view of the universe is extremely limited and, again, what exactly are you doing on an esoteric imageboard anyway? Isn't it prohibited by Koran or sth?

>I understand that from your culture what we do can seem harsh but those actions you mentioned are either for protection or will have the criminal punished

No, I don't think you do. Hurting others isn't protection, it's enslavement. No matter what excuses you try to cover it up with. And I agree - what you culture does to women is a crime. To think that forcing children into marriage, killing or melting someone's face is some form of protection you have to be really brainwashed (or just trolling, which is some possibility).

>What do you refer to with STO and STS?

Howdy there fella! Welcome to /fringe/! I recommend you check a glossary, FAQ and read some occult book. Montalk has some sick stuff m8 :^)

>you complained about a man marrying who he wants but then said that a woman should be able to do that

And where exactly do I complain about that? You're confusing me with some other anon.

I'm this fag >>59423

>Not vile, it is just in their nature.

If the woman nature were your home desert, your understanding of it would be smaller than a single grain of sand.



That's "i can lie therefore there is no truth"-tier reasoning. Absolutely unbased.


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Man you have a pretty bloated ego.


>anus slapping noises

Now you are just using terms you don't understand. You're so unbelievably butthurt m8. You disappoint me.



Ego? As in The Arcane Teaching? Thanks.



>what do you think of homosexuality?

Incompatible with succubus interests. Also very dangerous. There are many examples of this where some anon asked for inappropriate things from a succubus and this was interpreted in ways he could not imagine.

But this depends on what you are talking about. Let's put it this way, if there is no penis involved it is not sex. Do you still qualify as homosexual? Then you should better stay away for your own safety. There is no point in denying succubus are after all negative entities and having personality flaws or weaknesses is never a good ground for fruitful relations with them. If you still want to take part, you need to suppress this part of your mind. If you belong to the group of men who want to be women, this is a different matter. Maybe your soul is female and then this is not a problem. But you have to understand, succubus are as you would call it a bit "slow" when it comes to human concepts. They will not understand things like "gender identity". An example to make it clearer, they consider breeding dogs, cats and rabbits an amusing hobby. They do not really look at humans in a different way, except for their personal interest in the process.



>succubus interests

>inappropriate things from a succubus

This, this is exactly why OP is full of shit. How can you not see this.

Thread is dead.



If the personal traits matter lets put it this way:

I consider myself bisexual, but I'm living in celibacy anyway as all my time I spend almost in hermitage. I can surpass my own sexuality if I desire so, it has no control over me. I view sex as a waste of energy anyway.

I was just curious as homosexuality is a controversial topic on /fringe/ and just wanted to know your opinion on it. And now I know it I do not agree with you that it is

>personality flaw or weakness

But I don't care much about it anyway, could you just elaborate why exactly you view it as a weakness?

As for the part of having a female soul - OP, I am disappoint. Soul is both and neither female and male.

Physically and mentally I display both male and female traits, although it is somewhat easier, as of late, to contact and use my female energies.



>A movement that hides in secrecy is a movement devoid of truth. Trusting such a movement is the move of a fool.

>So you'll lie to the first members?

>If your movement needs to hide in the shadows

Reply was given before:


>Specific rendez-vous points will be given to the people who are considered trustwhorthy. We don't want DDOS attacks and vandalism on our open sites ;)

Also, for the person working politically, maybe you as a muslim is alien to the concept of perosnal faith. This is something we have in the west and it means that you can have your own understanding of religions and ideologies. Unlike islam where only certain people can make interpretations and new ideas, in the west as well as in eastern religion it is encouraged that individual followers develop their own view. This means sometimes your view is very different from the public view and if you told them there would be a misunderstanding. Some people would very well understand but would make a strawman attack on you to gain political capital. This is the same as what you said of the

>antelope who doesn't want to run when danger is near?

>They die.

It is foolish to step out with a different view if you will be defeated at once. It does not gain our cause. So we will build support slowly until it is accepted enough and then the leader figures wills step forward. This is just tactics for success.

Also, what would happen if a western politician went and talked about summoning beings? You just play with that mental image for a while and if you don't still get what I'm saying - there is nothing more I can do to explain this to you.

You yourself have the concept of taqiyya in islam. Hiding your faith when your life is in danger.



>Negative entity

>Fruitful relationship

Succubus are demons. Can't believe anyone actually ever believed your nonsense

>demons offering some kind of solution to a problem.

Yeah uh huh

>female soul

Proof you have no idea what you're talking about, just a butthurt femikike.



Also, why not use incubus for gay practitioners, hmm OP-kun? :^)






>could you just elaborate why exactly you view it as a weakness?

It can be compared to any obession with a useless activity, like drinking alcohol or any sexual fetish that doesn't lead to pregancy or is an exercise in maintaining sexual functions.

But there are interdimensional reasons why male homosexualith is so dangerous with succubus. They will prey on this at once. It's not about my view. They can trap you and take your soul, use you for whatever. It's that dangerous. From another perspective it is just like I said an obsession, there are levels of everything and this thing ranks very low. If your obsession is collecting stamps it's not something that is likely to get you in trouble, but that depends on how bad it is. It's just less likely. I can't fully explain this myself, I'm letting my closest succubus try and type this reply out for me.

This just means I'm trying to be fair. If I was mean and didn't care I would say, go on and join, and let the meanest of the girls take you. But that would be bad, wouldn't it? Like sandman here talked of secrecy - if I was about that I wouldn't tell you this.



Well I guess I'll take your word for it then :^)

But srsly now, no disrespect to you and your cohort of succubi, but I've never had any interest in them. As I stated - sex is a waste of energy in my eyes and I prefer to keep my loosh to myself.

I do feel that women are oppressed, and so is femininity in general (the same goes for masculinity without saying as there can't be one without the other, at least not a pair of healthy ones). The powers that be want nothing else but to keep us from our full potential.

With that being said, that I understand your struggle, if your workings contain nothing more than work with succubi, then I do not think that I'm interested after all.

I have my ways, you have yours. Good luck on your endeavors.



Do you have any websites or communities that help you preserve loosh?


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Another name I use for it is "Succubism." I believe groundwork exists within the human consciousness and value system to support a universalizing religion that organizes the celebration of sex, male/female union, and responsible parenting. Some of our canon is a religious syncretism of the succubus (and vampire) legends and myths, and information received by members through channeling or astral projection. Though there are many different possible sources, each sect pursues the same collective wish, and contributes to our effort.

My ideology is that

>The succubus (chaotic neutral) is a spirit that is attracted to lust, (generally) helpful to humans, and able to appear in the astral or ethereal (some contactees will probably claim they can appear in the physical).

The Succubi are essentially the deities of Succubism. They have diverse personalities, and their strength is in their cunning. I believe they have long been with humanity, influencing us in ways not often understood and sometimes feared.

>sexual knowledge must not be shamed, neglected, nor discouraged.

It should be made available at an early age and its introduction should be under the guidance of initiates to prevent accident, injury, disease, or any other problem. Sexual health dialogue and care should be practiced.

>Sex should should be within common reach

Consenting sexual partners of any kind should not suffer state or church regulation, or societal classification. Holding humans as sexual property or territory, or any other violent sexual practice should not be practiced. Consent is a highly valued result of connection and communication, which are a virtues we want to promote.

>Protect our children from harm and hate

Not stealing loosh from children, not confusing them, not killing them, not neglecting them. Another strong value expressed is commitment.

The purpose of this experiment is create an emotional environment ideal for growth and evolution. The collective wish for liberty should not be denied because of petty shame. Symbolically we are rebelling fully against the idea of Biblical banishment from Eden, the Original Sin, and the Knowledge vs. Life opposition.



No. Why would I need help with that?



I have no idea why YOU would need help with that but sometimes people like having support groups.



I didn't mean to be arrogant and brag. Or maybe just a little. Control over your emotions and lust is a basic skill for a mage. I've never thought people would need support groups for that.

On the second thought you can consider no fap (board as well as a thread here) as some kind of a support group for people wanting to control lust, but that's it.


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Also, check out my satanic trips pumpkins :^)


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>The current world is based on the male priniciple and the female is placed below, at the level of possessions and objects.



kek don't bump this shit thread


Shortly after posting in this thread I got a curse thrown my way.

Play nice :^(

At least, attempt to persuade me without trying to hurt me if you're going to use spells.


Femdom thread?



Lol dont fucking tell me what to do



Mfw winkte is twink with an e

Fuckin injunns man



Stop bumping this failed troll thread.


lmfao nice



>Shortly after posting in this thread I got a curse thrown my way.

What did I tell you? Some people don't like what we do. I hope you're being supportive because then our barrier blocked it.



Oh yeah

I'm one of the succumancy organizers on Fortune.

You/OP probably talked to me about it on other places to.

Anyways each attack got weaker until they stopped.

Not the first time someone tried this shit too.



Nah, it starts with my sperm injecting themselves into her eggs. You're a fag.



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was posting information about succubi on halfchan's /x/.

started getting "connection error"

Mods or Department of Three-Letter Organizations" don't want me to talk about it, but they're not outright declaring it as an offense.

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