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>mfw materialists claim to know everything

>mfw subjectivists claim to know everything

>mfw Theists claim to know everything

>mfw Atheists claim to know everything

>mfw Racists claim to know everything

>mfw Anti-racists claim to know everything

>mfw Feminists claim to know everything

>mfw Anti-feminists claim to know everything

The list goes on and on.

What the fuck is wrong with these people, seriously?

How can you claim to know everything when you know nothing without being a lousy hypocrit?



>mfw materialists claim to know everything

If by "materialists" you mean "scientists", they're fully aware they don't know much at and are always open to new knowledge or even to dismiss a previously known concept if it gets proven to be false afterwards.

>>mfw Racists claim to know everything

>>mfw Anti-racists claim to know everything

Neither has even got anything to do with knowledge, what the fuck are you smoking? It's an opinion on a very specific subject, how can ONE subject be related to "everything"?

>>mfw Feminists claim to know everything

>>mfw Anti-feminists claim to know everything

Same as above.

Your post is utter fucking nonsense. What the fuck is wrong with YOU?



>they don't know much at all*


This, but tbh I was stuck in the racist way of thinking for almost a year or so


Did you post this just to vent? Most people here are aware of the ignorant stupidity of all these groups. But you have to remember they exist in a completely different perspective then us. They still don't know that all the worlds problems was created by a small group of old homosexual pedophile luciferians and some dusty ancient lizard race from eons away. They think that they can blame one group or another, but the reason for all these groups is for distraction and imbalance.


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Do you know everything?



scientists don't claim to have the final explanation to everything.

materialists do though



No, to know everything is not possible. As if it were, then the universe would not have created itself. It is after all a gigantic learning simulation.


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Hey it's yet another special snowflake? Good thing you're superior to everyone by taking no stances

Feminism, anti-feminism, racism, and anti-racism btw aren't metaphysical stances of the sorts you previously listed btw… those are political / ideological / preferences.

Racist = someone who values racial purity

Anti-racist = someone who hates diversity and wants to mix people up

Feminist = someone who hates men

Anti-feminist = someone who hates men haters.


Why the fuck did you abandon racism? When I took the greenpill it intensified my racism. Pic very related… and before you say you've transcended forms I would say the racist has done that better than you because he is willing to say "you know what, who the fuck would ever want to be born a nigger, lets exterminate these subhumans!" because he realizes how trivial the negro form really is.

Personally, I believe we will destroy the mud races one day either by outright eliminating them or by turning them into us. Nobody wants to be a shitskin. Everyone would overwhelming choose white if this was an RPG game where we could select our new bodies/characters.



>It is after all a gigantic learning simulation.

This is not what the universe is. The universe is a loosh farm, its purpose is the creation and living out and outliving of desires. That is the real basis of this all. You're not being tested and taught anything at all. Most people will spend entire incarnations and never learn anything of worth. What they all will do however, without any exceptions, is they will experience desire and they will live those desires out.



You are short sighted. What happened here on earth is indeed apart of a learning process, it didn't happen intentionally though. Humanity got violated by another species because the law of freewill. I never said we were being tested and taught, the universe is self maintaining. Everyone learns something one way or another even if retarded. Only earth is a loosh farm, all the other planets around us are literally littered in peaceful life in 4th density. Earth was targeted by the universes rejects, a shitty ancient dying race who has attacked other planets and got chased off time and time again.



Does materialism include energy?

I don't think matter is the element in common in all the universe, I think energy might be closer to that.



Literally everything is powered by loosh. The whole of third density is a loosh farm. I'm not short-sighted, I have clairvoyant vision that lets me see into 5th density, represented in any sense I want. As colour/sight I see the emotions that make up the whole manifest universe.

You called Earth "a gigantic learning simulation" you faggot don't go back on that. It is NOT a learning simulation. It's a place people incarnate into in order to grow their desires and thus grow spiritually. I refuse to call it "learning" because the whole process is an unlearning, a fall from the default omniscient state. You aren't learning things here, you're just living out and outliving desires, and in this way advancing forward to higher ideals and more complex states of consciousness.

We don't have to learn shit. This is not a simulation. We have to unlearn shit, in order to bring out the wisdom that is already there in the depths of mind all along.



lel retarded

>You aren't learning things here

>advancing foward higher ideals and more complex states of consciousness

You seem to be learning, right now even.


More like delusional. You sure your psychic abilities aren't being manipulated, I heard dark beings can do that.

Calm the edge, learn some love bby.



Only earth is being farmed for loosh there are 3rd density STO planets. Don't know why you think you and this planet is the center of the universe. There are tons of shit going on right now all over the universe.

>a fall from default omniscient state

New souls and types of existences are being formed constantly, not everyone is a fall from grace so to speak. The only reason it seems that way is because time doesn't exist above this density. However you have yet to achieve that.



You obviously haven't taken a philosophy course and gone over the nature f knowledge and learning with the ancient greeks. We do not learn anything.

Where is the socrate's flag when you need it?




Man you come meet me in my house in the astral and we'll settle this matter there. I'll thoughtform a whole room for you maybe… for now this little message is waiting for you that's going to blow your mind out when you finally read it. Until then, stfu. Earth isn't even my main, and you are retarded if you think only Earth is being loosh farmed, and nowhere else.



Can you manifest anything from the astral into the physical world?



>Being this pseudo intellectual


That's real mature, obviously there are other planets dealing with issues but not as many as there peaceful planets. Most of the beings in this universe know how stupid and dead end STS existence is. Don't know what you seek to accomplish with a playground tussle.


Wow why is the top-half of my house charred up and burned out? Who did this? At least nothing important was up there. I should probably start moving my important thoughtforms to a new location (or maybe an old one) that they should be more secure.


The whole physical world is just thought brought to a low vibration and objectified. Anything can be manifested here, but it's not a trivial matter unless you've got a lot of stuff in place already, it takes a lot of work.


Where the fuck do you even get your information about other planets from and why do you not appreciate that Earth is the birthplace of many desires, that it gives new purpose to old souls, and is extremely creative? Utopian societies don't evolve much and they stagnate. Earth is an accelerator, it's spiritual evolution on hardcore mode. Earth is by far not the only place like this though. For some unknown reason you paint for me this nonsensical vision of a universe full of stagnant utopias where loosh farming supposedly doesn't happen. As if loosh farming is even a bad thing.



>The whole physical world is just thought brought to a low vibration and objectified. Anything can be manifested here, but it's not a trivial matter unless you've got a lot of stuff in place already, it takes a lot of work.

Is there any chance you could (maybe with the help of other people here) try it out? I'm not in a hurry so I don't mind being patient, but if it is too much work I understand.



lel How do people develop this contrived bs perceptions. You don't know anything about how utopian societies develop, you never lived in one. This planet was not originally supposed to develop this way, it isn't really advanced development it's more like desperate attempt in balancing a real fucking bad screw up. We are forced to evolve in order to counter our oppressors as well as ascend above our forced primal natures. All beings have desires, that is what drives growth. Do you honestly think that higher beings are not still evolving, they are doing it even faster then us. Earth is not an accelerator it's a hiccup, there are tons of beings literally just looking at earth like "yup, that's that fucked up planet there". You can go ahead and enjoy your glorified prison, but we haven't even touched the level of amazingness this universe has to offer. It's literally infinite, and not to mention there are other realities with completely different laws of function. We're talking about infinites on top of infinites on top of infinites. The things you read about alien tech, alien civilization, the things you can do on 4th density. You would never look back. That's why none of the higher beings ever desire physicality. Earth would have been great, if we never got fucked over from day 1.



How are you going to learn to be profoundly happy if your happiness is externalized and the product of your surroundings?


Try out what exactly? I'm already wielding my magickal power mostly to keep myself alive right now, don't really want to deviate from that very important objective to some side-mission.



There is no such thing as external, as the entire universe and all it's knowledge is within.



>hurrr durrr no such thing as external muh irrelevant rant about absolute reality taken out of context because we are dealing with relative reality



Wow now you're just vomiting retarded convulsions. Someone call a medic.

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