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Esoteric Wizardry


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>stars are satanic

>triangles are satanic

>all eastern religions are satanic

>mantras are satanic

>chanting is satanic

>the illuminate and the masons are satanic

>they want to take over the world and force people to worship satan

>the pyramids were built by and for them

>oh and pyramids are satanic too

>astral projection doesn't even real but is satanic somehow

And my personal favorite

>meditation is satanic

All of this is from the same person, who would consider himself a devout Christian despite following very few of Jesus' teachings.


>worshipping the demiurge

Disdain4Mundane thread?



Well they are half right about 2 things in that list. They are luciferians, they would love for the masses to be satanic or luciferian themselves. Makes shit easier. They want people to become completely degenerate. Makes them easier to control, gives them more excuse to take away freedoms etc. The rest of the shit is christian fear monger control.



Is there any proof for the demiurge or reptilians?



demiurge is the prana/astral light(dense and subtle)

reptilian are your reptilian brain and your craving for sex,food, and shit.



Ayy, but some people are reffering to reptilians as actual aliens that exist and control everything





I don't know why people keep asking this shit. First of all what exactly of proof are you looking for? Be in mind, the scientists who know about it don't want you to. This shit is not publicly accepted obviously because it would be pretty counter productive to the agenda. If you want some comfort though, do a little research and you will find quite a few groups and governments have disclosed on UFO's and there are official documents talking about them. All in all search in yourself for the truth. If you really want to see these creatures you can, either by going to the astral. Or inviting them in your life. However I greatly advise against this, these are some of the most vile creatures in the universe and you will be sorry. HUGELY SORRY.



Yeah I was thinking about going into astral to confirm my beliefs for once and all, but is there proof for the astral being an OBE and not just a lucid dream?



Try to meet someone out there. Or you can learn about some known material that you never read about. Then return to the real world to confirm the accuracy. There's a lot of experiments you can do.



That is definitely NOT what the demiurge is.

Montalk defined the demiurge very well, lets just stick to what he said, as it's the truth.



>lets just stick to what he said, as it's the truth

holy shit you're brainwashed



Well not really, he gets his stuff from Gnostic teachings. The demiurge is a big ass thoughtform that created the material world. It got corrupted when the inhabitants of the material world became more predatory and got to indulged into the dog eat dog function that was only supposed to be the base of 3rd density evolution.



>The demiurge is a big ass thoughtform that created the material world.

>big ass thoughtform

>material world


>It got corrupted when the inhabitants of the material world became more predatory and got to indulged into the dog eat dog function that was only supposed to be the base of 3rd density evolution.

dog eating which dog?


3d density evolution?




Face it. you don't know how to think for yourself. Might as well go be a christian and join a church.



Everything is thoughtforms, get used to it.

>material world=physical


>Prolapse noises

Sad attempt kiddo



That's not the point. Learn how to think for yourself. Montalk is not 100% accurate on everything. In fact, he emphasizes that throughout the website and tells people constantly that some of the information is actually his personal interpretation. If you think everything he says is 100% golden and accurate and you take it at face value without analyzing it, he probably doesn't even want you to read his website because you add nothing to the table. I send him emails all the time with my personal interpretation on some of his sources and he calls them equally valid points.



I'm not talking about montalks stuff, just look up demiurge. It's the common known basic idea that the gnostics defined. The only way to really know is to travel the road of a mystic and find out yourself.



See I don't fully understand the nature of the "corruption" here.

Mastering or transcending any obstacle in your evolution would make you that much stronger if the obstacle was that much harder or "corrupted." Could it be possible that the demiurge is playing out it's role in the fullest sense of the word? Imagine the strength of a chaos being that can transcend this "corrupted" version versus the "intended" method.



Nah not really, honestly it has just caused more suffering then needed. If humanity was never interrupted we would still be the same at 4D. The point of evolution is the same for everyone, as is the capabilities and state of our final higher self forms. You have to remember all beings in the universe come from the same source no matter what stage in development. Which means no matter the circumstance our capabilities are still infinite. We actually would have evolved in a way more interesting way I personally believe.



Thats because Christians make sure anything associated with paganisn or magic is deemed "satanic", Hollyjew helps them with this too.

I'd argue that "satanic" is a buzzword no more meaningful than "racist" or "sexist".


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Op how do you know my family so well? :^(

Pic related, banner I got when I opened this thread :^)



>blood magick is satanic

>satan worship is satanic

>talking to demons is satanic

>worshiping ancient gods is satanic

>reading the necronomocon is satanic

>reading the satanic verses is satanic

>reading the tao te ching is satanic

>reading any greek religious text is satanic

>tatot is satanic

>astrology is satanic

>auras are invented by satanic satans

>satanic satan worshiping satanists of satan

>hail satan

>Hi /baph/

>killing jesus is satanic

>killing a kike is satanic

>souls are satanic

>energy work is satanic

>meditation is satanic

>using logic and reason is satanic

>not drinking flouride is satanic

>not getting your jew vaccines is satanic

>anime is satanic

>vidya is satanic

>psychology is satanic


Strength creates adversity.

If society is uniform and most people are spiritual push-overs, then it is simply a matter of following the herd to be safe.

Anything that gives an individual an advantage, for instance powers that might make them start to seem like gods, elevate them above a weak majority.

Those who pose a threat and stand out are the enemy. Anyone with bizarre beliefs and abilities in the realm of the esoteric are deemed targets.

My advice would be to stay away from satanism, however. It is not a religion as much as a means to an end.

An individual who is enlightened, disciplined, knowledgeable, wise, and strong and who is working for the betterment of humanity, gives compassion, is patient, and works to protect, teach, and heal others is far better off than a puppet or parrot.


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Another day, another disinfo thread on /cringe/


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it's not a disinfo thread, OP is griping about the common man's perception of occultism

get some reading comprehension, kiddo


Aren't masons evil though?


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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anon.

As i said, disinfo, but believe what you want.



they are



No. Masonry is just a system.

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