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people were waiting, following all the signs that were happening, everything was falling into place and the economy was set to have an immeasurably huge crash, JADE HELM 15, and all the like was all set to come crashing down all at once. I'm not here to prove that "OH LE NO ANOTHER HAPPENING IS HAPPENING" I'm here to say that I know EXACTLY why nothing insanely important happened in september.

The reason is: everyone would not shut up about it. people everywhere and the entire internet exposed everything and screamed to the top of their lungs "THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING" and people actually made themselves ready, people prepared, the government got scared, and everyones mom said you going to live with your aunti and uncle in bel air.


you and me and everyone else opened the door, exposed all the truth on the floor, and we all walked the dinosaur.

do you understand what I'm saying? we lifted the curtains, we wrote a complaint to everyone. WE TOLD THE TEACHER ON THEM.

probably their only stupid backup plan was to let "nothing" actually "happen" so that everyone would run around screaming AHAHA I TOLD YOU NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN! I TOLD YOU YOUR STUPID CONSPIRACY THEORIES WERE FALSE YET AGAIN!!!

but I'm here to tell you that you all did great. a handshake to 8chan and a salute to liberty and freedom.


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it all makes sense now




The law of awareness save our ass one more time

Is becose of this we have pol , they are aware of the world dangers, and call them out ,forcing evil to try anoter way and that is how the law of awareness work


What you said does not make sense to me.

How is everybody getting ready not actually worse than nobody knowing about it? Shouldn't it be the other way around? When a lot of people start going crazy, then it becomes too big to stop. Like a human stampede. What you're proposing is that basically a lot of people about to freak out got suddenly silenced out of the blue. (silenced symbolically). Where did all that momentum go? Isn't there an effect to every cause?



sure it does. they didn't load all the energy into one chamber…they've done this many times before they've probably been thwarted and had to start stockpiling energy again for such a strong movement. Magick works though mystery, it would not have had it's desired effect if everyone knew several steps to their ritual, the collective subconcious would exert its will and change the course of the result. So, instead of letting all of it go they let the ignition charge go. If that energy were released those capable of absorbing it would have. I've noticed extremely vivid dreams with defined symbols, more awareness of the programming happening around us, heck even reality manipulation isn't a ritual for me anymore. We absorbed in their minds a very very small amount of energy but in our realm of influence a decent amount, enough to change our interface with 3d reality.

Every cause does have an effect but if energy is not directed then we cannot know the effect until it happens.



** edit

We CAN know the end effect of indirect energy but it requires a level of awareness that most of us do not have currently.

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