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Performing of the Karet curse - Kabbalah : Remove someone's soul? damned to 'The Eternal Emptiness':

I recently met a group of - what i now know to be - cult members at a festival.

After a while I became more involved with them and they performed a type of Karet curse on me.

This culminated in them performing some sort of soul-theft ceremony on me, where I could actually feel my Qi or Prana rising up out through my body.

It was very difficult to actually WILLfully stop that process..

Does anyone know about this sort of practice?

I've been looking for information on clearnet and darkweb, but not finding anything on soul theft, for obvious reasons…

I have however found a lot of resources on the way I'd be willing to share.

thanks in advance

appologies for being newfig



Shamans can perform a soul hiding in order to protect important parts of a person soul, say, while they extract themselves from an abusive relationship or while they leave and bad job or even on themselves as children to protect a part of their soul wihch might be damaged otherwise.

A black ritual stealing ones soul is just a matter of doing the same process in order to be felt bad - with mal-intent.

It's a good question.


yes, part of their ritual was to create a sensation of social defeat in the hippocampus;

by bombarding me with degrading estoric riddles about myself,

songs about my life,

and scornful judgements about me,

in the process trying to crush my WILL as much as possible.

This action causes your will to be reduced: therefore making it easier for you to want to submit to them.

It was only when I heard someone talk about killing me after they had "got it" that I realised what this really was and consciously made the decision not to surrender,

because i didn't will to give them my soul, that broke the trance and the sensation/tingling of the Qi or Prana immediately stopped and flooded back into my body.

it was by far the scariest and most surreal experience of my life.

to many this this type of "black magic" will seem impossible, or even laughable.

But i have a lot of info on how it's conducted, and the steps neccessary to carry it out. i just don't have any insight on it. or know anyone (friendly) that can provide further insights.

hopefully someone may understand the psychology/occult science behind it and be able to point me towards resources to reverse this system of process?


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sweating hard and chest feeling dead cold looking at picture

>inb4 soul getting sucked out with astral straw


I don't have direct knowledge about that curse, but am pretty sensitive to both positive and negative remote influences. It took me a long time to put the experiences into a context and then respond appropriately.

Where I lived previously there was a pervasive "hate" vibe in the community, the usual 'smile to your face' and then hate on you once your out of earshot. Seems like a symptom of occult activity, where a sort of cloud ends up hanging over the area.

I get ear tones, one side positive, one side negative. Used to get tones on the negative side that would essentially deafen that ear.

One day I just stopped accepting it. Pulled my earlobe and just said "no!" with the intention of just sending it back without any hate, just reflecting it.

It stopped. A few hours later there was a family tragedy around the person I suspected was the cause.

I kept doing the same thing and noticed that the tone would stop abruptly. It rarely happens to the strength of that first time I flatly rejected it.

Witches bottles have also helped, but seem to be able to be bypassed.

Huna death chant comes to mind. Forgot the book the story is in, but the author describes sending it back to the shaman, who died because he failed to take appropriate precautions.

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