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>tfw thought yesterday for a moment I grasped the idea of what unconditional love is philosophically but then I got lost in the mires of maya, not knowing what it really is that could be the enduring object of love, as I considered the ephemeral qualities that make up a person

Can we really love another person unconditionally? If we freeze them in time, love what they once were, then even that powerful investment of love would surely wane with time.

If we try to love only the good in the person, then don't we take on a universal perspective, loving the good in all?

If we love the good in all then our love is surely fixed upon ideals which are eternal.

So in conclusion, while can certainly direct an immense amount of love towards another person or our own self, a person has a conditional existence… only principles which are unconditional can be matched with unconditional love.

Unconditional love is never for another person. If it is to be found at all, it is a love of ideals.

Unconditional love is for God only.


fuck off.



>Unconditional love is never for another person

>Unconditional love is for God only

If you walk the Right Hand Path long enough you see God in everyone, and thus love everyone.

I had this experience some years ago, when I used to dissolve in oneness of the All during meditation. I used to feel unconditional love for everyone and everything.

>loving the good in all

You seem fixated on loving ONLY the good. That's not love, let alone unconditional love. If you love an evil person and a good person all the same, or one person's evil traits as well as good ones, then you are getting close to experiencing unconditional love.

>thought yesterday for a moment I grasped the idea of what unconditional love is philosophically

Your problem is trying to intellectually describe an emotion. You can't.


>implying we arent all "god"

Unconditional love is possible, you'll know once you've legitimately hit it. People start giving you free shit all the time like they just know even know they dont. I had my fun with that for about 3 days, might as well try it again amirite?

Tips: "Everybody wants to talk but no one wants to listen" Simply reverse this for yourself, listen first, give the benefit of the doubt to them.

And then take in all the beauty around you. Nothing would be here without us. Once you figure out how to take in beauty your vision starts illuminating bit by bit. LITERAL SPARKLEZ YO


unconditional love will give you unlimited power



>You seem fixated on loving ONLY the good. That's not love, let alone unconditional love. If you love an evil person and a good person all the same, or one person's evil traits as well as good ones, then you are getting close to experiencing unconditional love.

So what is unconditional love exactly? Should you just smile when a person does something awful to you? There's some truly horrible people out there, and to me it seems insane to love even those people. People won't stop being evil just because you say ilu.



>So what is unconditional love exactly?

It is love, but under no conditions. That's why it's named like that I presume.

>Should you just smile when a person does something awful to you?

If you love that person unconditionally, then yes.

>There's some truly horrible people out there, and to me it seems insane to love even those people.

That's why you and, lets be honest here, almost no one loves unconditionally.

>People won't stop being evil just because you say ilu.

Did I express that notion anywhere in my post?

OP, you are asking about UNCONDITIONAL love, and then you make conditions.

>I will love you unconditionally… but under the condition that you are not evil and you do not do horrible things to me.

That's you sweetie :^)



Unconditional love doesn't mean accepting everything. God blesses and curses because of your thoughts, actions, and word but even if you're the evilest person in the evilist hell if you call to him with love he will answer reach down and start to bring you up with no grudges towar you past for free. THAT is unconditional love. It's love that transcends all.



Which god? You mean the All? The concept that the All would do that is highly erroneous.

As for gods, as in different astral entities, well… that depends.

>Unconditional love doesn't mean accepting everything.

Why? Unconditional = making no conditions = accepting everything. Thus,

>Unconditional love doesn't mean unconditional

It is named unconditional for a reason. Just as OP, you speak about unconditional love making some conditions. Perhaps you are talking about some different kind of love.




unconditional (ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl)


1. without conditions or limitations; total: unconditional surrender.

2. (Mathematics) maths (of an equality) true for all values of the variable: (x+1)>x is an unconditional equality.

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003



Unconditional love does not mean loving an individual. Love of an individual is incorrect. The only true love (divine love) is love of the cosmic order itself. You must love the person, not the individual (person=Self, individual=ego). The individual/ego changes with the wind and is not the real person/Self. The master recognizes this in others as much as he recognizes it in himself. So, to love the person is too love their essence, which is their reflection of the divine and eternal.



This is incorrect and a downward subhuman transcendence.



This is incorrect. Just because. Trust me. It is. Really.




based Hitler got it right



>That's you sweetie :^)

Oh don't misunderstand, I'm well aware that I'm a pretty hateful person. I just have trouble understanding this concept, and why it's good to love everyone unconditionally, especially bad people. To me it's unthinkable that I should just sit around and smile like a retard when my country is being ruined by jews and lefties and invaded by violent muslims.



>To me it's unthinkable that I should just sit around and smile like a retard when my country is being ruined by jews and lefties and invaded by violent muslims.

Oh, no. Unconditional Love means just radiating love independently and being free from hate (attachment). But that doesn't mean you can't take out the trash and let your environment be filthy. Slaughter evil doers as you deem necessary. Those things are not mutually exclusive. It is known.


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This is love



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Unconditional love does not mean loving an individual

It can mean that. If someone loves an individual unconditionally then what you gonna do about it? :^)


>why it's good to love everyone unconditionally

I never said it is good. Just to be clear - neither did I say it is bad. I said it is possible and it happens.


The experience of unconditional love cannot be put into words, it is ineffable. You can read and read and never get any closer to the real understanding.

I've experienced it all those years ago, and it was something I cannot put into words.

Regarding the link you posted - I already knew that shit in some form or the other, what's your point?



You are not describing unconditional love. You are describing delusion.



Okay then Ascended Master, have it your way. If you say so, then I guess it must be the truth. One and only truth of course. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is just delusional, amirit?


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