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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1446750457932.pdf (3.3 MB, The Pseudonomicon - Phil H….pdf)


What /fringe/ thinks about The Pseudonomicon and Phil Hine?


I've always thought that chaos magicians are retarded. From what I've gathered, they are like teenagers of the magic world :^)

>im using a flashlight instead of a wand! so random!

>hehe, I'm gonna visualize a giant penis fucking my head, just for lulz lol

>Hail Eris!

>it's not fapping im charging muh sigil

Basically, they're just fucking around without real knowledge or purpose. The fact that most of them are edgy fucks doesn't help too.



It's more of amalgamation of any given magickal art, belief or practice for me.

As one of the core principles mentioned the practitioner of any skill to achieve excellence in their art/practice (As chaos magicians often give the image that they are lazy)

And that one shouldn't feel so self-important, arrogant and all knowing, Most people turn into SRS BZN edgelords without sense of humor and no real will or desire to do their homework and practice any given magick or faith.

Which is why I can see people, most likely the less mature ones who clearly don't give a shit about what they do.

I admit and still consider myself to be a mere student, which is why I ask the opinion from other anons


Phile Hine is Brainless Sissy Wizard tbh fam.



Do elaborate, I'm interested in any thoughts, opinions and info on the guy.

I don't hold anyone as a reliable or absolute authority in anything, I won't repeat the mistake that I did with 'house' Kheperu's writings on psychic vamprirism or magic the little they 'know'.



>wears glasses

I can't take this seriously.



OP, a quick guide to checking the legitimacy of an occult book.

>read the book or it's part

>do provided exercises

>check if they work or not

Although sometimes you can get fine results from following total bullshit (you get results despite the bs techniques not thanks to them ofc) and get no results from legit sources (if you lack needed Will, focus, energy etc). It's a matter of personal preference and the fact that rules of magic are extremely simple and the same rules underlie seemingly different techniques. There are exceptions of course.



What are some good magic tech I can use to improve my vision?



The most basic technique, autosuggestion. That can fix a lot of things actually.

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