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What /fringe thought about Winter chan?



I don't think it worked, warmest winter in 5 years here kek



Where is "here"?



Keep in mind that the intended target is Europe; while the Americas are getting a mild winter due to El Nino, a particular species of Russian swan whose arrival heralds winter showed up in Europe in mid-October- the earliest on record (50+ years).



m8 i'm literally in the geographical centre of europe




It is pretty chilly in Poland atm, but nothing extreme.



yeah, the news said that the first two winter months will be really warm


I really feel its some old trick in the book by jews/satanics to have goyim worship a sigil intended for a winter age

I think its stupid idea from the beginning, snow to ward off shitskins? really? will that do? what if other consequences aka that sigil boosts something else?



My thoughts exactly. Also, manipulating already unstable weather isn't the brightest idea.

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