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This thread will serve as a collection of ressources:

The Physiological Enigma Of Woman: The Mystery Of Menstruation by Raymond W. Bernard

The Secret Of Regeneration Part 1 & 2 by Hilton Hotema

Virgin Birth by Hilton Hotema

Man's Higher Consciousness by Hilton Hotema



what's exactly the point of this thread?


I recommend the book The Woman in the Shaman's Body about women in shamanism. In a lot of cultures they were indeed the first shaman and never uniformly less powerful than male shaman nor never more powerful than male shaman.



Collecting material on the subject. I can't be bothered to write long posts yet, so feel free to read the sources given so far.


I am shamanically androgyny. Any book on the subject, /fringe/? i wanna READ.



To be honest, I think the idea of humans as a physical adrogynous species is a misunderstanding. This probably arose from the fact that we are spiritually adrogynous.

Just as the ignorant materialistic peasants that converted to early Christianity and had no conception of a life outside the body, so they perverted Jesus' teachings of reincarnation as a ressurection of the body. I think that somewhere along the line the idea of spiritual androgyny was funneled into the materialist "reality tunnel", which is without conception of a metaphysical reality.

Though I haven't really looked into the subject and could be completely wrong. My intuitive feeling is that a 3D organism without physical gender doesn't make very much sense.



>implying resurrection is impossible



When I say resurrection I do not mean necromancy, but the Christian belief that at the end of the world we all will return to Earth in our perfect youthful bodies, even thousands of years after we died. Yes one can be pulled back from the astral soon after they die and be brought back to life by the adept occultist.


You got anything on reproduction? I want to be able to fragment.


We gotta stop giving attention to posts like this… Gender doesn't even matter.


I like Hilton Hotema but any suggestion of androgeny is rather degenerate. Until you become a fucking aeon how about you give it a rest. LOL!





This is about more than just "gender". This is about the return to a former glory, recovering truths and unlocking true potential. The implications given here are groundbreaking.


Women are androgyne already. There is no hermaphroditic half-woman/half-man monstrosity that is commonly depicted as "androgyne".



>Former glory

Non existent, only myths


Read the essay "Sahaja" by ananda coomaraswamy chances are you'll never find anything better on the subject


How are women androgynous? Do they not have 2 X chromosomes making them purely female, while males have XY?

Still uninterested in becoming androgynous because of the trans* shit stigma behind it. I'd rather shapeshift into whatever I feel like.

Also, I've heard that everybody is androgynous in 4D, but doesn't that go against the principle of gender? Or not because the mind has both male and female aspects?



The Gods are not androgynous.

You would have to go beyond 5D, beyond planetary level consciousness.


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>hi guise come be androgy


>posting in this troll thread.




I feel like you guys are making this 4D 5D 6D shit up falsely.



I'm just using 4D as a placeholder for whatever astral planes see fit. 3D means the physical, so I figure 4D is above it.



Read one of the sources why. The female body is built for parthenogenesis and menstruation is a disease that halts a woman's development.

Males are nothing but degenerate females from a certain perspective.

It's up to you how you deal with this.



t.BSR's Central .



5D is beyond our current perception, beyond the many astral planes of 4D and beyond most duality but still has gender from what I have been told…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Michael Tsarion and Mark Passio on Androgyny. Michael Tsarion says some dumb, blasphemous shit but he brings together disparate sources like no one business which helps in forming something good when you contemplate everything.




christcuck pls go


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>The Physiological Enigma Of Woman: The Mystery Of Menstruation by Raymond W. Bernard



top cuck



>women are the best thing created

>yet defective more than wild animals

>inferior men are free from it

Is this supposed to prove a point? It seems like everybody who thinks women are better keeps saying these points and not addressing the main point as to why women are "the most exquisitely fashioned organic creation". I have seen no proof as to why females are androgynous and a goal to be when every piece of writing that isn't in this cuck genre says otherwise.


>menstruation is a disease that halts a woman's development

Then why do they have it and men do not? Wouldn't this make men superior, to not be defective?



Don't just read one paragraph and make assumptions.



'tis a silly paragraph


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>Is this supposed to prove a point?

no, i posted it to point at the typical, hilarious feminist delusional WOMYNGOD bullshit


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Women can actually cease menstruation if they put in some work. Mantak and Manwe Chia wrote a book on cultivating female sexual energy that says menstruation stops after some time.



Do you have specific title recommendation(s)?




Read the books in the OP post and get the following ones and basically everything from Mantak Chia.

Mantak Chia - Healing Love Through the Tao - Cultivating Female Sexual Energy

Stephen Chang - The complete System of Self-Healing

Stephen Chang - The Tao of Sexology

There are more books. Go celibate, don't lust and do the deer exercises.




Sometimes it's hard to moderate my 'lust' with my wife, however I do always program the energy even if we aren't making tantric love.



Then post something better.

I'm not going to read through an entire book to something I disagree with just to see how bad it is. If I am ever convinced, I'll give it a go, but until then there's no reason to.

And this is not an ignorant position to take. Would you read something you don't agree with, no matter how much time is wasted?


Does ceasing menstruation cease birthing ability? If so, it seems more bad than good.



>Does ceasing menstruation cease birthing ability?

Not necessarily so. Also managing eggs (for non-parthenogenestic reasons) would be wise for any female immortal.

Furthermore doing so mitigates the suffering (mental or physical) generally induced by monthly cycles. This I can speak from personal experience.



I am not here to convince you. Anyone who reads the material will understand quickly. Parthenogenesis is simply the primordial form of procreation before men "were created". Men come from women which is why men have nipples and a perineal raphe. The Y chromosome is literally a degenerate X chromosome. By design alone that makes males the inferior gender. This also goes obviously against "evolution theory" (muh primates) and other misguided traditions that served to subjugate women. Now before you insult me with usual phrases and accuse me of feminism read the material or don't bother replying at all.

Facts speak for themselves and Parthenogenesis exists. That mens then the "female" is therefore infact the androgyne.

All other assumptions that are being made are still up for discussion.



>"female" is therefore infact the androgyne.

I wonder if before woman was taken out of man Adam was female…


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> So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.

The bible just tells the tale in a fantasy setting.

I'll leave you this pic.

Mistrust these kind of threads, and these>>63857 kind of posts.


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You may be interested in Hotema's Secret of Regeneration then. He cites the bible.



should have saged.



This post is useless.



it has as much use as you may make out of it.


If women are the lesser gender then how to become male?



are you an idiot or something?



Indeed you have piqued my curiosity sir. However since I could not find a readily available place to download his books and only after some time of searching did I finally locate them. Now I am mirroring them here, both for this thread's goals, and general /fringe/-tier research.


I'm not sure who manages the fringe wizard mega, but I'm sure these would make a nice addition.



Here, somewhere in one of these folders under H is Hotema.



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