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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1447117594216.jpg (11.27 KB, 230x346, 115:173, 41QBktMEZtL._SY344_BO1,204….jpg)


Everyone here is delusional. When will you realize that nothing is true, and everything is permitted?



Realize your imminent demise


>nothing is true

Is that true?



>Woo, look at me; I'm quoting Assassin's Creed maymay.

Please go project into the lower astral.






It's true if you want it to be



it's from hassan-i-sabah, bro



It is about as true as every other statment



>everyone here is delusional

Oh, finally someone who gets it!


>nothing is true

>everything is permitted

You kinda dropped it there.


File: 1447172345881.png (288.24 KB, 640x495, 128:99, graytheism-true-false.png)


In the nothingness of the void there is only ones own choices. I freely CHOOSE to do good and so go forth to do good. Deus vult.


File: 1447174766816.png (108.45 KB, 1200x1330, 120:133, Bait.png)


Such a bait :)



Besides, I love this book.


File: 1447177600985.jpg (180.34 KB, 640x495, 128:99, 1441862552318.jpg)


In some sense.



>tfw everyone thinks this is from Assasins Creed

>even if it is in Assassins Creed everyone shakes it off as meaningless

I thought i was dealing with wizards here not retards. Although it seems that's the same thing nowadays - self righteous dogmatic assholes who classify themselves like tumblr classifies it's self in genders. They wanna be different from everyone else, but they are no diferent from the ones trying to be different from everyone else.

Also, on the Assassins Creed thing, notice how Ubisoft deliberately fucks their every video game up with magic/myths/occultism/etc? It's like they just blindly inject supernatural stuff and edgy symbolism into their games.



Could you clarify how would i finish that sentence so that it would be "true"?


If I get dubs it proves that /fringe/ is true.



>Quoting an axiom derived from Chaos Magic.

>Not realizing Chaos Magic is the Cultural Marxism of Magic not rooted in any sort of traditions or philosophy of any kid and is even opposed to such things.




Trying for myself.


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Look at those psudo-dubs



That's a proof!


I already know.

Problem is I'm nowhere near proficient enough.


How do I know if anything is true or anything permitted hmmm. Did you just pull that the air, or out of your ass, no matter, How do I know if matter exists, maybe its is nothing, maybe I am nothing, maybe everything is wrong, logic it's self illogical, what If what I am saying right now boils down to crock of shit stew, not even really a crock pot but a crayon box for enth dementia beings, you don't know, you don;t know shit! or do you? I am nothing, I am also somthing, I am right I am wrong, but I still don't quite know any which way,

Also post a pdf, for that book, please. Of course only if it is good, I don;t want drawn out opinion, or just any opinion in general to be honest, just an instruction, if it is not geeeeeeeeeeeeeeet out.



That book is mostly theory.



I hate books like this we already have them yet everybody thinks they need to copy it, they don't. I got this book one time called urban voodoo. I thought I would get some cool voodoo rituals that have been converted to fit a modern scene. But it was not, it was just theory, the authors personal experience, and bunch of boring comparative religion.

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