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File: 1447131537764.jpg (24.24 KB, 714x599, 714:599, shadowa jutzu.jpg)


Why do shadow people get angry when you don't look at them? Are they attention whoring children or something?


Shadow people want you to be afraid of them. They are some of the lowest astral entities there are. In fact most dark beings want your fear and without it either move on because you are not worth it or get intimidated by you.


Ever since I had a bad trip on LSD (I posted the previous thread and the one on my first spiritual experience) I'm able to perceive shadow people easier.

I used to only see them while I was on some sort of substance, a long time ago, but I can see them really faintly and they just move around without actually doing anything.



What happens if I shine a light at them? Do they get more defined or do they disappear?


I think you should seek medical help, the dugs might have gotten to you.



This is pretty much /thread.

They a very low rank demons, nothing to be afraid of and only become stronger IF you fear them which you'd do for no valid reason as without fear they are weak. And even then you'd have to feed them for a very long time until they become able to do very basic, still pretty unimpressive stuff.

They are empty shells looking for energy. Beings that have lost their heart. You should not fear them but feel bad for them, if anything.

They serve as the child protection for the astral realm, though that's more or less a "coincidence". Most "noobs" to APing fail because they see them in sleep paralysis and cannot stay relaxed because of it.

I'm gonna be honest though, I find them kind of scary too when I encounter then unexpectedly. Can't really help it.



Psychedelic drugs tend to raise vibration but can be damaging to the aura. The aura is very important always remember that. Chances are you tuned into a certain vibration involving them. You said you had a bad trip, so basically you raised and tuned your vibration towards the lower astral most likely.

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