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Esoteric Wizardry


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You can have an imaginary friend, but, can it act as a calculator for you? This is what tulpas are good for. My specialized tulpa is designed around my life, tailored to me and I am here to share it with you. The named of my tulpa is the hidden power. How it works is after I make my tulpa and all its characteristics, by being tolerant and unable to act off my negative emotions, I give all the energy to my tulpa by being over tolerant. The tulpas nature is to survive and become more powerful through pain and be pleased and lust after surviving.

The ritual I made is to conceal its sigil I made for it, with my palm facing the covered sigil, and to say," <insert tulpas true name here>, protect me". At this time I invoke my tulpa to use all his anger and sadness as power and order, thus completing task for me.

What do you guys think?



You can use tulpas for much greater things


Like what?>>60262



tulpas aren't just an imaginary friend, if you power them enough they can affect reality


Angel banishing. Pffft. Pfffft.



>that pic

dam son


I got a shitload of suffering for you, you don't need to make a tulpa just to find that energy.


Why don't you just create a servitor for that purpose? You can create a thoughtform for menial tasks like that without the higher thinking to complicate it.



Tulpas are imaginary friends. Imaginary friends are capable however of massively effecting reality.


>calculator servitors

Can they calculate cryptographic algorithms?

Can you make an astral datacenter for decryption bruteforcing?

How fast would they be compared to a physical computer?




Use your servitor/tulpa for more than the mundane.

Create a super servitor that will automatically do all kinds of stuff for you.

>Need to get into a computer

Boom, within the next 3 seconds you know the password.

Than again, you can get the skill yourself. Remote viewing.

You can train your own mine to become a calculator also, do advanced rocketscience within your mind and become the next Nikola Tesla.


>inb4 astral bitcoin miners taking over the cryptocurrency economy




Did anyone ever try recording an EVP of their created entity?

If so, what was the result?



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