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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1447895580638.png (84.79 KB, 1866x1607, 1866:1607, 8chan sigil.png)


I present to you the sigil of 8chan


Why is that the sigil of 8chan and not the banner, hmmm?


>power up my sigil, goyim! it's the sigil of 8chan, trust me!


thanks, charging this.


8chan doesn't need charging.

I'd rather use my energy for something useful, like defending Europe from sandniggers.



>being this much of a neophyte



charging 8chan will probably get u better material on fringe, fool





why not just charge fringe instead of 8chan as a whole?

would not then the people who would provide such material be attracted to fringe, without using up excess energy?


File: 1448216357414.jpg (114.78 KB, 486x309, 162:103, 1430884252850.jpg)


mfw all you fucks are masturbating to wobbly lines rn



I wasn't masturbating with it, but now that doesn't seem like too bad if an idea.


File: 1448256987656.png (17.06 KB, 479x799, 479:799, 2015-05-18-05-27-32.png)


r8 my sigil. Guess what it is


I want a sigil. How do I get one?



my guess is a portal to bring the Sun in your life more strongly, for a pro-active, external, yang purpose such as manifesting fame or great skill at something, maybe becoming a soccer player or akin to that. i don't perceive it to be for internal work such as 'make my mind sharper,' or 'make me able to astral project'.

what is the correct answer?


File: 1448319431083.gif (301.01 KB, 570x285, 2:1, 1410428159273.gif)


You have to spin in a circle and masturbate 3 times. After completion draw a testicle hair on your chest. Results will be apparent.



it was to augment insight. the opposite of what you expected.



What was your method in designing and creating this?



Because banners are broken.

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