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>In short, they're angry/hateful all the time, and focus on material bluepill normie shit.

I have to deal with this shit every day of my life, it's awful, I'm surrounded by fucked up bluepills.

>Is there a way they're "infecting" the air around them? Lowering the vibration, bringing negative thoughtforms, "like attracts like", or is it all in my head?

Yes this is absolutely happening and is a real phenomena and if you turn on your senses enough to be able to detect it you can witness objectively and plainly happening and see how it's fucking everything up. Atkinson wrote about it as thought atmospheres in his books and Franz Bardon wrote about it in the context of impregnating a room with vibrations and stuff.

I highly recommend you shield the fuck out of your room as best as possible, making it very hard for negs to get in, making program where they want to leave if they ever enter room and they generally stay away / are repelled, etc. Franz Bardon talks about how to do this.

Of course you'll probably never be able to sleep consistently anymore because of the television and the normies constantly fighting with each other yelling.

>Is there any way to "purify" the territory?

Yes. They can do so much damage though especially if they stick around too long. You'll have to clean everything up physically and change things around a little and probably burn sage or other incense and perform banishings and the whole area up again with positive vibes and create a guardian thoughtform to protect your house from this shit ever happening again.

>I banish when I can (using this: http://www.ecauldron.net/gnosticpentagram.php) before going to sleep and after waking up, but if there's more ways to save me from their downward spiral, I'm more than ready to use them.

I use gnostic pulse method which creates like a thoughtformed pulse thing that goes out in all directions and burns up neg shit, then I create a geometrical shield (usually a rectangle because that fits my room best) that sields up walls, flood, roof, etc. with extra protection especially at the door.

The shielding has to be renewed from time to time, more often if it's under heavy siege one day. It's quite an awful waste of energy to maintain it in some cases but once it falls down you get even more fucked up.

Truly, a downward spiral…



Was this supposed to be a thread?





I agree with you OP.

Living with mundanes can really destroy you.

Especially if they are mad and fighting with each other all the time.

Best thing you can do is moveout (If you are living in a home.) or link your shields to the sun. If you get them connected up to a powerful source it can stay charged without draining you, and you can add more potente qualities to it.



How do you link to the sun properly?

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