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Esoteric Wizardry


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What do I do if I think the dead is trying to communicate with me?


1) Protect yourself.

2) Listen to what they have to say.

3) (Optional) Post what they said to you!


We need to start channel threads. Someones gotta channel Nikola Tesla, or Tupac and Biggie.



Put sigils in all corners of your room that say

>get off my lawn ghosts


I'm inclined to believe it is my best friend whom committed suicide at the beginning of 2014. Ever since he passed, I have started noticing more and more frequent bursts of good luck, and objects in the house have disappeared for days and reappeared in the exact same spot. I will also note that every other week I say his name and ask of he is near. Any advice anons?


Burn a white candle and leave a cup of water out as an offering.

This should make communication easier and keep you on good terms.



I will do so. I have Ocean water, will that make the process any better?



You tell the dead "I am breaking rule 2".



So long as it is drinkable.


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op = roasted

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