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How many of you still here are Cusps?

The exact days change by the source, but check out the chart if you've never heard of a cusp.

>7/23 CanceLeo "Cusp of Oscillation"

(Rule 2 - why didn't you just make this an astrology general to keep all posts of that type in it?)



What are the implications of this anon?


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I'm not even going to bother writing an explanation why the dates on the zodiac is wrong and why you ignorant fucks keep talking about the new dates like it means something.

Here's some quotes from the book: https://ia700401.us.archive.org/18/items/godmanwordmadefl00carerich/godmanwordmadefl00carerich.pdf

Page 91:

[… About the year 325, Constantine, the pagan Roman Emperor, called the teachers of Christianity together at Nicea. Constantine murdered his mother and boiled his wife in oil because they still held to the original doctrines of the Essenes. Constantine was told by the Priests of his time that there was no forgiveness for crimes such as his, except through a long series of incarnations …]

Page 92:

[… Constantine and his dupes saw that the only way to perpetuate the infamy was to keep the world in ignorance of the operation of the Cosmic Law, so they changed "Times and seasons." …]

[… The date that they made the sun enter Aries was March 21st. Why? March 21st should be the first day of Aries, the head; April 19th should be the first day of Taurus, the neck, and so on through the twelve signs; but these designing schemers knew that by thus suppressing the truth the people might come to realize what was meant by "The heavens declare the glory of God." …]


Constantine fucked up and changed the dates of the zodiac by so many days that it's a hit and miss statistics of the zodiac actually being accurate. That's why some people will never get it and some will worship the zodiac like some fucking gypsy crystal ball.

Go read a book nigger.



Ancient Rome did not exist.


If I use the 12 I am a cusp

but anon say Constantine fuck it up so

We're to know if I am a cusp on the 13 system?

I already google it an nothing



The common zodiac states i'm a Scorpio, true zodiac a Libra and this a Scorpio-Sagittarius. I think the Libra describes me best though.


>implying that the conscious desires of humanity have reprogrammed where and when the zodiac energies enter this plane

>implying there is one "true" system of the zodiac

Interpret that bitch however you want. You chose your beliefs before this life to give a certain perspective to your being, because you probably knew how bullshit this plane actually was.

The cusp's center is somewhere around the 20th or before. Taurus Gemini with a little more Gemini than Taurus. When I had just found out about my cusp shit my old roomie gave me a keychain with a coin on it with Taurus on both side. The two headed taurus, like the Gemini twins but both bull-headed. Takes the energy, duplicates it. Works best when balanced between both sides. Cusp of Energy yeeee boooiii



What is the "true" Zodiac? Because OP's picture only includes a tiny bit of days.

Oh and, I'm a Scorpio by the common Zodiac too, and I think it suits me very well.



whats the bridge on that images mean



why do you use the anonymous flag when you tripfag like that



because sometimes I respond from my phone or Im too lazy to choose one?

>hurr durr, must have identity or will feel crisis

ur such a pleb lol



Why only 12? When there's 13 zodiacs?

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16

Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11

Pisces: March 11- April 18

Aries: April 18 - May 13

Taurus: May 13 - June 21

Gemini: June 21 - July 20

Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10

Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16

Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30

Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23

Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29

Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17

Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20



newbie fuck here, if this is a legit zodiac system, sauce?

or I'm a tard, either way.




This method takes the earth's precession into account




>mfw this list is complete bullshit because Im still a cusp and these dates are waaay off



Is there a source that shows the real dates then?

I'd be mildly interested in reading such a thing. Although I'm not certain it matters anyway since we have much power of our own.

Perhaps this is why vedic astrology may be more accurate (or in any case a person I know who had their chart done said it was crazy accurate, and also knows when he'll die. ha).




ok. so, astrology is fine and it isn't, and who cares just assign and become the traits you want anyway. good call, me.



FFS. Page is down.


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>paranormal board

>1,000 gangstalking ancient aliums threads

>1 thread about astrology

>it's pathetically shitty

>no threads on 4chan /x/

How can the internet be so stupid?


20th of January here

Never really got into astrology, but I've known that i could be considered a capricorn or aquarius depending on what website/book i was reading. Personally I've always identified as a capricorn but i was never really sure.

Does this cusp shit mean anything? Or is it just more new age bull?



If memory serves someone born on a cusp will show traits from both signs. Strengths and weaknesses.

I was born on the Pisces/Aires cusp so I freak people the fuck out since the two signs are so different from eachother.


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>No Serpentarius/Opiuchius

Smh, charlatanry.

Take the Slavic greenbull mute man. Slavic awareness of 13 Zodiac Signs and basing their original month system off it - With 13th Świeceń being the most "holy one" shall liberate you from the ignorance.

Grusian pic showing the 13 Holy Archons from Mtskheta, Tiflis unrelated.



I have that book on my self, I'll get to reading it when I am done with my current one.



Even the Elder Scrolls series accounts for Opiuchius.

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