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I wanted to post in the nutrition thread, only to notice it's too long and now not possible to post in.

In terms of nutrition, I've been attempting to follow the advice of a guy from Silk Road 1/2, who had had the name of Tryptamine.

He recommended a diet of mostly fruits, mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. I can dig up more info if you like. All oils other than medium chain are supposed to be bad, including seed and fish oils. So basically coconut oil is the only easily accessible good oil. Tubers, nuts, seeds, legumes, all are not optimal, and eat everything raw/organic where possible.

In response to,

“Are there, in your opinion, important dietary supplements that every human being should take?”

Vitamin C - preferably Magnesium, Potassium, or Sodium ascorbate - 10g/day; up to 300g/day for severe degenerative diseases - Apes cannot synthesize vitamin C and require enormous amounts from our diets. Required for many reduction/hydroxylation reactions (eg, synthesis of collagen, norepinephrine, carnitine). Spares and restores other antioxidants such as vitamin E and ALA. Subclinical deficiency impairs capillary integrity and catecholamine metabolism; promotes CVD, cancer, parkinsonism, schizophrenia, diabetes, and most other degenerative diseases. Cannot be obtained in even close to sufficient amounts, even on an all-fruit diet, since domesticated fruits are much lower in vitamin C and flavonoids than wild ones. Large (25g+) doses can be used to overcome opiate addiction, and to relieve pain. Adverse effects are extremely uncommon, with the exception of gastrointestinal discomfort at very high doses (which may itself be therapeutic).

Flavonoids - >500mg/day - catechol flavonoids are required for vitamin C activity; flavonoids improve the efficiency of many metabolic processes; substantially expand the protective capabilities of endogenous antioxidants; largely responsible for the health benefits of many foods. Berries, tea, chocolate, onions, and wine are well-studied sources.

Vitamin B3 - Niacinamide or Niacin - 250 or 500mg/day (up to 2g/day; requirement is substantially increased during stressful conditions, eg. schizophrenia, and liver disease) - Precursor to NAD and NADPH, the most fundamental cofactors in living organisms. Functional deficiency affects all life processes. NADH is used to extract high-energy electrons from food-derived carbohydrates and proteins. NADPH is widely used by proteins in biosynthetic electron transfer reactions and is part of some antioxidant enzymes. Supplementation has been repeatedly found to have significant benefits in many (perhaps most) degenerative diseases. Niacinamide inhibits the breakdown of NAD.


Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin - 20mg/day - forms FAD, a ubiquitous cofactor used for 2-electron reductions, including the enzyme that detoxifies aminochromes. Along with NADH, needed to extract metabolic energy from foods

Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate - 15mg/day - prone to oxidative destruction, especially when B3 is deficient; central to amino acid metabolism; deficiency arrests 'non-essential' protein synthesis; opioid addiction depletes vitamin B6.

Vitamin B1 - Thiamin - 20mg/day - performs decarboxylation reactions; required for complete catabolism of sugars and keto acids; destroyed by alcohol use; deficiency produces neurasthenia, neurodegeneration, and metabolic syndrome.

Vitamin B5 - Pantothenate - 25mg/day - part of Coenzyme A; essential for fat metabolism and oxidative respiration; excessiely excreted in metabolic syndrome.

Vitamin B9 - TetraHydroMethylFolate - 200ug/day - required to remethylate S-Adenosyl-Methionine; most people are functionally deficient; requirement increased by B12 deficiency; opioid addiction depletes folic acid.

Vitamin B12 - Methylcobalamin - 1000ug/day - normally produced by gut bacteria, which are impaired in everyone; required to recycle folic acid to allow for methylation; deficiency is associated with neurodegeneration.

Na-R-ALA - 10-100mg/day; along with thiamin, oxidizes pyruvate produced by glycolysis; water/fat soluble antioxidant that recycles endogenous antioxidants; effective and non-toxic heavy metal chelator; low plasma levels are indicative of metabolic syndrome/diabetes; supplementation restores insulin sensitivity in diabetes and associated conditions (eg schizophrenia).

Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol - 5000 IU/day in winter, less with more sunlight exposure - produced from cholesterol by UV light in human skin. Mushroom skin produces the related compound Ergocalciferol, Vitamin D2, which can partially substitute for our own D3. Prevents calcium accumulation in soft tissue, plasma; prevents osteoporosis, may alleviate depression.

Vitamin E - d-Tocopherols - 30IU/day - up to 400IU/day depending on meat and PUFA consumption. Supplementation is not required if you eat only fruit. In most cases, avoid taking over 400IU/day. Best is to take a,b,g, and d ('mixed') tocopherols and tocotrienols rather than just a-tocopherol. Required for the hydrogenation of excess unsaturated fats and the prevention of their oxidation; spares and restores CoQ10. Antagonizes some of the effects of estrogen.

Magnesium - Magnesium Glycinate/chelate - 50-200mg/day Mg - required for ATP synthesis and retention; required for calcium absorption and utilization; prevents muscle cramping and bruxism.

Vitamin K2 - Menaquinone - 2mg/day - required for protein carboxylation; prevents bone demineralization and soft-tissue calcification; necessary for proper vitamin D and calcium metabolism; required for effective blood clotting. Vitamin D supplementation necessitates vitamin K supplementation. MK4 is the most active form of vitamin K in non-hepatic tissues.

Zinc - Zinc Picolinate/chelate - ~10mg/day of zinc - required for some antioxidant enzymes (Zn-SOD); required for insulin synthesis; various metabolic roles. Required for MAP binding to microtubules, and hence the structural integrity of neuronal dendrites. Disruption of Zn metabolism by aluminium is related to alzheimerism.

Selenium - Selenomethionine - 100ug/day - required for some antioxidant enzymes (GPx); required for the conversion of thyroid hormone to its active form (T3). Deficiency is associated with schizophrenia and diabetes.

Chlorella/Spirulina - 1-20g/day - single celled algae; extremely high in nearly all vitamins and minerals, as well as a wide variety of other biological molecules - good for detoxification. Can be eaten in unlimited amounts, like food.

Reishi/Cordyceps/Lion's Mane - 1-5g/day - medicinal mushrooms; contain a multitude of natural nootropics, including noopept-like substances; broadly effective at preventing and reversing brain damage.


you had to choose six of these, they'd be Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and vitamin K. They are inexpensive and nearly everyone is functionally deficient in them. Everything listed should be taken by anyone living in civilization who seeks to avoid disease and prevent aging.

In response to “what brands would be best?” the guy wrote:

The brand does not matter.

For C, try to find one that also includes flavonoids.

For B3, niacin works about as well as niacinamide but also produces flushing and has blood lipid- and cholesterol-lowering effects.


Now for some info that was on reddit that he said at the end of SR1.

So, I assume it's superceded by the SR2 stuff I pasted.

"The theoretical basis behind my supplements is, briefly, that neurodegeneration is produced by sub-optimal diet, environmental toxins, chronic stress, and lack of fulfillment in everyday life. The ingredients in my supplements were intended to produce a neurochemical environment approaching that which would be produced by a diet high in fruit and medicinal plants. To that end, I have also made many posts here over the years about nutrition, which can be found through my profile. The following is a recreation of the general advice I gave to customers who asked about nutritional supplements.

Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid is a derivative of glucose which participates in numerous hydroxylation reactions in all plants and animals, including the hydroxylation of collagen and dopamine. It is also an important antioxidant that can reduce oxidized vitamin E. Only apes, humans, and guinea pigs, who cannot synthesize vitamin C, require it from their diet. From the ascorbate intake of wild non-human primates, optimal human ascorbate intake has been estimated to exceed 20 grams per day. Cardiovascular disease is the direct result of ascorbate deficiency. Deficiency also exacerbates diabetes, cancer, and schizophrenia, all related to a perturbed redox environment.The vascular effects of ascorbate (and perhaps others) require the presence of certain flavonoids, colored substances in plants that are particularly abundant in wild fruit. Brain levels of ascorbate are an order of magnitude higher than peripheral levels, and ascorbate insufficiency is a major contributor to neurological as well as psychiatric morbidity. It is impossible to achieve sufficient ascorbate intake by eating domesticated fruit alone, and supplementation is imperative for 99.99+% of the population. Take several grams a day, preferably divided over several doses. Avoid calcium ascorbate.

Alpha Lipoic Acid - ALA is a cofactor in alpha-keto-acid dehydrogenase enzymes, essential for the extraction of energy from fats and sugars, as well as a versatile antioxidant which can restore many other antioxidants through redox cycling. Like ascorbate, it accelerates recovery from ischemia-reperfusion injury, a model for strokes and more generally for intermittent energy insufficiency. ALA therapy was in the past used successfully to treat schizophrenia. ALA is decreased in diabetes, which predisposes to all the major neurodegenerative diseases. It is also destroyed by toxins. 'stabilized' Na-R-ALA is the only form that should be used; non-stabilized RALA readily polymerizes irreversibly, and should not be used. 20-40mg should be sufficient for relatively healthy individuals with high antioxidant intake.

Flavonoids - Flavonoids are diphenolic compounds which produce the colors of many fruits and plants. They are required for many of the effects of vitamin C, and are extremely potent antioxidants, some effective at picomolar concentrations, trapping 'missed' radicals and cycling them through the more abundant antioxidants. Many flavonoids also exhibit metal chelating properties, in particular OPCs. Consumption of a wide variety of flavonoids is essential for optimal bran health; eating berries and raw juices is better than supplementation.

Vitamin D - Cholecalciferol is produced when dehydrocholesterol is oxidized by UV light. Humans, whose skin is not covered in fur, are very effective at synthesizing vitamin D. However, we tend to remain indoors and/or cover most of our skin with clothing, and so nearly everyone is deficient to varying degrees in D3. Cholecalciferol participates in calcium metabolism, and deficiency increases Ca++ deposition in soft tissue and causes a compensatory increase in parathyroid hormone. Low levels also produce Seasonal Affective Disorder, especially in the winter. 2000-5000 IU/day.

Selenium - A mineral that acts as a cofactor in a number of redox-related enzymes; required for the recycling of glutathione and the activation of thyroid hormone (T4->T3). Tends to be decreased in schizophrenia. Should be obtained through diet - mushrooms and coconut. If supplementing, ~200ugj/day.

Vitamin B1 - cofactor in ketoacid dehyrogenases; required for the catabolism of sugars. Deficient in diabetes, alzheimer's, and schizophrenia. Alcohol destroys thiamin and can produce encephalopathy. Can improve energy levels. 10-70mg/day.


Vitamin B2 - participates in redox reactions and extraction of energy from carbohydrates. Deficient in eg. alzherimer's, schizophrenia. 10-40mg/day.

Vitamin B3 - the most ubiquitous vitamin, part of NADH, involved in the majority of redox (energy transfer) reactions in living cells. Depleted by excessive energy demands. When intake is low (as in meat-eaters) niacin is produced from tryptophan in a B6-dependent reaction pathway. Diabetes is closely linked to low niacin levels. Was used effectively to treat acute and chronic schizophrenia in the '50s and '60s, and can 'abort' some aspects of psychedelic trips. 20mg-250mg/day; 500-1000 in diabetes or schizophrenia, or to abort a trip

Vitamin B6 - participates in a variety of metabolic reactions, in particular of amino acids, including all transamination reactions and most decarboxylations. Lost through oxidation during periods of oxidative stress. Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, the commonly used synthetic form, can functiion as an anti-vitamin and has been found to be neurotoxic at doses as low as 50mg. P5P is the active form; it is around 1000x the price of PxnHCl. 15-40mg/day P5P.

Vitamin B9/Vitamin B12 - participate in transmethylation reactions; deficiency causes homocystinemia, 'brain fog', anemia. B9 high in leaves; B12 is produced by intenstinal bacteria, although virtually all individuals produce sub-optimal amounts due to damaged gut fauna.

Vitamin E - prevents unsaturated lipid peroxidation and fragmentation. Rapidly destroyed when vitamin C is deficient. Deficient in individuals with a diet high in unsaturated fat. Supplement D-tocopherols and D-tocotrienols, not DL-.

Theanine - the major amino acid in tea. Antagonizes the excitatory effects of glutamate. Increases EEG alpha activity. Produces a state of relaxation. Increases resistance to stress; improves cognitive performance in anxious subjects. Can facilitate sleep. 20-100mg/day if you have trouble sleeping; better from tea than from a supplement. White tea has the least caffeine.

Magnesium - dication which antagonizes many of the effects of calcium. Needed to remove calcium from soft tissues, along with vitamins D and K. In cells Mg is bound to ATP, stabilizing it. Required for the activation of thiamine. MDMA and other stimulants may increase the requirement of magnesium due to increased cellular activity and energetic demands. If supplementing, use magnesium chelate or citrate, not magnesium oxide.

Adaptogenic herbs: Rhodiola Rosea, Bacopa Monneri, Ashwagandha, Eleuthero Senticossus, Ginkgo Biloba, Jiaogulan, Tulsi, etc - Traditionally used for hundreds or thousands of years as anti-stress, pro-endurance agents. All have a long history of safe use. Consult an herbalist before consuming large amounts of these.

Nootropic mushrooms: Lion's Mane, Cordyceps Sinensis, and Reishi - Contain a multitude of neurotrophic factors. Long history of use as nootropics. Accelerate recovery from neurological injury.

Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - 'natural multivitamin'; exceptional sources of most vitamins and minerals; can be taken at several grams per day.

Coconut oil - mainly short- and medium- saturated fatty acids; can immediately be used as energy, like sugars; increase energy levels regardless of glycolysis, via ketosis; may prevent and reverse alzheimerism.


I won't go into detail here, although I've written about some of these on the forums; if you seek, you will find.




Fish oil/Flax oil



Pyridoxine HCl (at 50mg+ dosages)

Huperazine A



Vitamin B2 - participates in redox reactions and extraction of energy from carbohydrates. Deficient in eg. alzherimer's, schizophrenia. 10-40mg/day.

Vitamin B3 - the most ubiquitous vitamin, part of NADH, involved in the majority of redox (energy transfer) reactions in living cells. Depleted by excessive energy demands. When intake is low (as in meat-eaters) niacin is produced from tryptophan in a B6-dependent reaction pathway. Diabetes is closely linked to low niacin levels. Was used effectively to treat acute and chronic schizophrenia in the '50s and '60s, and can 'abort' some aspects of psychedelic trips. 20mg-250mg/day; 500-1000 in diabetes or schizophrenia, or to abort a trip

Vitamin B6 - participates in a variety of metabolic reactions, in particular of amino acids, including all transamination reactions and most decarboxylations. Lost through oxidation during periods of oxidative stress. Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, the commonly used synthetic form, can functiion as an anti-vitamin and has been found to be neurotoxic at doses as low as 50mg. P5P is the active form; it is around 1000x the price of PxnHCl. 15-40mg/day P5P.

Vitamin B9/Vitamin B12 - participate in transmethylation reactions; deficiency causes homocystinemia, 'brain fog', anemia. B9 high in leaves; B12 is produced by intenstinal bacteria, although virtually all individuals produce sub-optimal amounts due to damaged gut fauna.

Vitamin E - prevents unsaturated lipid peroxidation and fragmentation. Rapidly destroyed when vitamin C is deficient. Deficient in individuals with a diet high in unsaturated fat. Supplement D-tocopherols and D-tocotrienols, not DL-.

Theanine - the major amino acid in tea. Antagonizes the excitatory effects of glutamate. Increases EEG alpha activity. Produces a state of relaxation. Increases resistance to stress; improves cognitive performance in anxious subjects. Can facilitate sleep. 20-100mg/day if you have trouble sleeping; better from tea than from a supplement. White tea has the least caffeine.

Magnesium - dication which antagonizes many of the effects of calcium. Needed to remove calcium from soft tissues, along with vitamins D and K. In cells Mg is bound to ATP, stabilizing it. Required for the activation of thiamine. MDMA and other stimulants may increase the requirement of magnesium due to increased cellular activity and energetic demands. If supplementing, use magnesium chelate or citrate, not magnesium oxide.

Adaptogenic herbs: Rhodiola Rosea, Bacopa Monneri, Ashwagandha, Eleuthero Senticossus, Ginkgo Biloba, Jiaogulan, Tulsi, etc - Traditionally used for hundreds or thousands of years as anti-stress, pro-endurance agents. All have a long history of safe use. Consult an herbalist before consuming large amounts of these.

Nootropic mushrooms: Lion's Mane, Cordyceps Sinensis, and Reishi - Contain a multitude of neurotrophic factors. Long history of use as nootropics. Accelerate recovery from neurological injury.

Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - 'natural multivitamin'; exceptional sources of most vitamins and minerals; can be taken at several grams per day.

Coconut oil - mainly short- and medium- saturated fatty acids; can immediately be used as energy, like sugars; increase energy levels regardless of glycolysis, via ketosis; may prevent and reverse alzheimerism.


I won't go into detail here, although I've written about some of these on the forums; if you seek, you will find.




Fish oil/Flax oil



Pyridoxine HCl (at 50mg+ dosages)

Huperazine A



some nice info, got any more?



This is the basic version. Anything beyond this that has applications for everyone is unknown to me.

However, I just realised I could upload the .html and anyone can read it and see if something applies to them.

Unfortunately, I do not know as much as that person did, nor has s/he made him/herself known in any place of which I am aware.




Thanks OP.

>Vitamin C

>Large (25g+) doses can be used to overcome opiate addiction, and to relieve pain.

I got interested in it and did more research and at last I have something that can get me through withdrawal. Maybe I can finally quit opiates.



oh shit, dude, I didn't even consider that someone might need that info. it was detailed in a different thread.


I sincerely wish you strength and luck in your endeavor.



(that's from a thread about quitting opiates without withdrawal symptoms. the pastebin it links to is the outdated one without vitamin b5 mentioned)

If anxiety is a withdrawal symptom of that (b3 helps with that), holy basil also helps.

I dunno if nicotinamide is good/available, I use niacinamide bc no flushing.

The best rec I could give for this info is that I've felt better than I ever have by following it. I never had to get over opiate withdrawals, though.



Thank you Kru.


This website has a lot of material about other orthomolecular ideas. If one has a particular condition or ailment, I would try searching the journal archives and implementing something from there.



You are very welcome.


thank you much


Really very interesting and useful information, thank you for that.

Unfortunately, it is (for me) not possible to view the HTML file on https://mega.nz/.

Might it be possible to upload this file on another website (https://anonfiles.com/ as an example)?

I would be really happy.



malwarebytes blocked anonfiles, so I'm not sure whether I want to go there.

Is it only mega.nz that you have problems with or?


I did it as a zip because I don't know of a site to upload the html with its proper formatting and such, and it's a pain in the ass to read with only the .html file. Otherwise I'd just paste it into pastebin or something.



This is interesting and the guy seems to be informed by the work of Ray Peat (the advocacy of coconut oil and rejection of all unsaturated oils, the promotion of fruits over and above vegetables). Basically a vegan version of the Peat diet. Peat has talked about how in the same way as potatoes, fruits have the carbon skeleton equivalents of the essential amino acids and may have far more effective protein content than would be listed in a nutritional database. Unfortunately he is unable to test this because of new regulations.

See here:




Thank you for your quick and helpful response. I really appreciate that.

Yes, I will automatically routed to https://mega.nz/#login. Even if I am logged in, it does not work.

I beg your pardon, I did not know that certain anti-malware programs block https://anonfiles.com/.

Your new link works fine, thank you very much.

The thread of this person includes a lot of informative, useful and interesting posts.

May I ask whether you have access to the entire Silk Road 2 forum, or you have only this one file?



Nah, I only saved the ones that seemed interesting to me.

There was a file floating around of some of the SR1 forum, but that was on SR2 and I don't know if I got it or what happened to it, or even if it's useful (someone said it was like 1 page of stuff, didn't go deep or something).


I've associated Raypeat with silliness bc of the nutrition thread…

But the idea is unsaturated fats go rancid in our bodies, rather than being absorbed well.

Protein is supposedly not needed that much at all, muscles are more often the result of overstress making them swell (rather than growth and stretching through yoga making a "deceptively powerful" type of slim muscular build. Like Bruce Lee I think.

It's all supposed to be raw food ideally. So no potates, those're toxic. No beans nuts legumes.

More similar to fruitarian. But with added mushrooms and medicinal herbs.



>But the idea is unsaturated fats go rancid in our bodies, rather than being absorbed well.

Yes, Ray Peat talks a lot about the dangers of unsaturated fats. I recommend reading his work for yourself rather than rejecting him based on what others have said about him.







There are definitely a lot of things vegans would agree with him on and learn from him, even if they would reject other ideas of his, like his promoting gelatin and dairy. I would be surprised if the guy whose diet you're following was not familiar with Peat's work as the stuff about saturated vs unsaturated fats, coconut oil's benefits, fish oil being bad, a diet focused on fruit being good, etc. is right in line with Peat's views.



Actually I just downloaded the file with the HTML of the forum where you got the info from, and Tryptamine does in fact mention Peat's work there. Here's what he says:

"Ray Peat has written some excellent articles on many aspects of metabolism and physiology, especially fats. Unfortunately his dietary advice is inconsistent with his writings on physiology, probably owing to his personal food preferences. His articles are still worth reading, though."

So I guess he disagrees with the non-vegan aspects of the diet Peat promotes, but he still considers his work valuable.



I'm still reading the file. He also talks about excess serotonin being neurotoxic. The dangers of excess serotonin is another thing Peat has discussed a lot.




Anyway this guy has an interesting perspective and seems well-informed, it would be cool if you coulf upload any other HTMLs you have with info from him.





Nutritional theory is overrated…

I've been gorging on colostrum and honey recently, two highly refined substances. Not even food, really, but more like glandular secretions.

That's too rich and indulgent to eat all the time so now I'm saying fuck food altogether and going to urine fast until nirvana because fuck food altogether.

People are so degenerate they just eat like shitty cooked food get clogged up and kill themselves. Plus they look disgusting. Wow, how did it ever come to this point?

I was outside in the sunshine while it was 50 F without a shirt on and wasn't even cold while relaxing. That's because my capillaries aren't clogged with dead molecules from cooked/processed food.

The body is a perpetual motion machine.



It's a step toward the light. It's hard to skip steps.


Oh dang.

Yeah, you're right, I should be more inclusive.

It was that I saw Ray Peat's diet list and rejected it based on dairy stuff.

I actually put off reading the thread in its entirety because I've been habitually collecting knowledge and selectively skimming for the stuff of most use.

Thanks for the information!

This is the only other thing I have that he wrote, an ingredients list of his supplements.


Magnesium Ascorbate (vitamin C)

Thiamine (vitamin B1)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Niacinamide (vitamin B3)

Pantethine (vitamin B5)

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (vitamin B6)

Biotin (vitamin B7)

5-Methyl-Tetrahydrofolate glucosamine (vitamin B9)

Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (“Vitamin B20”)

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)

Ubiquinol (Coenzyme Q10)


B-Carotene (pro-Vitamin A)


D-Tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta; vitamin E)

Tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta; vitamin E)

Phytonadione (Vitamin K1)

Menaquinone-4 (Vitamin K2; MK4)

Menaquinone-7 (Vitamin K2; MK7)

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)

Magnesium Glycinate (“Amino Acid Chelate”)


Zinc Glycinate (“Amino Acid Chelate”)

Manganese Glycinate (“Amino Acid Chelate”)

Chromium Trinicotinate (Glucose Tolerance Factor, GTF)

Petroselinum Crispum (Leaf) (Parsley) PE 4:1.

Thymus Vulgaris (Leaf) (Thyme) PE 4:1.

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Leaf) (Jiaogulan) – PE 12:1.

Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) – PE 4:1.

Cordyceps Sinensis PE 4:1

Hericium Erinaceus (Lion's Mane) powder.

Grifola Frondosa (Maitake) powder

Panax Ginseng (Root) (Ginseng) PE 5:1

Ocimium Sanctifolium (Leaf) (Holy Basil) PE 5:1

Bacopa Monneri (Root) (Brahmi) PE 5:1

Rhodiola Rosea (Root) (Roseroot) PE 5:1

Elutherococcu Senticosus (Root) (Siberian Ginseng) 5:1

Ginkgo Biloba (Leaf) PE 5:1

Scutellaria Baicanensis (Root) (Bakal Skullcap) PE 4:1

Elderberry PE (Anthocyanins)

Blackberry PE (Anthocyanins)

Bilberry PE (Anthocyanins)

Strawberry PE (Flavonols)

Piper Nigrum (Piperine; Bioperine)

MCT powder (Coconut Oil)


CHILL PILL - 750mg/serving - 1 capsule -

Niacinamide (vitamin B3)

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (vitamin B6)

Nicotinoyl-GABA (Picamilon)

N-Ethyl-Glutamine (L-Theanine)

Magnesium Glycinate (“Amino Acid Chelate”)

Zinc Glycinate (“Amino Acid Chelate”)

Thymus Vulgaris (Leaf) (Thyme) – PE 4:1.

Matricaria chamomilla (Flower) (Chamomile) – 1% Apigenin

Ocimium Sanctifolium (Leaf) (Holy Basil) PE 5:1

Turnera Diffusa (Leaf) (Damiana) 5:1 PE

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Leaf) – Extract 12:1.

Passiflora Incarnata (Flower) (Passionflower) 5:1 PE

Valeriana Officinalis (Root) (Valerian) 5:1 PE

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) (Root) PE 5:1

Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) – PE 4:1.

Cordyceps Sinensis PE 4:1

Piper Nigrum (Piperine; Bioperine)

MindFood and ChillPill will use pullulan capsules.

Most supplements use gelatin capsules, or hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) for vegetarian capsules, as both are ubiquitous and inexpensive.

However, both gelatin and HPMC have several disadvantages:


- adsorbs substantial amounts of water at high humidities

- becomes brittle and shatters at low humidities

- can forms chemical cross-links with the encapsulated ingredients


- very poor oxygen barrier; does not preserve freshness

- production employs several toxic chemicals

- can also react with certain oxidants

Pullulan is a fiber produced by feeding tapioca starch to the fungus Aureobasidum Pullulans. It is:

- non-toxic; a natural dietary fiber.

- vegan

- extremely effective oxygen barrier (reportedly 9x superior to gelatin capsules and 250x superior to HPMC capsules)

- non-hygroscopic (does not adsorb water or react with ingredients); stable at a wide range of humidities

Pullulan capsules allow for potency (shelf life) to be maintained indefinitely. It is rarely employed due to its high price, except in some 'premium' supplements.





You could put the html into a pastebin and then anyone could view it easily.


Look into mega tools. There is a program called megadl which can pull files from https://mega.co.nz/(insert hash here) links right to your computer. There is also much less chance for files to get corrupted like when using the browser.



512 kb text size limit and slow computer are getting in the way, but I tried for a few minutes.

The information will nonetheless be there for those who seek.


File: 1448515714856.jpg (51.66 KB, 555x265, 111:53, 1447140961228.jpg)


Accepting the premise that on a mechanical/biological level there is a 'perfect' (defined by utility to organism) diet for every organism then we will not make an acceptation when trying to discover/rediscover the perfect diet for a human.

My initial superficial criticisms of this diet is its intellectual and it requires ‘supplements’.

If we take a step back from how normal the idea of ‘supplements’ has become in the west we would realise that supplementing our diet means that our diet is inadequate. Also how one would obtain such supplements without an industrial society boggles the mind.

As a generalisation the west has intellectualised every facet of living, so it does not seem strange that we should think the same way about diet, but this is not the process that any other organism in a state of nature goes through.

Examining animals they know/gnow what food they need to live without disease their entire lives, the exception is humans and domesticated animals.

On superficially considering the above proposition an individual might conclude that they should just eat what the feel like because the body knows what it wants.

But I have come to believe that because of how abysmally poor the human diet has become and how disease is considered normal and part of getting older and how hopelessly addicted people are to foods that contain known toxins I have concluded that if you did follow the optimum diet from this second onwards you would suffer immensely until you die of malnutrition.

You don’t have to believe me but keep this mind when someone says a diet isn’t working for them.



The most transcendent dietary advice I have ever received was to view the Loren Lockman videos on diet.

He advocates a raw vegan fruitarian diet but argues for it with sound reasoning along the lines of most good for the individual and does not need to be interpreted through an ethical treatment of animals perspective.

What is food? 1 of 2 :


Then watch the videos on fasting.

Reversing the damage of our improper diet is half the equation.



From what I understand, the supplements are only there because we have depleted nutrition with agriculture and horticulture, changing the composition of soil and natural fruits. Apparently wild fruit had all the vitamin C we need, and, assuming an otherwise optimal diet and lifestyle, that would be the only supplement one would "need".

The others are for people with sub-optimal diet.

I don't recall the biological basis of the diet, aside from being based on a primate similar to us.

I should re-read the thing.

I am open to this being interpreted! I have not the knowledge the author has, unfortunately, nor do I know the biological basis of different foods working differently for different people. For example, a relative of mine cannot withstand certain vitamins without getting extremely tired. I have theories but no idea why it happens.

I will attempt to read the thread and watch your videos, although it sounds like the same diet this person advocated.

Thank you for the perspective. (especially the reminder that knowledge should not be crystallised)



vitamin C would be the only supplement needed, that is.



>humans and domesticated animals

what's the difference



I thought we were on pretty much the same page but the vitamin list bugged me a bit but your explanation makes sense. =)

I have to confess that I had watched every video on that channel at one point since one thing fed into another and it made a lot of sense at the time.

As far as differences between people being able to assimilate certain food Lockmans answer is along the lines of; Poor diet causing different levels of damage in different areas of the body. The differences disappear through fasting (recovering) and everyone end up only being able to eat fruit without feeling sick later.

>based on a primate similar to us.

Yes that was the argument Lockman used as well. When he brought up the false dichotomy between the omnivore and the conventional view of a vegetarian I felt he was onto something, I think it is explained in the ‘what is food’ video.

Sorry I don’t know of any text sources for this information since I found other raw foodists who were in writing to overreach a bit.

As for the depleted soils/lack of nutriments angle that is addressed through ‘organic’ methods of agriculture. The idea behind organic is not to introduce artificial chemicals into the equation so a plant cannot be artificially propped up against pest and disease (caused by inadequate plant nutrition). Unfortunately even organic production is flawed since ‘natural’ pesticides are still used which prevents the sickly ‘sub-nutritious’(?) plants from surviving.

I admit reading my post it sounds like I have made Lockman into an idol but I haven’t been able to find a better source of information since.

I found this fruitarian idea to raise some problems with human habitation patterns in general since with the biological resources (food trees plants etc) that we have today, only the tropical regions of the world would be able to sustain a person on the diet. This could mean that Europeans (temperate to sub-arctic geographically) would of always been required to eat less than optimally which I admit takes away from the fruitarian idea.

Now for some wild speculation! There is a Herodotus quote somewhere along the lines of “the ancient Hellenes (ancient in his time!) ate only fruit”. Then someone else when speaking about warfare mentioned that one of the first things an invading army does is to cut down all the food trees to make the population dependent on the invaders. Considering that fruit trees take a long time to establish and reproduce and considering the amount of warfare that allegedly went on in the past It would be plausible to consider that we have lost a great deal of fruit trees species.



I'm glad you picked up on that jab. =)



About people of colder regions, there are many old methods of preserving food through the entire winter. I live in a cold region and can still rather easily have all the fruit and veg I want all winter and most of spring, or all year with green house grown grocery store produce.

Now comparing the nutritional quality of conventional food (grocery store) to organic there are not too many differences at least in my region. If you look at produce you may be able to see which ones have a certain glow to them, these one are of highest quality whether organic or not.

Sometimes with grocery store produce there is something that tastes off about it and other times it tastes and looks (glow) just like organic. Organic produce from the farmers market (mostly mennonite farmed) almost always looks and tastes great, the rare time it may have been stored improperly and tastes sub optimal.

Use your senses to determine the quality of food. Sight, smell, taste, and touch(digestion) then on the way out, again use your senses.

>tfw my shit doesn't stink



>using these shitty supplements

>not growing mushrooms, fruit, and medicinal herbs and eating them fresh




Don't the chitinous cell walls of mushrooms keep the constituent chemicals from being useful?



That's what they want you to believe (because mushrooms are so easy to grow).

If you couldn't absorb the constituent chemicals from mushrooms then poisonous ones wouldn't kill you.



You forgot the file key


Anyone else have any amazing nutrition info compilations like this?

Where'd that Blake K Greenpill dude go. He seemed knowledgeable too.


Unfortunately, the links no longer work and for https://mega.nz/#!vMM1GYqB a key is needed.

Might someone so nice and could upload the HTML file again?


sorry I didn't see you asking earlier about the REUP




do that too!



First of all thanks for the re-upload, but unfortunately the file is infected with a Trojan.

virustotal.com analysis:

SHA256: b240d413f11063c3fcbf9081c4108e8010b736580a21031bcab69e0b81787204

File name: 10-3-14.zip

Detection ratio: 1 / 53

Analysis date: 2016-02-01 14:49:37 UTC ( 2 minutes ago )

Jiangmin Trojan.Script.mha 20160201




I zipped the thing myself with winrar, so I doubt that, but I don't know how these things work.


oh and I saved the .html and stuff from SR (I'm OP) so I don't know how it would be possible that there's anything in it. I've never done anything to do with tech stuff on a beyond google-fu level



These lists are silly. You just mention all possible elements and point out the obvious like "5-HTP is bad".


It's the synergies between herbs and supplements that matter. Don't become obsessed with breaking the world into the smallest possible parts. Apple is good for you because of the synergy of its chemicals, and also its smell you experience when eating it, and the very act of chewing it. You can break compounds from apple into separate pills but it will change its effects. You notice apple with corner of your eye hanging from a tree, and although your desire to eat one hasn't surfaced into your conscious yet, certain chemicals are already being produced in your mouth and stomach in preparation to eat it.

This thread would be valuable if you provided synergies like eg. Bacopa Monnieri, Ashwagandha, Milk thistle and White tea



put raw broccoli stem in you mouth and chew on it and as you do it, slice few more stems into pieces. you can also meditation-stare at the sliced broccoli on a plate as you chew one in your mouth as long as possible

you can stare for an hour or just leave them to lay for an hour. then you come back and steam the pieces or microwave (sic!!!) for half a minute. then you add curcumin, black pepper and tomato, and eat with white tea

you can't get shit you get from following these instructions any other way. if you eat broccoli, curcumin, pepper and tomato separately, they lose 99% of their shit

now, tips like this I expect in a good thread about supplements

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