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Esoteric Wizardry


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Everything is STILL working according to the plan.

Your fidgeting in fact only worsens the situation for every individual involved.

every nation will be torn into the abyss one by one.

>germany made the first step.

>It was overthrown by america.

>america now realizes it did a wrong.

>america keeps the war boiling.

>europe russia and china followed.

>ALL others will follow

NWO actually happening.

there are still going to be people left after this.

there will be different countries.

there will be different religions.

the next brainwashed state has already been made up.

the ride never ends.

inb4 mossad did mountain jew

he only question is who is doing it.

but that does not matter.

it is perpetual.

also it generates free money.

why would anyone stop this?

the key is to make yourself the good guy.

you must wait until the tipping point of the last good guy.

at some point nobody cared about the best guy.

>we know the current bad guys

>who is the equivalent?

r u it?

you are now thinking in polarities


how magnets work



>america keeps the war boiling.

>europe russia and china followed.




I'll continue to believe that this doesn't mean it's going to happen right away.

Yet, I'll prepare for self-sufficiency.

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