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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Why can't you people stop breaking rule 2?

t. hotpocket



Because that rule is bad and you should feel bad.

Just remove it before even more people decide to move to another board.


The question thread doesn't update properly and you wonder about rule 2 at a time like this?


>muh rule 2

Only shitty/pointless/fedora/mundane questions should be b& on sight.

Most people use the catalog rather than the unloading buggy pos frontpage so…

I for one never check the question thread. So much crap gets thrown around in there


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Because most regulars know about rule two so the only ones who infringe it are newfigs.

I think its a bad rule since I rarely consult the question thread and I assume it can be long for a specialist in the field of your question to stumble across your post. I do understand that question are literately the worst content because the OP is not experienced whit what he is talking about and sometimes want others to carry him to the finish.


if the thread is fucked up then you've no right to cry "i hate noobs breaking rule 2"

no one wants to post in a thread where their post will probably be unseen from all the floods other users make from not knowing how the system works

So either make a new thread or stfu


you broke rule 2



It's not just the question thread, it's every thread on every board across all of 8chan right now.



nope, it's really just the question thread


This is kind of a hard rule to follow, this board is about trying to understand the unknown and if we don't ask questions then what the fuck can we do?



You ask questions in any pre-existing thread without starting a thread to ask a question.

If there is a topic not being discussed that you want to see a thread for, you gather information and present your findings while creating a thread, otherwise you just put it in the questions thread.

You're not being prevented from asking questions ffs.


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Suck your own dick bud, you can't even homogenously explore a topic on this board anymore, that's why it's dying, its stagnant.

Who are you to disallow people on a board FOR ESOTERICISM their own avenues for growth and development?

I see more life in the truest sense of the word, on /b/ of all places 20x more now because of this trite rule 2 enforcement.

Please stop this board should be great again not reduced to this


>Why can't you people stop breaking rule 2?

Are you aware you created a thread to ask a question?


Please stop caring so much. I just saw two promising threads locked I'm guessing because Rule 2 was broken. (time travel and redirecting Sexual energy) I was looking forward to answers to both of those questions.

Also, last I checked the Question Thread is still broken because 8ch can't handle a lot of posts right now. So please be a bit more lax for the time being.




The board is still very active and a top board, it isn't really dying, only real big issue is the issues with 8chan in general caused by the cripple's incompetence.

Stop killing off good threads with your shitposting.


That's the joke, he made the thread just to ban himself.


The question thread is not anymore broken than every other thread right now.

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