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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey, I'm new to /fringe/. I have been interested in vampirism etc for quite a long time. I tried spells etc when I was younger, although nothing seemed to work. What would you guys recommend to someone looking to get more in depth with magick and other shit. How would someone become a vampire without being affected by domination? Pic unrelated.


teachings of the immortals



Only resource on it I know is the morphosephram, though it's pretty dangerous for neophytes


OP, most of this board is populated by vampires although they call themselves "loosh farmers". Believe me, you don't want to take part in this practice.




Loosh farming is redpilled and pro-white!



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've read that vampires subsist on the energies of others rather than the energy of the divine source. why not use infinite energy instead of finite energy?



This is the whole crux of the problem. Vampires could be living off of infinite energy and usually are only not doing so because of ignorance or bindings.



Why not use both?



the extent to which one uses human energy is a reflection of the extent to which they cannot use the divine.

By which I mean using humans holds you back significantly.

If one "needed" the extra energy such that the divine couldn't give it, it would naturally be drained/used from the humans around anyway.



to be more accurate they'd become energy channels for their divinity.

so they wouldn't be drained, just "sore" maybe


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I don't feel like sharing my particular techniques. Instead, I will provide you with several books that serve as a solid introduction and study into the multifaceted Vampire and predatory spiritualism. These sources span from Luciferian to Satanic to Setian. They will be up until people stop downloading them for 30 days.












I've got more books, some of them belonging to Strigoi Vii, the Vampire Temple of Atazoth, and the Temple of Vampires. If you want some more, just let me know. Enjoy.






>why not just live on infinite energy ?

Well then, why are you still eating food? Last time I checked humans were still necrophages, no need of some fake superiority here fellow vultures…



>look into my trash bin




>I've read that vampires subsist on the energies of others rather than the energy of the divine source. why not use infinite energy instead of finite energy?

Changes are taking place and they are right now transferring to what you call infinite energy. The original vampyrism magic has been reverse engineered and the energy source transferred from human blood to something freely available. I don't think they mind me talking about it. Remove the blood sucking and some of the interest seems to go away at once, right? It also won't work for just anyone, their family tree structure can't be upset, they still have to find the right candidate.

The magic itself can be used, but then you miss out on the community side.. like that guy who posted before about him being 2000 years old and completely alone. Immortality itself gives you no entry ticket to the world of, or understanding of immortals.



[citation needed]



fruitarian though I eat mushrooms.

I'm not saying live off of infinite energy (though I've not pursued breatharianism), but I don't see why one would not simply use the time spent learning to drain others to pursue self-energetic work.

Raise the kundalini, do qigong, and you'll have more energy than you'd ever really need.

That's the truth for me.




The only vampirism I care about involves loli whoremoans but even that is of questionable morals. Well, nah…


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It's pretty much unbelievably degenerate people would resort to drinking blood when they are bestowed with the fountain of life.


Perhaps the seed of the devil or Cain or kike or whoever has to subsist on blood and that's where the legend originates. I simply cannot relate. Maybe I'll watch some Blade later…



It's OC.



>reversed engineered


>guy who psoted before about him being 2000 years old

The Wandering Jew, it is a biblical story.

>family tree structure can't be upset, they still have to find the right candidate.

nice roleplaying, armchair occultist

>It's OC.

What is the source you got that from?or did you make it from your mind?



Source is me. Have you ever heard of the concept of "experiences" ?

It means you did something yourself, it wasn't something you found on the internet or in a PDF. The real world, you should try it sometimes.

Your way of reasoning is just another example of academic retardation, not ever being able to do anything yourself so you think there always has to be "sources" in the form of some published document.

Did it ever occur to you that the sources you refer to are originating in another persons real life experiences in the first place? I guess not, armchair scientist.



and you're a 'Mad skillz occultist who reverse engineered vampyric magic?



I'm not sure it has anything to do with skills. It's more a question of treating something as possible when other people think it isn't. When I brought it up they said it was an interesting idea, but showed no interest in actually doing something. A lot of them don't care that it could be fixed, they are fine being dependend on blood.

I'm just posting about it here because someone talked about this specific issue, why they would rely on something as limited as blood. The original vampire (yes I believe that was him) isn't on blood anymore, he moved his body permanently to some kind of astral plane. He probably was just a wizard back then and started this whole thing unintentionally.

The blood magic theory is very simple.

It's based on the concept that blood is what creates and maintains life. So he changed the life cycle of his blood cells so that they are fixed in the high point of the cell's growth. Going from growth - high point - decline - death of cells for normal human cells, to a constant high point. So death of the blood cells never take place. The problem faced is that the rest of the body would still decay, so they turned sterile and things like muscle growth stopped.



I started off moving the energy source from blood (which means the need for an external source since your own is not circulating it's cycle naturally) to the human body's fertile system. This corresponds to what was called "divine" earlier in the thread and is not limited to the physical body.

It still turned out limited so eventually I gave up the blood idea completely and went for the full human cells instead, that will make all of he bodily functions active again.

There was also another aspect where all vampires had to be blood type O- that was very limiting, this was originating in the time period when the original magic was developed. Other blood types had no major role back then so it seemed unecessary to adapt to them.

It's just a matter of perspective and the idea of tradition. I get the impression a lot of them think the old way should still be followed, even if it is impractical, and they think this whole thing is just funny and laughing at it in a mean way. They would at a certain point probably be able to ditch blood completely as a result of personal development after 1000s of years, and some seem to think there is no reason to do it faster, even treating this as some kind of socialism, because it means people don't have to get it as a result of personal achievement.

But the fact is some old one's started turning too old to adapt and were less and less connected with the world. In a few 100 years they may have fallen into constant sleep or turned out like statues unable to move.


So are IRL vampires immortal undeads or just blood-suckers? Can they change into bats and have more monstrous look? What's with their rivalry with werewolves?

What's the difference between Vampires, Alps, Nosferatus, and those other types known from Rumanian mythology? Why they appeared only in Slavic folklore aside that?



Fucked up energy body and being a low tier entity, you know, not all things have 7 chakras… Not all humans use them all.



>So are IRL vampires immortal undeads or just blood-suckers? Can they change into bats and have more monstrous look? What's with their rivalry with werewolves?

I would call them oldest wizard society on earth. People who suck blood and dress goth today are just amateur satanists who don't know what they are doing. I knew a guy like this, he was doing rituals and drinking from wrists but he was clueless. It also made his friends distance themselves from him and calling him an idiot satanist that hippies and new agers should stay away from.

My take on the whole idea of trying to make vampyrism into something vague about energy-stealing is; it's just like some people want to call Bushido, "way of the warrior" a way of self improvement and "inner war against your own limits."

It's not, "way of the warrior" is the life of a soldier and accepting that death can come today or any day, and living with this fact.

In the same way Vampyrism simply means drinking blood to fuel physical immortality and physical "super powers."Living for a long time increases your awareness and senses overall so some of them had time to develop some unusual skills, including very accurate magic. But this does not come from the vampyrism itself.

Stealing energy is just low tier qi gong.

They also say werewolves are a myth.

>What's the difference between Vampires, Alps, Nosferatus, and those other types known from Rumanian mythology? Why they appeared only in Slavic folklore aside that?

You would have to ask one of them these specific things.



Got any more?



I can't download any of those, it just goes straight to the site's homepage.




Thanks man, downloading right now.

Do you have any suggestion on which one is better to start on?



I looked thru them and honestly I see a lot of crap among those files. Still a thanks for making them available so we can see what they are really about.

From what I can see I would recommend only 2 of them, and it's still not like they are even close to the real thing.

-The vampire ritual book

-Vampires by Konstantinos

First one is about vampyrism in general, treating it as a spectrum. Annoying as that may be, it may have some thruth in it. Second one applies a more scientific research angle to the subject and may have some value for that reason.

The other files are imo largely ridiculous, for example one of them is written by a 14 y/o who "awakened" as a vampire, as if this was some personal development thing. That waters out the concept completely and is part of what is ruining the whole discussion.



So what is a vampire if you don't mind sharing your insights?



IMMORTAL VAMPIRE: A being who has attained the immortal condition, through the process of transmogrification. True immortal vampires do not drink blood, sleep in coffins, or any of the usual Hollywood projections. Many may choose to engage a certain 'vampire lifestyle' for purely personal or aesthetic reasons, but the truth is that real vampires walk among us in daylight and in the night, and unless it was their intent, you could not distinguish them from any other (seemingly) human being. The immortal vampire is a transformed human - meaning that s/he is no longer confined within the limits of an organic body, but has instead attained a quantum state wherein s/he might rightly be called an "energy being" or (ironically) a being of light.



Alright, I guess something like that can't be found within a book.

Thanks for sharing.


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>for example one of them is written by a 14 y/o who "awakened" as a vampire

Yeah, that one gave me a sensible chuckle. Then there's this gem from the Ardetha one.

>Frater Nyarlathotep

>His first initiation came spontaneously at the age of ten when a family friend gifted him with a rare and remarkable power object, the authentic Agni Mani. During the sixties, after obtaining his doctorate from an Ivy-League University at age 13

Yes, anything is possible. I get that. But receiving spontaneous initiation from a fucking rock?

If I may be so bold and fedora, I have a rather controversial statement prepared in response to this assertion.


I don't believe it

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