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i've read duquette's grimoire and it makes it seem like evocation brings into sensory manifestation things which exist in the mind subjectively, and that each daemon is a personified fragment of the subconscious or some shit.

but i am confused, as to how a fragment of someone's subconscious interacts with the objective. for instance this grimoire goes over how DuQuette's Orobas got him a car.

i guess i struggle with the right view of the principle of correspondence, in how it relates to the macro/microcosm. how am i supposed to think of this relationship? the way i've read people describe the self as a mini universe in the image of God/The All/etc such that we are God in our universe doesn't explain to me how what i do as god in my universe affects the universe of the one to whom I am but a figment of imagination.

But the ubiquitous and similar reports of spoopy entities makes me certain there must be some way the subjectively experienced evocation affects the objective world, but i haven't worked out what relationship exists between the subjective and the objective. Furthermore I need help understanding how the occult classifies certain types of spoops, like what my Christian peers have classified as demons:

>feel a bad presence

>see a figure darker than pitch black

>confirm with another person

>they see/feel it too

>nope.avi the fuck out

What are such things? Multiple different and unrelated people have given me accounts of things like the above. What are these?

What detailed book/pdf should i look up to get information on all the classifications for different species of spoops (from thoughtform to ghost or whatever)?

pic related is mfw spoopy books



>but i am confused, as to how a fragment of someone's subconscious interacts with the objective.

Trust me. For a long while we all are.

I'll go through a bit of thoughts to try explain the concept of it and how/why it works on reality.

First ponder the thought "small things change all things". Another way this is interpreted as you spoke of is the microcosm changes the macrocosm.

Next we must understand the collective unconscious. Which is a fancy intellectualized word to say the astral plane. All humans collectively form this non physical-mental world. Thus when we use our prime archetypal forces like the spirits we call then it means we're kind of implanting a program into the astral which effects and draws on energy around it(you force others to think towards your goal and bring it to you). You make a thread on 8chan and then other people post. Our posts are simply just a complex formation of 1s and 0s blinking through cables being processed by computers and networks but it all equals a result (the thread). What I mean with that is that small things can mean big things in a way of perception(I forgot where I was going with this).

Now this still feels janky and uncomfortable to accept. So instead I've separated spirits or energy we work with as internal and external. Meaning that some forces only exist within our own aura or astral web like a thoughtform you create, the archetypes within humans, etc. And spirits that are located outside of your own gravitational field like grimoire spirits from the nether reaches of the plutonian tentacle fields. But then with some mental gymnastics you can figure out how these interact and merge into both catagories. It's all yin in yang and yang in yin or polar duality.

So to be honest. Step 1 is Do the work. Step 2. Get results which effect your internal - visible reality and then get results which blow your mind and break the external reality. Step 3. Accept that reality is wierd or janky to our current perception and understanding, then cry or have an existential crisis and then finally you figure out a way to interpret it all intellectually.

As for the "bad presence" that you see it is what we call generally a negative lesser entity. We try not use the word Demon since it means a messenger from the spirit world to the human(Ancient Greek bros can clear up the translation). So we try to use the word negative or positive to categorize an energy or spirit. Now here's where it gets more tricky. Just because an energy is negative does not mean it is evil or an arse and will ruin your room and make it smell like sulfur(Philokalia joke for my Christian mystics). But you will find a lot of lesser negative entities might play tricks or be general annoyances. These are the demons of lust, greed, wrath or other sins you find in Christian texts. That energy stream which implants the thought "eat the cookie" or "fuck him up!" is what you could call a demon - lesser negative entity.

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