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You can not grow until you are open

It is not a separate path, no where that you go is a place in which you do not already exist.


You'll know it by the knock.


thank you for the inspirational quote, for a moment I missed not being in Facebook reading stupid people trying to pass as deep



This is actually a little deeper then those Facebook posts.



Then why don't you ellaborate a little bit more? Assuming you're OP. Grow? What kind of growth? Until I'm open? Open to what?

If your intention was to send a message to one person then fine , otherwise you just made a fool of yourself (always my opinion). If you have something to share, please do, if you want to write beautiful words then become a poet



What's the meaning of the slashes and the dots in that picture?






Oh, shave and a haircut. Guess I'm an idiot.



How to open?


so code

such edgy

much deep




smiley is dat u?



Hmm, this line of questioning bothers me.

Why aren't you even attempting to interpret it for yourself? How come you require other people to make sense? Isn't it possible there are multiple meanings to open, and the meaning you enjoy/like/seems the most logical to you IS the meaning? Maybe some people say strange things to make you think? Just because it's not presented like a poem doesn't mean it's not poetry.



It's some random faggot breaking rules.



thanks for clearing that up



what would be the difference between doing that and just generating a bunch of random words and trying to make sense of them?

Do you also "interpret" every time you see a captcha? Because oh well, it could have a deeper meaning? Maybe the universe is trying to communicate with you but you just don't realize captchas are the words of god

This is not facebook, so people please try to be more eloquent than regular folks in that stupid social network. You're not limited to 140 characters either so why the fuck not take ten more minutes of your time and write something truly educational? Forget inspirational, that will come naturally if your audience is ready

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